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Everything posted by AndyFromCB

  1. The problem is with the rules being hundreds of thousands of pages long, you do not know them and what pertains to you. Example: It is unlawful for any person-- (1) to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire, or purchase any fish or wildlife or plant taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of any law, treaty, or regulation of the United States or in violation of any Indian tribal law; (2) to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire, or purchase in interstate or foreign commerce-- (A) any fish or wildlife taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of any law or regulation of any State or in violation of any foreign law; Basically you have to be aware of the laws of 196 countries in order not to violate the Lacey Act.
  2. If you have about an hour to waste,here you go. Probably the best video on the subject of talking to police. Whatever you do, don't. Simply do not talk to them. At 7:15 he really gets to a point: it can be a federal offense to be in possession of a lobster...
  3. That always seems to be the key in turning a citizen of USA from the robotic follower of pre-programmed instructions into a human being: puke. I have travelled all over the world and quite frankly still feel the North Koreans are a bit friendlier than an average US CBP agent. Iranians are almost like brining grand kids to visit grandma in comparison. The only thing that keeps us from becoming a complete totalitarian state is the combo of ACLU and NRA.
  4. As long as you've got three hands, it's all good ;-)
  5. It's actually a complete product now, with right and left written all over it. The right starting the drug war with Nixon and Reagan at the helm and taking it to extreme levels in the name of "freedom" and the children and then the left making sure that the rules apply equally and not just to darker toned fellows.
  6. Yeah, Dealt with the same douchebags two years ago, on the delivery flight of my mooney. Identical MO. Unpleasant bunch of pricks. I bet you they would have no problems testifying that they were just doing their jobs. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/3649-home-land-security-experience/
  7. S-TEC 30 in the eagle is essentially identical in function to your S-TEC 50, same functionality, other than if I recall, a 50 will intercept a course and a 30 will not, as in you fly a heading and then manually press the VOR button. Doesn't really matter if you get the GPSS installed. I had that autopilot in my arrow and it was bullet proof. Now, I have the KFC-150 with altitude preselect and it never ceases to amaze me that if I want to, I can limit my hand flying to about 60 seconds per flight. It's all button pushing. Plus the flight director is an amazing feature.
  8. It will never end. Was grilling Saturday night after dark, 70 degrees out. Woke up Monday morning to cars/deck/driveway covered with an inch of ice. Now it looks like it will blow at 40mph all day long.
  9. Go fly it first. Make sure everything works on the autopilot. You can blow 20K just making that work properly. When was the last time the gyros and servos were overhauled? It's $2500 for the FD, $1500 for the HSI, $2500 for the HSI gyro, $2000 or so per servo and $1000 for the trim switch. The computer, if not working, costs more than a car to replace. Also, I'd really take a look at the propeller. It's almost twice the calendar overhaul and not having been flown much, might be pretty rusty inside. There is $3K. Make sure the oxygen tank is not timed out. $2K. Check the speed brakes. If they are vacuum (they might be in this vintage) and not working properly, technically speaking they are no longer supported but there are a few tricks to make them like brand new again.
  10. Call Gene at Silverhawk in Lincoln. Used to be Mooney Service Center. Do not do a PPI, do a full annual. It will cost about $2000 and save you a ton of grief. Do no be surprised if the squawk list is close to $20 to $30K on an aircraft this vintage by the time Gene is done going over it.
  11. I would strongly recommend aerospace logic gauges. I've put a couple in my Arrow years ago and now have the manifold/rpm combo in my Bravo.
  12. I've pissed off a lot of people on this board before, so why not again. I hope Jose is a 12 year old kid with Microsoft Flight Simulator and a wild imagination. Because quite frankly, as much as the Brits rely on the big sky theory for flight separation, I do not want to be sharing my airspace with him. Dude, whatever you're suffering from, thanks to modern medicine, I'm sure they have great pills for whatever ails your head. Seriously. Are you Tom Clancy testing your latest manuscript?
  13. Apparently what I've been flying a lot as a passenger last 18 months: a PC-12. My poor neglected Bravo.
  14. That's one way of looking at it. Another way of looking at it is Garmin has their shit together and Avidyne/Honeywell outsourced their design with predictable results once again. GTX-330ES has been out for quite a while ;-)
  15. Don't forget that it's not just about speed, either. I go high sometimes, even if actually slower for bumps, safety over terrain and to stay out of the soup.
  16. That's physics for you ;-) square root of power
  17. Tin foil hats, all shapes and sizes, $20 plus shipping and handling. If you order in the next 30 minutes, we'll double the thickness of tin for no additional cost to YOU. Ask us about our special on pure rain water and grain alcohol delivered weekly to you bunker.
  18. The problem was that the v band clamp was a two piece design where the two pieces were welded together. The weld failed and turbo would spew gases directly into the engine compartment. NTSB found two cause: weld failure and inadequate firewall design by Mooney. Nothing was done about the firewall but the clamp design was changed to where after welding, three or four rivets are driven thru the parts essentially preventing a total instant failure. However, if the welds to fail, and fail they will eventually things will start moving and slowly leaking exhaust into the engine compartment. This is why grabbing the exhaust pipe and giving it a tug should be on every turbo owners list. Also, like I mentioned, the part now has a 3 RR cycle limit. I track mine in a logbook and was lucky enough to purchase 2 of them on ebay from a closed maintenance shop for less than 180 bucks each.
  19. One critical part to pay attention to is the turbo to exhaust v band clamp. It will set you back a grand, yes a grand for a clamp. You only get 2 more removals and reinstalls after that before having to have to buy a new one. This part is critical as so far it killed 3 Bravo drivers.
  20. Same thing happened to me. Two tubes were replaced. It really makes sense to pay attention at oils changes to all the moving parts in the engine compartment.
  21. 50K to 60K is pretty much dead on if your case and crank are fine: $32K to overhaul the engine if your cylinders are fine, so $1K per cylinder for new pistons, valves, honing, etc, etc. Add $9K if overhauled with new cylinder assemblies. $4K to overhaul turbo, controllers and wastegate (actually less, since most of the time, everything but the waste gate butterfly valve will be just fine, to overhaul the controllers in the field is like $10 worth of o-rings) $2K to overhaul the exhaust if transition is fine $5K for new transition (yes, $5K for a hunk of metal that would cost $200 in a car, retail is actually $9K), certain shops will "overhaul" that part for about $1K (build a new one from scratch, keep one atom of the old one, call it overhaul) $2K to overhaul the engine mount $2K for new engine mount pucks $4K to R&R (10K is a bit high there, it's about a 4 day job for one guy or a 2 day job for 2)
  22. Better to send your blood pressure over the top than to have it forever be at zero on your next flight. I dealt with an overhaul myself about a year ago but I guess I don't understand the comments about cooking the engine up on the ground. Never seen over 420 during my break in flights and sure didn't see anything even close to that on the ground. Old wives tales. And if the engine was overhauled then why wasn't it test run on a stand and broken in. Mine spend 3 hours on a test stand.
  23. You do understand the idea behind a run up?Yes? If things don't work, you don't go. Especially on a freshly overhauled engine. No wonder our insurance rates are what they are.
  24. How about talking to a mechanic and not flying until then. Just an idea. Seriously. WTF.
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