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  1. If you have the core, Aeromotors out of WI can do an overhaul for a good price.
  2. I think this is the referenced drawing.
  3. Both Boeing and Textron list these as active parts - perhaps a call into the local MRO could source the part or at least a supplier.
  4. I’ve got this in my future too. Interested to see the replies.
  5. Lasar also offers some nice stainless ones with the right screw and lock washer. Less than $200 for all hub caps and tie down rings. Altogether they add at least 5 kts.
  6. David got me squared away in no time with a new tool and imparted a mini masterclass in Mooney maintenance all in a couple hours. Hopefully he has one in stock for you. @Sabremech I owe you a skyline tour or some other thank you for your time. Will pop on over to your airport once I’m airborne again.
  7. New year - do you still have some in stock and what is the asking price? Coincidentally, my annual will be at KBUU - is pickup an option?
  8. What F years have rear seat recline? Mine doesn’t that I know about and that would be a cool feature.
  9. Send a message my way if you want a local (KENW) F model to try on for size.
  10. Well, it’s been a while since we checked in. Any news to report?
  11. Well, that is one more thing you can try to isolate the issue. See if the shop will swap in a Garmin 430. If you have the same problem, then you know it isn't the navigator config.
  12. Evaporation When I picked it up it matched your setting. During troubleshooting, this was one of the first changes the head technician had me apply. Not sure if it will fix your problem but here’s hoping.
  13. I will be back out at the plane Friday, weather permitting, if you have more questions. G5 RS232 - input MapMX, output none, baud 38400 ARINC429 - input 1: Garmin gps (SDI 1), input 2: Garmin VOR/ILS (SDI 1) Avidyne Main ARINC 429 - in 3: low, off; out 3: low, off, SDI: LNAV 1 Main system config - Appr Roll Steer: enabled Main RS232 - CHNL 1: off, MapMX CHNL 2: Off, Aviation CHNL 3: transponder stuff rest not set Main ARINC 429 - in 1: low, EFIS/Airdata in 2: Low, Off Out 1: low, GAMA 429 Graphics out 2: low, off SDI: LNAV 1 VNAV: Enable Labels proceed with caution, this is an F model, ymmv, etc.
  14. I have the 540 and experienced a myriad of issues but not this one. Which is why I don’t think a software update will fix it…it should be a common problem if it was a software issue. I’d check your baud rates, and 429 label type (MapMX has a few options) output from the IFD. If you haven’t, upgrade the G5 and enable logging and check that for clues - it’s a simple CSV. Ditto the avidyne. Good luck and as someone on the avidyne forums told me, don’t accept less than full and correct functioning. It took me 12 weeks from getting the plane back to resolving all install/config issues.
  15. Some may find my numbers eerily similar….
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