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M20F last won the day on June 19

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    1967 M20F-TN

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  1. Nicotine gum can help to quit smoking, just shape it around the rivets.
  2. They did, hence my call out to them. Thanks for recognizing the post.
  3. Not your question but you can do check ride with no right brakes if DPE allows, check accordingly. The only challenge in flying from right seat imho are the maneuvers which don’t need brakes. Landing from the right seat is a non event (about has hard as sitting left seat in right hand traffic). If I was going to instruct initial in a Mooney would add the brakes, otherwise would skip it.
  4. Thank you for the most useful post here.
  5. There is T, S, I, and a host of other letters. When you want to get serious about power on piston planes, that is when the letter G enters the conversation and your (W)allet leaves.
  6. One of my life’s desires is to see some actual numbers on a 400HP Comanche with a RayJay.
  7. Hangars don’t fix salt and humidity. I do however recommend against the canvas cover. They aren’t great in the best of conditions, add a little sand and they really excel at taking paint off.
  8. Stop applying logic to governmental agencies.
  9. I wouldn’t be worried about a ramp check, I would be worried about wrecking my engine by having insufficient oil in it.
  10. Hoses, oil coolers, etc. have oil in them as well, when you drain the oil they are empty and need to refill. If you put in 6, run it, and it reads 5. Put 7 in, should read 6 once you run it.
  11. So you had one indication on one flight where it burned 1 quart more than normal, all other flights (it appears to be 4 plus a 7hr high altitude flight) burned per normal?
  12. This is the hose that comes out of the oil filter (top left of engine) and goes to the turbo. It runs in the chasm behind the mags where the prop governor and some stuff sits. This is the continuation of the same hose where you can see it duck down. The scavenger pump is in top left (you can see the hose on top that goes to the oil pan) and the vacuum pump is in the middle of the screen affixed to the scavenger pump. The hose then goes under the engine and connects to the turbo. This is the hose that brings oil into the turbo. It comes out of the chasm and is under the case and muffler going to the very bottom of the cowl and then into the turbo. Scavenger pump has three fittings. The top hose goes back to the oil pan (the end of the loop). There is a vent hose on the side. The bottom hose receives the return oil from the turbo which goes out the top and into the oil pan. The top hose on scavenger goes to back right of oil pan (returning oil) I thought I took a picture of from the turbo to the scavenger pump but I guess I didn't, that is probably the easiest of the hoses to track though. Let me know if you need it or have any questions.
  13. I would reflect upon 61.53 and determine if based upon cross wind component and other factors if perhaps I was being too cautious. A broken ankle is for concern and reflection but is not necessarily disqualifying.
  14. Let’s separate problems. This has nothing to do with overhauling a cylinder or oily plugs which is where we started. I go in and out of KTOR for antelope hunting and if I am light I don’t even bother with the turbo. I don’t see mixture as a problem either. I honestly don’t know what the perceived issue is here.
  15. Everything I have seen you describe is a normal running engine. If the compression is good and the oil consumption both reasonable and stable, not sure exactly what the problem is.
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