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Everything posted by 201driver

  1. Yes. N10143 has been sold. Thank you.
  2. Since I'm not flying much these days, I would like to sell my Mooney. For details, see trade-a-plane link below: http://www.trade-a-plane.com/detail/2161084.html Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. The following link has better pictures! https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9_PF58GCALwWWdvUC05WU9pY00&usp=drive_web
  3. First timer here. My wife and I will be going and staying ay the Y-O. Looking forward to meeting you all
  4. I just had my 81 M20J right wing reskinned outward from the fuel tank after a recent mishap. All the replacement parts were available from Lasar including ribs, stringers, outer spar, skins, wingtip and lenses. So apparentlly parts are readily available for now.
  5. Quote: docket I dont wanna know -- it would not be pretty. I just fly.
  6. my understanding of detonation; is almost impossible if the chts are under 400 degrees.
  7. moodychief, may i ask where u r based.
  8. i would like to add one more, word of mouth.
  9. hello all, my wife and i are planning to fly to this years sun n fun from nw indiana and camp under the wing. any planned mooney events even if there's no caravan? Peter 81 m20j n10143
  10. Sounds like fun. Count me in. I can provide the shade tent. Looking forward to it!
  11. roger, got it fixed per your instructions. i love it. nice to have charts on ones phone. thanks.
  12. i tried to download chicago sectional "north" and kept getting an error message "process com.cso.and.of has stopped unexpectedly. please try again" any thoughts?
  13. i just got a new toy for christmas, an android phone. any recommendations for "must" have aviation apps would be appreciated.
  14. Northern Indiana, $4.65 feull serve.
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