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201er last won the day on March 4

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  1. I’m disappointed, I expected at least to one decimal point from you. Show your work next time.
  2. As we all know, demonstrated cross wind component doesn't really mean anything. It is what the manufacturer happened to demonstrate but does not mean or imply a maximum. The real max-crosswind capability is where there is no more available rudder to make a side slip without drifting (or where the upwind wing runs out of ground clearance). What is that max? It is likely different between long, mid, and short bodies. And among short bodies there is probably a difference from when they expanded the rudder. Share your knowledge or experience of what that maximum is and specify the specific model it applies to.
  3. What would a landing like that do to a Mooney? Probably a prop strike and collapsed gear? Doubt it would rip the wing off or flip over though.
  4. You gotta do something first and you might not get to everything. In what order do you go
  5. Some are saying that's an improvement compared to last time. Maybe next time they can initiate a go-around before anything touches the ground.
  6. You're flying an instrument approach at destination in IMC. Let's say weather is something like 600 Broken and you are descending through 1000ft when suddenly and without warning the altitude is going down fast, air speed rising, and the plane is rolling. Weather is otherwise smooth or you know it is going aerobatic beyond what weather normally does. Controls are heavy and only somewhat responsive. You need both hands to keep it steady so reaching for things is difficult and distracting. Other than trying to recover, what do you do? Electric driven AI supports indication on vac AI.
  7. Here’s a discussion we had with a bunch of links and videos to door coming open in flight scenarios. I see so much carelessness about it and such severe outcomes.
  8. Yet another tragic example of how a door popping open can lead to a crashed airplane and why nobody but the PIC should be closing it:
  9. Would have probably been simpler to hack off an antenna or get a 1mph speed mod to justify it being a 202
  10. Interesting that there doesn't appear to be any damage to the airframe. Where did the blade go? Lucky that it didn't go through the windshield!
  11. I thought 2 blade is supposed to be faster
  12. That’s what the phone is for. Nah, WiFi only tablet is plenty. If the Stratus fails, there’s still the panel GPS. If both fail, it’s probably a GPS problem and won’t even come to the phone. Seems like the most common point of failure is overheated iPad. Otherwise this stuff just works.
  13. This shouldn’t be difficult. Always underestimate rather than over. But always strive to improve, practice, and expand those abilities. Keep a wide enough margin that the worst failure you could be reprimanding yourself for is “getting close to getting close to your limit”.
  14. That would be the Grim Reaper @Alan Fox I’ve personally witnessed him cutting up Mooneys so we know the avionics are real.
  15. Let me counter that with a question for those who have hard personal minimums. Do you cancel an approach you're already on if the reported minimums suddenly go below your personal minimums (but above FAA minimums)? Do you immediately turn around or land if an area you are overflying is below your personal mins? Are personal minimums strictly a ground-based flight planning concept or something people adhere strictly to in flight?
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