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M20F-1968 last won the day on July 31 2018

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About M20F-1968

  • Birthday 09/09/1954

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  • Location
    Boston, MA
  • Interests
    skiing, classical music
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  • Model
    M20F 1968, reborn in 2015

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  1. As the owner of an M20F of approximately the same vintage, I salute you.  What a beautiful and comprehensive update on an already capable airframe.

    1. M20F-1968


      Thanks.  It was a good deal of work but now is a nice aircraft.  It sat in a hangar for 26 years in Dallas.  The engine had been overhauled in 1982 and sat until 2003 when I sent it to Penn Yan and changed everything that needed changing.  Everything else in the plane is either new or rebuilt.  It is a nice flying plane. I like the manual gear.  The avionics are great and it has speed brakes, long range tanks, built in O2 and a capable autopilot.   More comfortable than most airline trips for 7-8 hour legs.


    2. Glenn


      I have had my 1967 F since 1984 and still could not be happier flying it.  I updated mine a number of years ago, but you have done me one better.  Great job!




    3. M20F-1968


      Given that almost everything from the baggage compartment forward except for the steel cage, wing and engine is non-structural, these are very modifiable airplanes.  You did a nice job cleaning up your F.  Mine would have been similar but I got my hands on a crashed 1998 Ovation, bought parts from it  and found a DER.  That is when I started designing a new model.

      John Breda

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