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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. That's the kind of "U" shaped lock I was talking about.
  2. Quote: Tom_Veatch Not necessarily. If I understand it correctly, the exhaust gas in an LOP operating mode would be an oxidizing environment with excess oxygen in the flow. In an ROP mode, the exhaust would be a reducing environment with insufficient oxygen for complete combustion. That could have a different effect on downstream components. Don't know enough about the chemistry to say it would, but the possibility exists.
  3. Clean and wax it. Remove step. Only carry enough fuel for the race, plus reserves. Strap a ballast weight in the rear most area of the baggage compartment. The goal is to be as light as possible with as far aft CG as possible. I'd run the engine WOT 50-60 LOP adjusting to maintain 380df or less. Do a test flight to see how the bird responds to RPM changes as you may not see a huge benefit from running at redline. Alternately, you could run 250ROP and make adjustments from there. 80ROP is a poor idea... The power curve is so flat ROP that "the abuse to speed benefit ratio is minimal and at low altitude your CHTs will shoot through the roof at 80ROP at high power. Fly low, fly fast, and very importantly, fly as straight/direct as possible to each check point! Good luck!!
  4. Boyd is a good guy. I called him about an instrument install he did 7 years before when my brother had the plane in TX. Not only did he recall the airplane and install, but he took 45 mins and 2 phone calls to help me trouble shoot. I offered to send him a check but he refused. He ended the call with "take care now, call anytime"... Really nice guy!
  5. Quote: jetdriven 50 LOP at 75% power is about the same is peak at 65% power, around 1580 EGT. still, with 5 or 10$ avgas, a new muffler every 150 hours is cheaper than fuel. I will order them happily. Sounds more like the OWT "run your engine too lean and burn it up". 50 ROP in our plane is 10 GPH at 25-2500. Peak is 9 GPH. 50 LOP is 8.2 GPH. @ Shadrach: we may run WOTLOP belop 5000' but for now, just figuring out what the plane likes and doesnt like. What do yuo think about 45 minutes at 1000' firewalled and full power? We have the lone star 150 air rally next weekend. Im thinking all 3 knobs full forward.
  6. Quote: Skywarrior Quote: Magnum Don't fly at peak, even with 65% or below. I burned my exhaust system within 150hrs flying at peak (the flame tubes in the muffler were gone). Quote: jetdriven Also, logic says 50 LOP is the exact same as 50 ROP so I do not know why the flame tubes are burned away in your muffler, EGT is EGT. ROP or LOP. He wrote PEAK, not 50 LOP. Chuck M. Good catch, but I still think it unlikely that his engine settings destroyed his old muffler.
  7. Quote: jetdriven yeah i hear you. Set POP with fuel flow. Just like in turbines, really. We were at 4500 feet and that was a little to low to run WOTLOP. Almost, though.
  8. Quote: jetdriven Ours, #1 is the hottest cylinder at all times
  9. Quote: allsmiles I'm not sure I'd want to fly around with something wedged in my engine compartment that may very well come loose. Is this thing wedged literally or am I missing something?
  10. Quote: Clarence Hi Ross, How did your A&P get an IA and never install an engine?? I would find one with more experience for the next annual. In Canada it takes 4 years, to qualify for an Aircraft Meintenance Engineers licence, 18 months in schools and 30 months in the shop, unlike the 12 months total in the US. Clarence
  11. Are you using AeroShell multigrade? I have read that it reacts with the copper flashing on the engine parts particularly the cam. If this is the case it's no big deal, but it does kind of obscure your true copper rating. If it were a bearing issue, you would have seen an up tic in tin and other metals as well as it would mean that the babbitt metal in the bearings was compromised...
  12. I know someone who recently hung a Lyc IO360A1A on his vintage Mooney. After reading a bit here and there on the internets, he learned that he might improve airflow over his #3 cylinder by wedging a small piece of baffle seal material between the baffle wall and the innermost cylinder wall. Test flights have shown impressive results. #3 is still the hottest in climb, but only by a small margin, and #2 is now the hottest in cruise. He is very pleased with the outcome and thought it may be of value to others...
  13. That sucks. Where is it mounted on J models? I'd see about moving it if possible. The SWTA mod allows outside access (albeit far more limited than the original windshield). I'm surprised the Lasar mod is not set up the same way.
  14. http://www.donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/Alining%20Engine%20Using%20Shims/ALIGNING_YOUR_ENGINE.HTM
  15. Quote: KSMooniac Cotter pins go horizontally through small holes in the rails at both ends of the inner rails. I believe there is only one such hole on each end. No additional bolts or hardware are needed.
  16. Quote: peter My shop is selling off various instruments removed from my Mooney last year for my Aspen upgrade. All were in perfect working order on removal. http://motors.shop.ebay.com/santafeaero/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=
  17. Quote: jetdriven the 65 gallon fuel bladders. Almost same fuel capacity. Never leaks again. Lost 30 lbs useful load. Mine are 28 years old and havent leaked yet.
  18. Quote: Greg_D I am considering taking a job offer in the DC area. I was wondering if anyone here could give me an idea of what to expect regarding hangar availability/prices at airports in the area. Are there any MSCs or Mooney savvy mechanics in those parts? Also, do MD or VA charge individual aircraft owners with a personal property tax on aircraft?
  19. Quote: Bnicolette I put a wanted ad on Craig's List and ended up purchasing a small lawn tractor and then got a tow bar from Spruce. I paid $200 for the tractor and $120 for the tow bar. It has been working exceptionally well and the kids have a blast with the tractor when playing at the hangar. I was looking for a tow vehicle of some sort before I got the tractor, but couldn't find anything reasonably cheap.
  20. Quote: Jeff_S On a more serious note, I got the Mooney extension bars and nose-wheel adapter for the PowerTow and was all ready to quit pushing forever. Unfortunately, the PowerTow doesn't seem to have enough power to push the plane up the even modest incline to get into my hangar. I know the clutch belt is loose, but it turns the motor just fine on a flat surface. But give it any extra work to do and it just sits there, laughing at me. I was going to call PowerTow to ask them about this, but does anyone have any experience with this?
  21. Quote: Frosty True, you need individual cylindar EGT to determine when all cylindars are LOP. However there is nothing magic about 50 degrees LOP, or ROP for that matter. It is an arbitary number of degrees to get off of the peak (BAD) EGT. I have seen data that indicates 50 ROP can worse than peak. As indicated in previous messages, I run Wide Open Throttle, WOT, set my RPM, and then adjust speed with mixture. I don't even look for peak, just one big pull to get on the lean side and then manage CHT. As long as all 6 CHTs are below 380 I'm fine. When one gets close I respond. Either trail cowl flaps or start leaning. When running LOP, leaning is slower and cooler. Going richer is faster and hotter.
  22. Quote: skyking I had the same problem and the Mooney dealer in Calgary ( Calavlier Aviation)charged me $200 bucks to degausse the frame. Solved all my woes! There is a complete procedure issued by Mooney on this. I may have a copy around. if i do i will scan it for you.
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