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  1. Lance, I was able to check the buss voltage today. It was 29.1 on both busses! It would seem the voltage is what may have cooked the other Concordes. Before I cook these I need to bring the voltage down to 28 like you said. Thanks, Bill
  2. Thank you Lance. I’ll be sure to check that on my first flight.
  3. I wasn’t able to start the airplane so I don’t know. I will check that out once the new batteries are installed. What do you believe the cruise voltage should be? Thanks.
  4. I have a BatteryMINDER like you for Concorde. I also just bought a splitter to maintain both batteries at the same time.
  5. UPDATE: After letting the freshly charged batteries rest for 12 hours, as per Concorde manual, neither battery would load test within specs (indicated 62 and 68 respectively) and could not be saved. I ordered new Concordes. After new battery install we will be able to troubleshoot any potential problem with the charging/ draw. Odd that both batteries. being 29 months old, would fail since they are always on a maintainer. I’ll update after install and finding. Bill
  6. Thanks. I’ll check that too.
  7. Thank you Dave. I experienced the baggage light catastrophe a few years ago reaching into the baggage compartment during the day. Never saw that I had hit the switch with luggage. It actually drained both batteries on my serial number as you said. Neither Concordes could be saved. The previous owner had warned me about the lightbulb and had removed it so that wouldn’t happen .My excellent IA found the bulb missing and replaced it. I pulled the bulb so that will never happen again. That was an expensive lesson!
  8. Thanks again for your help Lance. I’ll load test it tomorrow and check fuses. Bill
  9. Thanks for the reply Lance. This SB was completed last year. Any other ideas about no power from a good battery? Battery Solenoid? Thanks, Bill
  10. Yesterday I could not start my Ovation 24v on Battery #1. When The battery was selected I lost all power. Switched to Number 2 and it worked fine. I didn’t have my volt meter with me so I removed the battery to have it charged and load tested. Battery was at 24.2 volts. I wasn’t able to have it load tested because shops were closed. I noticed when removing the battery a fuse in line with what appeared to be the positive cable. Not sure if this is part of the power cable, battery maintainer, or something elsa as I didn’t look at it closely assuming it was a low battery.. Does anyone know what size the fuse is? Any ideas where to look if fuse is OK? Airport is an hour away and would pick one up on the way back there tomorrow. Batteries are two year old Concorde RG24-15’s. Thanks, Bill
  11. Since some thought to turn this question into a geography lesson, I’ll answer it. Phil Jimenez Avon Park, Fl 863-873-9999 Highly experienced Mooney mechanic.
  12. She’s a beautiful girl Anthony.
  13. I think dogs are gods greatest creations. Nuff said? When I file IFR with pets I always add in the comment section what animals I have on board and write “save the animals first” Last flight while in cruise the controller asked “how are the animals doing?” I tell them “great, thanks for asking”. We both laughed.
  14. I regularly fly with my dog back and forth from Maine to Florida at 8-9000’ Can I fly higher? Sure. But why would I subject my beloved dog to altitudes that are sure to cause her stress, not to mention the physical problems associated with high altitude flying. To save some fuel? Get there a little quicker? To fly over weather? Those excuses are bull crap. No one is holding a gun to your head if it’s weather your trying to avoid. Wait for better weather before departure or land until the weather clears. If your doing it to save some fuel then maybe the cost of flying is more than you can afford. Adding a fuel stop is not the end of the world. You and your pet could probably use a bathroom stop anyway. To say pets don’t suffer from altitude sickness is baloney. Read articles published by WedMd and others. They clearly state what good rules to fly your pets by. I will never subject any animal to any altitude above 9000’. Even with pet O2 masks, I don’t believe is a safe thing to do. My dog won’t tolerate anything on her face for very long. To do otherwise shows me you have no love for your pet and shouldn’t have one. This means you GSXRPILOT. Sixteen thousand feet without pet O2 is the stupidest thing I’ve heard yet. I am always amazed at how some pilots flying unpressurized airplanes regularly fly into the flight levels. If you want to do it solo or with another human on oxygen, fine. Don’t subject your pet to it.
  15. I got prices for my damaged elevator and it would have cost more to repair than what I paid for a used half elevator. And the paint matched perfectly.
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