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Everything posted by tomn

  1. I still have the STEC 50 in my E that Bob installed. It is still working great - I have no plans to change it and would rebuild anything that fails before replacing it with a new system. Alt hold is a must if flying long cross countries. I have had a recent issue with it losing its alt hold ability twice - it would go up/down 100 ft each way repeatedly hunting for level. The first time was shooting ILS practice approaches in some turbulence. The second was a short local flight the next time up. The second time I recyled the unit and it started working fine, the first time I shut it off and left it off. Powered up and ran the test mode while sitting still this morning and it flew for 4 hours perfectly today. Anyone seen issue before? (Didn't mean to redirect the thread - but while I'm here...) Tom
  2. One thing to consider if your starter is OK is your fuel servo. I had a terrible time with hot starts - cold starts were fine - until I had the servo overhauled. Was much better after that. I started getting fluctuations in EGT at altitude of 20-30 degrees up and down. That was the final clue that the servo was not right. I was going to say to check the resisitanc on your plugs until you said they were new -that can make a difference on starts as well. Tom
  3. This sounds fun - I'll see if I can make it down at least for one day. How can I find out more about the Cole meeting time etc.? Tom
  4. Chris, I own Bob's previous 66 E! I have the 201 windshield, gap seals, cowl closure, and three blade prop. The rest is stock. I cruise at about 153 kts up in the 8 to 10K ft range. Tom
  5. I'll keep it in mind as well. Would be fun to go. Tom
  6. I have done about twelve trips over the past several years - love doing them. I have never used a crate since I did not have one I could fit in the plane. I usually put a large blanket on the back seat and tie them to the seat belt to keep them from wandering around. I'll give them enough rope to sit up and look out the window but tight enough to keep them back behind me. Patrick Reagan wrote a wonderful book about PNP flying titled "Dog is my copilot". Its available from Amazon etc. and is a great coffee table book. Its a compilation of stories about dogs/flights that is enjoyable to read - especially for non pilots.
  7. Found it - SPOT. Anyone use this?
  8. I have seen somewhere an ad or article for a tracking device with service that you can subscribe to other than Spidertracks that I thought at the time was more reasonable for general aviation use. Anyone know what this is or what is available - I did not find anything on a quick google search. Tom
  9. Got it - thanks!
  10. I forgot to mention - 66 E model.
  11. This should be easy... Can someone tell me what this placard said when it was readable? I want to replace it - cosmetic work...
  12. +1 Sounds like the servo to me.
  13. I think it would be a great idea - I'd come if at all possible.
  14. I frequently check a number of things under the cowling these days and one item I check is the alternator main lead terminal. About a year ago I had the terminal come loose in flight on a 6 month old new alternator. It fried the terminal post and the alternator - which led to a new alternator - which led to an oil cooler line crack - which led to an inlfight emergency.... ( the oil line was old and had not been changed when it should have been but thats another story). Anyways, I checked it again yesterday and the terminal clip came off the post broken in two pieces. This would likely have done the same thing to the now one year old second new alternator. Its a good idea to routinely check the alternator connections and its quick and easy to do.
  15. Is it just me or are others getting some strange re-routes lately? I had one last week flying just west of DC airspace that ended up being six waypoints in probably 150 miles - turns to the right, turns to the left, into DC airspace , then back out of their airspace. After two requests with the next controller, I finally got a direct route approved. Made no sense...
  16. Bob, I have never had to do anything to the gear except replace the donuts. I'm not aware of anything in the past other than adjusting the spring tension a while back. She's now got almost 7900 hrs. The gear works perfectly every time - can't beat the confidence the johnson bar give you!
  17. +1 I was taught to get the nose up slightly enough to establish a positive rate of climb. Gear next, then flaps carefully after gear. Works well.
  18. That is a good thought, one I had not contemplated looking at these pictures. Looks like it might be forward enough to not be an issue. I have hit my head on the ceiling in severe turbulence hard enough to knock my headset loose - the right ear cup ended up on my nose with the whole thing covering my face..... its out there.
  19. I have the Laser setup - looks nice and works well.
  20. +1 - comes through my headset. I test the gear down alert frequently - just to be sure
  21. tomn


    Good question. I have no idea - have not been able to figure it out. My only guess would be maybe the prop. The antennnas would have been straight...
  22. Don, I saw yours in your gallery - looks good.
  23. Don, I have not. Which one is it - not very familiar with whats out there. I have been working on this recently mainly for fun.
  24. Don't forget that Flightaware will email the clearance to you even if you filed it through WXbrief only 10 minutes earlier. I check this first, enter the route, then call clearance delivery. Works great.
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