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Everything posted by ELT

  1. Hi Guys, The service book is no help on this. Before I start taking stuff apart what is the simple method? Thanks in advance. Eddie
  2. If you want a spare this one was removed for upgrade in July 2012. Was working properly and used IFR. $200.00 plus shipping. Contact Eddie Todd at edwin.l.todd@gmail.com or 919.819.3451. Happy Flying
  3. Hi Scott, I put pix in my album as you requested. I now have "economy" IFR equipment: 430W, second comm, 496, iPad/bad elf and iPhone with Foreflight, PC, transcoder,audio panel and hand held SP 200 radio attached to external antennae. The iphone is mounted on the pilot's yoke. Note the $5.00 bicycle iPhone mount sans the phone. Sorry for the long time to post eddie
  4. 3 too many in 3,400 hours. (1)1981 Complete ignition loss at first power reduction in a Cardinal RG due to stupid mag design. Made turn back to runway due to large airport, climbing into headwind and STOL kit. 200 hours in type aircraft. (2) 1986 Number 3 jug departed right engine in Aztec in cruise. Cause: poor quality work by engine overhauler. Aztecs fly good on 1 engine. 2,300 in type aircraft. (3) 2006 fuel selector in M20C jammed in the ÖFF during pre landing check. Overestimated my glide ability and had to land gear up in a field. 8.5 hours in Mooney ( 6 of those hours were more than 20 years prior). Yes, I had a >1,000 hour Mooney CFII in the airplane. Cause: Aircraft just purchased with "fresh annual". Lessons: Early mags in IO360a1b6d engines are bad news and owner assist/oversee everything you can.
  5. Hi Scott, In July I had Sparkchasers install a new 430W in my 1966 E. The new 430W was $7,300. They removed an MX11 com and KNS 80. Moved the TXP to center stack. Moved the engine analyzer to pilots side. The ILS head from the KNS80 was compatable with the 430W. New circuit breakers were installed and a clean up of old wiring. The 430 requires a cooling fan and other stuff. Also hard mounted an iPad Ram mount to the right of the center stack. No auto pilot hook up. $4,600 for labor and hardware.
  6. Yes, Just had a MLG tube replaced due to a valve stem failure. IA suggested I replace the tube with a 246-500 Butyl tube. The stem was longer and the standard single screw wheel cover would not go on. IA suggested leaving off the covers or drill a hole in them. I was concerned about the long stem hitting the MLG wheel well upon retraction. We checked and clearance was not a problem. We used the tube with TR-87 due to stem alignment with hub. I was shocked at the price for the tube ($142.99).
  7. Hi, I need education on tire tubes. Last week I noted the left main tire on my E was low. When I tried to air it the stem partiallyseparated from the tube. A local mechanic put on a "straight valve stem tube". I did not know there were different tubes. Which is correct? thanks for any information Eddie
  8. Hi Kurt, I need a hub cap for my E. What do you want for the caps. I am clueless to price but what LAZER has. If you want give me a call at 919.819.3451 or email edwin.l.todd@gmail.com. Thanks Eddie
  9. Hi, I had a 3 different Inspectors tell me I had a case leak at the mating surfaces. They called it corrosion control and to keep flying the airplane. I planned to put a GE cement on the case to stop the leak. However, when we removed the starter, servo and other stuff we found a cracked case. Not to really fault the other inspectors because the only way to find the crack was to remove a bunch of stuff. Case cracks are much too common on the IO360A1A. Check it !! but if you have 1800 hours your engine is telling you something. My engine was 700smoh but in18 years. When opened up the engine all that was good was the crank. Good luck Eddie
  10. Hi Guys, I did the stuff on flight plan.com several weeks ago. However, I think this stuff is only required for ICAO flight plans (out of the USA). I will check with my CFII this afternoon to confirm as we are to log some actual IMC today.
  11. If you are at Greensboro NC, you might call Bill Betts or Mark at Sparkchasers (Johnston county). Their number is 919.934.1654. They are very good at giving advice. I have used them for >25 years. Good work, knowedgable but not cheap. just wrote tham a check today $665 for new AH installed.
  12. Yes, I would like some. Depending on $$$$.
  13. I have had this probem twice in 6 years. The first time the cussed gyro failed was soon after I purchsed the airplane. I was fixing the plane to my wants so installed a new gyro from Aricraft Spruce ($1,000) and a stand by vacuum system. I believe in 2 vacuum systems. My mechanic did not suggest putting in an electric AH with ball. Same cost for electic AH as the new T&B and standby and much simpler and reliable. The new T&B really never worked well and quit this year. I purchaed a T&B ($140) from ebay that works great. If you do not have a back up and fly IFR replace the T&B with an electric AH ($2,000). Good luck
  14. THE REST OF THE STORY: The cable arrived from Aircraft Spruce. The install is a beast. Over 3 hours I assisted the AP. The outter cable must be fine tuned to the correct length by twisting it. Tested OK. The next day we were having a "fly the new Cherry Point controller day" (they have 90 at the base). The tac did not work again. We did anothe quick fine tuning of the cable and good to go. If I have this problem again I would get an inner cable made at a speedo shop or get an electronic tac.
  15. Returning from a trip this weekend my tac quit. The inner cable broke. I tried to find the inner cabel at the local owner manufactured parts supplier. None to be found. Has anyone used the 36 inch cable supplied by Aircraft Spruce? Looks like the way to go. thanks for your input. Eddie
  16. Hi Becca, I am 30 hours into breaking in an overhauled engine. Only reused the crank, overhauled/replaced all accessories. Similar break in proceedure. At just under 5 hours the CHTs dropped. First oil change and check at 10 hours. No oil added first 10 hours and compression in hight 70s. We plan to change the oil and check over at 35 smoh. Temps are all god except oil temp is 1 to 2 ticks off the red line. Mechanic believes this due to high ambient temps and straight mineral oil. He wants to change to AD oil. Is this a good idea to change to AD at 35 smoh? The rings are seated but what about the lower case parts?
  17. Very nice. I just finished a less major up grade. I removed some experienced avionics then installed a 430w and mounted the RAM iPad mount to the right instrument stack. I did not like the iPad in my lap or on the yoke. I see you use a rubber band to disable the PC. Try cane tips. Picture attached hopefully
  18. I finally started the avionics upgrade. If any of you need the following and would like to help me rebuild my bank account (very slightly). I have the following: KNS 80 with spare display ($400) (been flying IFR with it), KR 86 with uncut antenna cable and antenna ($250) (purchased to put in but never installed) and a TMK MX 11 purchased new from Chief in December 2010 (2 year warrenty) (been IFRing with it too). If you have an old Narco 11 this is a slide in replacment ($700). Prices include shipping on all. If no one needs this stuff, I will post it later on the mass sites. If you want it call or e-mail me edwin.l.todd@gmail.com cell 919.818.3451 Thanks, Eddie
  19. After finding mucho corrosion in my engine, I made a modified version of the MOONEY LAND design. The dessicant has to be changed every week here on the high humidity NC coast even with me flying 2 times per week to break in the engine. The amournt of misture it removes suprised me and I am a chemist.
  20. I am planning on replacing an AH. The panel has not been changed. I understand the panel tilt is 13 or 15 dgrees. Does someone know? Thanks Eddie
  21. Unknow costs of case and crank by me. Aero engines does not have an "up charge" if your case is repairable. They just exchanged mine for a yellow tagged case. Aero's part of the bill was 17 AMU. This for an IO360A1A. Lycoming cranks almost always pass.
  22. Like Lood I had a cracked case on a 700 hour engine. I first hoped to replace the case and do a repair. When the engine was opened by Aero Engines of Winchester we found problems with almost everything but the crank. New case, cam, pistons and more. Due to costs I installed rebarrelled first run cylnders. Costs to OH engine, OH or replace all accessories and external components, transportation and remove/install, fresh annual: 24 AMUs My AI advised me to expect 30-35 AMUs. Now I have a great running engine and depleted bank ccount. I can only say great things about Tail Wind Aviation and Aero Engines.
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