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Danb last won the day on May 17

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  1. SQR being a busy jet and commercial flight airport I’d worry about jet blast in addition to high winds. Just after I bought my Bravo in 2006, I was at the Beaufort SC a Kingair blasted his engine and ripped my door open bending the door etc, never right since.
  2. The first cardinal is gorgeous
  3. 76. Also no..
  4. It’s difficult to justifying our flying we’re only on this planet for a short time do, get what you actually want. I’ve got a good friend who was a pilot for 35 years starting worrying about penny’s wife passed he’s worth over 1m and watching sitcoms. Enjoy..
  5. Depends if your flying in other planes, I have Bose connections but bring a set of light speed with regular plugs when flying in others plane
  6. I believe it’s the designations of continental L left hand T turbo S supercharged I fuel injection O horizontal opposed 0360 engine cubic in description K Constant speed prop B brake horsepower kinda sure but not enough to bet on D
  7. Our amazing Mooneys
  8. Bought the Lightspeed delta last year with a few others here on the bulk sale program they had, also bought the A 30s sold my A20s. I have the Lightspeed Zulu also. I made a mistake selling my two A20s which I liked better than my A30s, dislike my Delta Zulus and my Lightspeed Zulus are ok. Moral I like the original Bose A20 by far the Lightspeed Zulus are ok and dislike the Deltas. Tried the in ear many love here my wife loves her Clarity headset. Should try the companies that will give 30 day trials. Good luck
  9. Or you can save money like the previous owner of my Acclaim did and wait 18 months to change the oil, the plus I managed to get a new top based on negligence. Must have save 500-750 in oil changes along with all new cylinders. BTW it was quite yucky. Oil is cheap why do some skip filter changes or change the filter every three oil changes. I must be doing something wrong D
  10. I had the Tanis on my J years ago before my heated hanger, it was the complete kit not just a heater patch on the bottom. It did a remarkable job keeping my engine nice and warm. In about 18 years of usage I had no issues or engine problems. A great lycoming in that plane
  11. I assume my gear lever switch is the culprit, about 4-5 times in last couple months I moved the switch to drop the gear and nothing happened, after 3-4 times pulling and moving down it finally engaged. Once almost aborted approach as it didn’t engage then luckily it caught. What is the issue, gear switch or something else. D
  12. Our planes are marvelous when looking at the fleet as a whole, we have planes capable of 140-230 knots and 8-18 GPH alone with useful loads up to approximately 1150 lbs range up to 1400 miles. Entering prices between 90-650,000 dollars. Comparison to other fleets we’re hard to beat for 2-4 person planes. I’ve had J models a Bravo and Acclaim. If you don’t have a need for carrying much load want a sporty affordable plane stay here. D
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