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Everything posted by piperpainter

  1. I like how i have eyes peaking in for me! If you go by again take a picture for me and send it via phone if you would! Its amazing since I dropped it off at 12 yesterday and they already got to that point!
  2. Dropped her off after a very interesting trip down from WA to Cali...more the weather in CA....which is wierd cause usually its the weather in WA I have a problem with! Anyway T minus 1 week and I am suppose to have her back so I can fly her home to WA! Can't wait!!!!
  3. Well its western WA so I am not too worried about the sun! Plus I do have covers for most of the surfaces. And it looks like its T minus as soon as I get to Santa Maria, CA....Thanks to some very good advice. I'll let yall know how it goes! Oh and that does sound good but i'll just stick to black and then im going to put an american flag (sticker) on it!
  4. Just took her up for the first time since I finished the window and WOW! I love love love the new visibility and its significantly quieter. I noticed it immediately after takeoff & was impressed! Haven't found out about speed yet, it was a bumpy day so I didn't fly to long.
  5. Thanks Hansel! It should go straight to the shop when I get there, hopefully the evening of the 5th. And MJC i know you got yours painted there because Erin actually sent your airplane as an example when i was trying to decide how I wanted my N number. Small world isn't it!
  6. yep solid red, with hopes of a black tail. And it'll be Kracon Aircraft in Lincoln, CA. I grew up in that area and have seen the work they do & like it. Plus its perfect cause I can take some leave and visit family for a week while its being done. Its also alot cheaper than WA. I'll save the price info till its at least almost done! Nope, im not a "Painter" by trade, its just my name! (username stems from when i was a kid & liked airplanes)
  7. So I thought id go ahead and start some posts of before and then just as others have i'll do some as she gets stripped and painted....she goes in the shop 8 Feb and should be done by 13 March! The plan is to have her painted all red, with black N numbers. Depending on the extra cost I am going to try and have them paint just the vertical tail black. We'll see how that goes! Otherwise below is the color on a new Mooney. Its flight red, you won't be able to miss me! Three pictures.... 1) The example of what she should look like when done....(minus its not an Acclaim!!) 2) The girl before my most recent mods.... 3) As many know I just finished putting a new (201 Style) window in and I did some mods 4) (close to color--minus N number in black!) but the way i'd like her scheme to be if things work out money wise! More to come as she heads to the shop!
  8. They do have a TIO-360 but its got a lower operating RPM and a lower TBO...thought there was one cause I know there are turbo Arrows and they are only 200HP...but maybe they are continentals. I Think the IO-390 would be nice! We can all dream right!
  9. I know there is a mod to put a IO-360 on a C model. If I ever did this I think id just have to get a lopresti cowl at the same time. But I am curious, can you put a stock TIO-360 in instead of just a standard IO-360? Cause i know you can put aftermarket turbo, or turbonormalizer on it but jeeze thats $30,000+ why not get it from the factory already set up!
  10. I am not concerned with the paint so I didn't worry about this. But it did chip some of the paint off in the area that was cut and then drilled for new screws. You really can't tell much from a distance but up close you can. You would have to do touch up paint in this area when done otherwise...but you'd also have the whole new cowl deck!
  11. Well I just finished putting my 201 window mod in today. It looks pretty awesome if you ask me! There are some imperfections but I am suppose to get paint soon...hopefully! While I was at it I also went ahead and repainted all my interior panels. Its amazing what a few paint cans can do to an old interior!
  12. ya, i'll be working on most of it myself! with guidance from my mechanic. So i am not too worried about it, it is what it is! Brian, if you have more pictures of your install I would greatly appreciate them or anyone that has some of the LASAR 201 Mod. email them to piperpainter@hotmail.com if you can. Thanks everyone.
  13. Merry Christmas to you as well!
  14. Well I went ahead and got the 201 from LASAR. Hank it looks like you have the SWTA window mod. I really really wanted to do that one with the access to my panel but they just aren't going to have the window plastic before I paint on Feb 8th (well..planned!)
  15. So those that have the 201 window modification how do you like it? Really, how is the access? Do you have any pictures? SWTA hasn't had plastic for months and I am getting paint in less than 2 months so I want this done. About to buy the LASAR 201 window mod. Might be before i get enough answers but id like the input. I have a 65 C
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