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Everything posted by tyrefoote

  1. Looking to buy an 8 channel 28v International Avionics Inc. Annunciator pannel. the one that was in the 1988 J help much appreciated. Thanks Ty ty.footehillsaviation@gmail.com
  2. That was worth great, way worth watching. It brought tears of joy to my eyes. Thanks so much.
  3. I hve the EI R1 tach and have had intermitten problems on the right mag RPM only (during run-up) After a year of troubleshooting, I have isolated the problem to the new Slick Mag installed a year ago EI is a great company with great Products and fantastic tech support The EI tach gets its reading from voltage spikes taken on the P lead and pads them with resistors Champion Rep. told me they don't recomend this type hook up for safety reasons, due to an instrument failure causing a ground in the system and killing the engine. They recomended useing a magnetic pickup in the back of the mag @ vent plug Champion Insists that the Mags are fine because the engine is running great and they don't control the voltage being supplied to the P lead. Ei does not make a magnetic pickup that will work for this tach. and gave me some more resistors to wire in but they didn't fix the intermitten problem I love the EI tach, size and looks, and don,t want to change it out to another brand. My A&P wants to change out the condenser in the right Mag ( 4 HR LABOR) I don't really want to spend any more money on this intermitten problem. They are only 500 HR Mags and I now have 150 hours on them. I don't really like the fact that a resistor, they call it an isolator, Is suppposed to keep the engine running in the event of a failure. Good luck with your decision. Ty
  4. I've heard about alot more of this within the seaplane flying community.
  5. 1988 205 With Top Prop Richest cyl set at peak egt and Leanest is usually 30 f LOP egt 8.8 gph 8000 msl Isa+20 = 158 KTAS or 8.8 "" 5000 "" "" 156 "
  6. Problem solved and it didn't cost a dime,Thanks for all the help It was either a loose connection on the gear warning breaker or a defective breaker that fixed itself. No voltage was pasing through the breaker so I removed it and it read good with an Ohm meter so I Re-installed it and now all is fine. Connector was a quarter turn loose. Must have been loose from the avionics install 6 mo. ago. Ty
  7. As posted earlier, begining 1988 m20J
  8. Check to see if your model has the airspeed safety switch behind the airspeed indicator instead of a convenntional squat switch. If it does, It may need calibrated or you may not have had enough airspeed ram presure to open the switch contacts. Hope this helps. Ty
  9. M20 201kturbo: Where is the dimmer fuses located? I know there is a dimmer assoc with the nav lights. Nav lights on / annunciator lights dim. Thats Is still working for the low volts and Vac annunc lights. KMYF20J: I've checked the latch and it cylcles fine latched and wont cycle unlatched gwcolwell: I don't believe my Yr model has the switch on the main gear. Still no resolution. THanks Ty
  10. What was your resolultion? I'm having the same issue
  11. After a Christmas eve. suprise Go-around, I could use a little help from the forum trouble shooting this. Mooney 1988 M20J I Have no Gear indication Warning lights on the Annunciator Panel both gear down and gear unsafe as well as no light in the floor Indicator. The only way to verify is with a flashlight in the visual sight floor indicator. The gear cycles normaly. The bulbs are ok and annunciator test lights work. Could it be the Main gear switch? Or the up or down limit switches? Thanks to all who might could help. Merry Christmas and Happy Holliday Fly Safe Ty
  12. CDK Cedar Key Fl. SGJ St augustine Fl EUF Eufala Al. XFL Flagler Fl. X60 Williston Fl DED Deland Fl. Not on field but courtesy car KPIM Pine Mountain Ga (Whistling Pig BBQ) Recomended for great southern hospitality and BBQ
  13. I Just recieved My new Top Prop from hartzell today, Polished alum. Looks fantastic !! Hope it stays together.
  14. I Just ordered the top prop last week. I was assured by Hartzel that this problem had been corrected. Please keep us informed. How long ago was your prop ordered ?
  15. Did you get the spinner your looking for ? I Have one T.F.
  16. Just wondering, Is it possible to get a $1Mill Umbrella through your homeowners policy that would add a liability buffer in the event of a lawsuit due to an aviation accident ?
  17. Orlando Apopka X04 in central Fl. not advertised on 100LL.com or airnav yet.
  18. I've never had a problem with Signature Hilton Head being unfriendly toward single engine GA, However they are pricey
  19. I just sold mine on E-Bay last week. $450.
  20. Thanks for the replies all, I had no Idea the useful load was that high on the 310 upgrade that is good information as I have been considering an F33a but love my small Mooney. I have the need to carry 4 adults 300 nm. and I want to be able to carry my Lab. in her dog crate in the baggage area. The Seat will need to fold forward to load her in the crate and ther recline the seat for a passenger the crate is 20" W X 30" X 24" High, do you think this will work for this mission? Cris, What kind of time can I expect to climb to 8000' @ Max Gw ISA +20 ?? thanks, Ty
  21. What is the typical useful load of the Eagle or non TKS Ovation ? Is there a max TOW increase for the 310 HP upgrade Screaming Eagle What is the smallest measurement between the rear seat and the back of the baggage area (near the top of the back seat ) of the long body Mooneys ? I've been told it is 11" over the J THanks for any info
  22. alumnium soot or smokeing indicating a loose connection and wear.
  23. During my last annual the IA said I will need to replace the belllcrank for the right aeleron soon, he felt a little play and saw discoloration on the part. Has anyone had this on their Mooney ? How much do you think this should cost ? How much time is involved and are the parts available ?
  24. Try looking through the latest aviation catolog download from Whelen. Aircraft Spruce sells all their lights and some are approved as a direct replacment with STC. Good luck Ty
  25. Baker Aero Svc, in Pine Mountain Ga. One Man Shop, Very slow but very thorough and only $60. / hr. He stays very busy and does work on a few Mooneys. Ph 706-392-9011
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