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201er last won the day on April 19

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  1. Does this look like everything is under control? It's just airplane sightings?
  2. Skyvector.com
  3. If that wasn’t enough, they piled on a boat load more. Does this look like “having things under control” and “nothing to worry about?”
  4. A whole lot of drone TFRs just sprung up! Are Iranian, Chinese, and US govt drones exempt?? Previously spotting zones or bullseyes to important infrastructure?
  5. Have you seen that panel? He didn't have much to lose in the first place! Just a backup AI, single com radio, flaps, lights, and transponder... in day VMC! I guess having been brought up on gliders and no-electric J3 Cubs, I fail to appreciate the massive panic someone can have over the transponder not working or something
  6. It makes sense to leave it on till the end of fueling just in case. But is all the "action" really just happening in the first second? Is the fuel hose creating a ground for the fueling and the ground wire discharging the airframe for the fuel hose to approach?
  7. So are you guys saying that the ground wire could just as well be removed after initial contact? Just to get the initial charge off and the the nozzle leaning on the filler is grounding for fuel flowing static?
  8. It's an experiment if it will fly or not
  9. Must be relying on those emags or something or why on earth wouldn't he just go-around?
  10. This has been the headline picture for a bunch of these reports lately. Clearly a helicopter in the first two and the third you can clearly see the American Airlines logo on the tail!!! Do you trust anyone to be shooting anything down if these are the targets!? I brightened the picture and it’s even more clear how it has skids, tail boom, and rotors. And you can see the lights in passenger windows in the airliner. I am disgusted how the news is painting a target on innocent aviation.
  11. I wouldn’t be caught flying one of these ever, but especially not over NJ right now! Even the professionals wouldn’t hesitate to take it down
  12. +1 for Parker. He doesn't only have the best rates but also outstanding support.
  13. I'm actually avoiding flying my airplane over NJ at night for the foreseeable future after all this talk about shooting things down and countless pictures/videos of manned civilian aircraft being claimed to be "drones". There may by sightings that pose genuine concern, but there is far more hysteria mixed in with that as well. This is so clearly a regular helicopter that it is shameful to be used for a front page headline about drones. Or in this video 2:28-2:38 it is so blatantly obvious it's an airliner. You can see the nav lights, strobes, and even tail logo light. I tried posting a screenshot but then it looks "like a ufo or drone" but in motion it looks just like an airliner.
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