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About KurtWhite

  • Birthday 03/05/1963

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  1. Now that you have had them for a while, how do you like them? No issues? I was thinking about ordering them for my 252 as I like the looks of them and I often fly in airspace with lots of student traffic and I need all the lights I can get.
  2. Question about your SureFly installation...did you keep the standard plug gap or did you go more? I also have one on a 252 and wondering which way is most common.
  3. I use LogTen Pro. It's easy and keeps track of everything.
  4. For what it's worth, all the tests for ATP that I have seen are done on a computer. The software generally has a flight computer built into the program. It might be worth asking the testing center if there will be a flight computer / E6B available.
  5. I agree. I've purchased three planes through Jimmy. Each time it all worked as it should each time.
  6. A guy by the name of Tom Shook runs the hangar set that they call "Executive Hangars". It's kind of the first ones that you see when you come in the gate. You may have already gotten on his list, but if not, he's work a shot.
  7. My 252 will run about 170kts burning 9.8 GPH in the upper teens. So, you wouldn't have the fuel burn of a Bravo. But, you will have to fly fairly high to get the real advantage. On the other hand, if you like to stay lower an Ovation has a longer body (read as more comfortable) than your 231 or my 252 and it will certainly give you the 165kts plus.
  8. What does the 231 not do that you would like it to do? Are you mainly looking for something faster? If so, a Bravo would certainly be faster. An Acclaim would be fun, but I don't know that you can get one for under $300k.
  9. I was at Cutter before 5-Star took over those hangars at COS. I'm now out at Meadow Lake. I think you may find a hangar out there. Its farther out of town and has lots of student traffic...but it's a good runway.
  10. I'm using ForeFlight with the M20T 252 profile. I find it to be really close on the time, and often a bit over on fuel. I think the profile can be fine tuned, but I've never tried. If I am going to be close on fuel or time I also run my trip through FltPlan.com just to check for any differences. FltPlan.com profiles can be customized if you wish.
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