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Danb last won the day on May 17 2024

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  1. Skip and Mark pretty much nailed it for basically what I do, I also fly utilizing the crab and kick method in gusty conditions I try to do an extended final to ascertain that I have enough crab built in and then slip the remaining. On the long final you’ll know the amount of crab when slipping to landing you should have a good idea of the amount or wing correction needed to maintain centerline, stay on top of it once transited to the runway don’t be afraid to use quite a bit of rudder if necessary to stay centered, if your losing it go around. Thinking of speeds with the equipment we have AOAmeters, etc I don’t really pay a lot of attention to speeds any more. Good idea to go out on a blustery day and play D
  2. Mine are similar maybe a little north of 200, tough to beat the efficiency
  3. Donny boy seems like u keep things a long time, and I’ll begin like new condition D
  4. Coming up on 77 living the dream. Life’s good.. D
  5. Parker since I already signed on the dotted line, I’ll hit you up next year, I do work for the Maxwell’s and your highly recommended and spoke of D
  6. Nothing like making a dog jealous..
  7. Huge increase basically do to age, at least I’m insured for another. Hull insured for $650,000 $1,000,000 not smooth, increased from $5000 to $7250, now need yearly EKG, IPC it’s with Brown Ins. Realize I’m being ripped off but at least insured another year. I’m instrument rated 4,000 hours 3,800 Mooney hours and will be 77 this year. I’ll likely try another broker next year if they keep me I’d guess insurance will approximate 10 g’s next year. Never had a claim..
  8. I like most mentioned fly with an IPad mini on the yoke, I have an IPad Pro I throw on the back seat just in case, although I’ve never used it in the plane. I’m equipped with a G-1000 so agreed it’s overkill but whatever. I feel lost without being able to play with the mini it’s useful for traffic, making changes from ATC approach plates etc., prior to entering it on my G-1000.
  9. Nope you can get the range available within your trailing numbers.
  10. Enter the ending, trailing letters and your accepted range. Eg say you want an N number ending in bravo bravo and two digit numbers. Enter BB in the top and in the next two id enter 01 next and 99 after , they will let you know if anything is available from N01BB to N 99BB. There are a lot of those left, I have a four digit 98RG it’s fun seeing what’s available D
  11. No never switched but the had a recent top oh, with mineral oil then switched to XC with camguard about 200 since top.
  12. FYI finally a reason for a smile, received my recent oil analysis which showed great improvement no clue why. D
  13. BTW merged into GMAX I believe D
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