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About MooneyMuscle

  • Birthday 07/14/1982

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  1. Thank you for all the info, ill pass it on.
  2. Off topic, I noticed cirrus is getting 315HP at 2500RPM out of the SR-22 now.......
  3. Hello Mooney Experts My buddy has a M20K with the KFC-200 autopilot that feels like you are riding on waves when the Alt hold is on. He thought it was so slow to response so at annual he had roll and pitch sent off for overhaul at mid continent. Now this issue...Any Advice? Shop wants to sell him the GFC500 and G5s.... I doesn't want to get deeper into the plane. Thanks
  4. I know a bit about this aircraft and it did have the teardown to comply with the mentioned service bulletin. Insurance was on the hook, and they paid. Not sure why the ad didn't mention that. It also had the 345R ADS-B. Not sure why the ad didn't mention that. I have taken my Acclaim to the same shop this guy did on occasion. According to wikipedia the Eclipse 500, only has a max speed of 370 Knots and a range of 1125 miles. Other than pressurized, it's not all that much better performance. I have no idea about the cost of ownership of an Eclipse. I have considered what my upgrade would be and I would lean towards the Eclipse 500 or a Citation Mustang. But when I work the math it's not worth the extra $$$ to shave an hour each way off my typical trip. I normally fly alone with a small travel bag. The Acclaim is so good and so cheap compared to the next step. Look at a Meridian doesn't make sense either. In regards to the Bravo, no doubt a great aircraft. The Lycoming doesn't eat cylinders very true. My 550 has had 500 since the last top and compression is all above 72, I run low power 2200/27.5" LOP and still true at 200-205 kts in the upper teens at 12-14 gph and cylinders stay 280-310. If you can accept less than book speeds, you gain a lot of range. I can have my cowl off in 5 mins, nothing connects to it, my cylinders are cool in the climb in PHX 118 degree temperature. I flew a Turbo Saratoga with the 540, ran great, lots of power, and thirsty. The trade off fuel burn or cylinders, most of us will pay the fuel. With a little care the 550 has been great. By the way the 550 has a 2200 TBO. I asked my service center about the Monroy long range and they advised my not to do it. Apparently the fuel tanks can leak around the speed brake. makes sense given the force in that area with the brake extended, flexing. I do think the Monroy Mod is a great mod. Seattle to Phoenix is my purpose lately, If I don't get rerouted too much I can make it work with the 102 gallons I have now. This time of year Airmet Zulu is common on the west coast. I do not have TKS. It's true that the market spoke at $300k, but how many people have heard of Cunningham auctioneering? I hadn't. I didn't see it on trade a plane, barnstormers, of any other aviation website other that mooneyspace. This sale was marketed poorly. I think if it was in tradeaplane for 300k it would have had a bidding war.
  5. I used to be 3 hangars down from WW.
  6. Do you need any cowl mods? I dream of a turbo on my 66' E.
  7. How much for the tach?
  8. From my experience, a solid battery and a skytec starter...you wont have an issue.
  9. I think the camera adds 10 pounds. Good Picture brother.
  10. I did a complete interior kit from airtex this spring (side panels, carpet, leather and new foam). Company had some wait time, but great support, reasonably priced. I would go the same route again. I also did new plastic from plane plastics. The installation on the plastic was way more difficult.
  11. Sole Owner, You can borrow my wife, but not my plane.
  12. Quote: aerobat95 Awesome pics....what windshield do you have? Looks like a 201 style? I am planning to do this in the summer and have been looking at LASAR. Seems like SWTA is still out of stock. Anyway really awesome pics.....thanks for sharing. -Ray
  13. My advice would be to spend the $8200 like my brother did. He sold his old one cheap to a propeller shop for $1500 (worth like 2K). If you overhaul you get nothing. That Top Prop is amazing, better cruise and climb. Beside If subtract $2k from $8200 You only end up paying $6200...I was quoted $5k-$5.5 for an overhaul. Sometime whats seems cheaper really isn't.
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