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chrisk last won the day on July 4 2016

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About chrisk

  • Birthday 12/31/1965

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    Austin TX
  • Interests
    Flying, Mountain Biking, Scuba diving.
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  • Model
    M20K (1981 231)

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  1. I have 6 GMW-5 fuses for sale. $100 for all 6. --Yes, these are the little fuses for your panel lights.
  2. Selling my O2 transfill setup. It is identical to https://www.mypilotstore.com/MyPilotStore/sep/9338?gclid=Cj0KCQjwkqSlBhDaARIsAFJANkgITm923G0HUVM0M1bp1mUcWCOB-Ht31Y4wwCl7p7xAunBS1G4M4A4aAvWCEALw_wcB except it only comes with the Scott adapter (which is what my M20K used). Asking $275
  3. I suspect a consistent collection methodology is important to observe trends with oil analysis.
  4. When I look at a V-Tail Bonanza, I think what a great airplane for operating on an unimproved field. The tall gear and the tail up high. --And now I can't stop thinking about a Beech Skipper and what a Bonanza would look like with that tail
  5. Good call to return to the field. If you have an engine monitor, download it and view the egt and cht. It may give a clue. Fuel flow observations would be good to know. As for the line guys observation. I would discount it some. --Yes, a 231 does not sound like a Cessna when it idles. I've overheard some folks commenting on a 231 saying it sounded horrible. There is a reason. The 231 only has a turbo for a muffler....... It sounds weird on the ground. What would I do? After changing my shorts, I would start with a full power static ground run. I'd note fuel flow, RPM, and MP. Then probably move on to pulling the plugs for an examination, doing a compression check, and a visual on the turbo compressor side. (Mostly because all of that is easy). If I didn't find anything, a functional check of the Merlin would come next. Then a fuel flow check. And when is the last time those mags were serviced?
  6. Maybe it is blown, but maybe not. I'd definitely check continuity with an ohm meter before replacing it. A fuse like that can be tested in circuit in about 2 seconds. And I also expect you could pick up a used supply for very little money. Lots of folks are going with LEDs and the old supplies have to go somewhere.
  7. It does, but it is rather slow. Austin Tx to Longview by Mooney, about 1:15 By car, about 4:30. By AmTrak about 8 hours. Amtrak does have the low cost option at $45, or about $5.65 an hour
  8. Some years back I flew into Santa Fe with my Mooney. Tower instructions were to "Follow the Mig". Certainly not something I hear every day!
  9. I find a 20 liter metal NATO "Jerry Can" works wonderfully well. Very interesting history too. That said, they are expensive.
  10. I have the inertial reels. I love them.
  11. I totally get it. Its why the experimental world is thriving. That said, I love my Mooney.
  12. I put Air Hawks on several years ago. Still going strong. They are approximately the same price as a re-tread. If I had to do it again, I would do the same thing. --And the Air Hawks are available from Desser too
  13. Same here, except I don't have GAMIs (which I have plans for)
  14. Hi Paul, Just curious if you are doing the engine mount? I ended up sending mine to AWI, and I would use them again. Anyway, my engine overhaul adventure is nearing the end. I'm very much hoping I get my plane back by the end of the month. The hard part is staying IFR current while the plane is down.
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