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About gregwatts

  • Birthday 11/30/1963

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  1. Go rent one.......and fly it......and then buy it!. If you are flying a Citation, this may be a little fast for you...........just sayin'
  2. The title to this thread.....My MSC Tried To Kill Me...........is asinine! If the OP truly felt that the MSC intended his death, he should have gone straight to the local FSDO, called the police, and notified the NTSB! To come on to this forum and make such proclamations is absurd and irresponsible! If the OP allegations are correct, then the MSC should be shut down......however......the OP first had a responsibility to return to the MSC and notify them of his findings......and then if no resolution, share his experience with the public. The MSC should be given the opportunity to correct the issues and defend or explain the workmanship issues. Same in Aaron's case! I too have had issues come up over the years, but always gave the IA/AP the opportunity to redeem himself! My opinion only!
  3. Accidents don't usually happen because of one thing. There is always a chain of events. Perhaps.....given the numerous items cited.....the inspector may have decided to err on the side of caution. Mooney gave an "expected" answer to the FAA's inquiry.....remember product liability! Reading the replies from the OP gives me the perception that he is a defiant hothead. I am not, in any way, taking sides.....but maybe......just maybe........an incident or accident.....has been prevented after all this.
  4. It is acceptable to sit when you pee.....as long as you are facing the rear! THAT.......is in the manual!
  5. OK then........tell me why real pilots fly ROP!
  6. Duct tape is certified to 440 kts at FL410................I have tested it myself!
  7. I have dealt with Jimmy.....I believe he is a straight shooter! That said.........There are no bargains coming from AAA! If you want that plane....you will have to pay their price! I believe the plane is overpriced......but again......it really depends on what you want in the plane. At $57K.....you are not that far for a nice, late F model or even an early J. My opinion only!
  8. In my opinion...........the Commercial was the easiest of all of my checkrides. Have your written done and you should not require more than 10 hours of direct prep for checkride. Make sure ALL of the requirements are met.......piece of cake!
  9. I'm feelin' the love............!
  10. Good luck! If your insurance is $2500 per year, you must be a low time pilot. You are obviously paying an insurance premium for you umbrella policy.....I hope you never hurt anybody else with that airplane......they might just end up owning your company!
  11. Chill out.....These folks would all like to help you! With your attitude, maybe you are better suited for a Bonanza!
  12. I would suggest that.....if you don't know what to look for in the logs......have an IA spend some time (at your expense, of course) and review them for you. There are many things to look for and sometimes it is more important to find out what is NOT in the logs. Does it have an annual inspection every year? Does the tach match the logs? When was the engine overhauled? By Who? Are there long periods of no flying? These are just the tip of the iceberg of items to look for. My opinion only!
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