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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. Just flew N252BH into THV with the new owner on Monday, but I think he is departing there solo on Friday.
  2. 40 degrees LOP is the same temp as 40 degrees ROP. The only way ROP can have cooler EGTs is if you're comparing a setting that is farther ROP than LOP. Is that the comparison you're making?
  3. I owned the business when it was just a single aircraft flight school operating in 12x12 office at the top of another hangar on the field. Aaron worked for me and his efforts turned the business into a real success. Robert was one of our first students and he also helped around the office a bit while he was going thru his ratings. Waco Flying Service is doing bigger things since they took over almost 3 years ago.
  4. 180-194 knots were common numbers for me between 15,000 and 23,000 feet. All Lean of peak. all were obtainable at various altitudes between 11.2 and 11.6 GPH.
  5. I can't speak to how much each of these aircraft have been flying, but it's sad to see the overall fleet flying so little. You have selected an excellent aircraft for the routes you want to fly. I just sold my 252 that was converted to an Encore. If you look up N252BH you'll find a lot of TX to FL flying. Unfortunately right now I am sitting in Orlando, FL waiting on an American Airlines flight to DFW. Get the Encore and take it high & fast!
  6. Tough call. I like it when people make their existing airfames the "best in class" and wouldn't blame you for wanting to keep what you have. Check the sales tax laws in FL...you might not be subject to them on that estimate. One thing to consider is how well will the cowling paint match your existing paint on the rest of the airframe?
  7. I don't know anything about the particular airframes, but N17ME looks like quite a nice setup! It's hard to beat a nice Encore...I miss my 252/Encore conversion a lot...
  8. Hey Alex - Nice performance while LOP. At 9.5 GPH, you don't have to be very far LOP to be doing it safely. 2550 was just what I found to be the sweet spot for my engine at higher power LOP settings. 2500 was fine for lower power LOP settings. Wish I could meet you and others at OSH this year.
  9. That would be the first policy I've seen that restricts such operation for a Mooney. That said, I wouldn't take a Bravo onto a grass runway, except for about one or two I can think of that are really smooth.
  10. It may make them more marketable as a company. Or at least encourage everyone that parts are being manufactured...a lot of people don't know this.
  11. Turbocharged engines are so much more altitude dependent for TAS. 11.6 gallons per hour would get me in a range from 160 KTAS to 195 KTAS depending on how high I used such power settings.
  12. Let's change my Grumman Widgeon idea to a P-51.
  13. I used Billings, MT to Great Falls, MT to Seattle, WA (TIW) when I did a similar trip which originated in Texas. How high are you planning/willing/able to fly?
  14. 1) deHavilland DHC-2 Beaver on Amphibs 2) American Champion Super Decathlon 3) Cessna Citation CJ3+ (or whatever is the biggest single pilot Citation I can get) 4) Grumman Widgeon 5) Pilatus PC-12
  15. Nothing out of the question about 167 KTAS. My 1990 M20J-AT was pretty light and had a very clean airframe with minimal antennas and did not have the LoPresti cowl. It did see 168 KTAS on one occasion (as calculated by the G-500). I'm a LOP flyer, but I tried ROP a couple times to see what it'd do. 162-163 was not out of the question ROP. Typically would fly a nice 150-155 KTAS while LOP. I found 6000' and 10 degrees Celsius to be the best performance. ...I miss that plane almost as much as I miss the M20K.
  16. Global is an excellent company and has several excellent programs in the aviation insurance market. Both AIG (formerly branded Chartis) and Global have good policies and good staff.
  17. I saw Mooney has booths 174 and 175 at Oshkosh. Is the factory sending people or is that one that's reserved for MAPA, Ambassadors, etc?
  18. What procedures / steps for LOP? Figure out a power setting that is LOP and then just pull the mixture straight back to that fuel flow. Some power settings that worked for my 220 hp TSIO-360-MB/SB: 29" / 2550 RPM, 11.2 GPH 10,000 ft: 168-170 KTAS 15,000 ft: 179-180 KTAS 16,000 ft: 180-183 KTAS 17,000 ft: 184-185 KTAS 30" / 2550 RPM, 11.5 GPH 17,000 ft: 188-190 KTAS 31" / 2550 RPM, 11.8 GPH FL190: 190-192 KTAS FL210: 191-195 KTAS TIT is generally 1550-1570 up in the mid-high teens to lower Flight Levels. Fuel flow to maintain all CHTs below 380dF. Cowl flaps on the infinitely adjustable 252 would be just barely open. (first notch in cruise). I always fly LOP, except for in the climb.
  19. I couldn't get smooth LOP operations below about 2450 RPM with my TSIO-360-MB/SB. Two totally different engines. The TSIO-360 does well between 2500 and 2600 RPM.
  20. Add my 252/Encore to the list. And also another couple Continentals I've flown. Setting up the fuel flow again helped the issue, though.
  21. The Travel Air is a nice flying bird. What kind of Mooney are you looking for?
  22. Aaron Dabney at Waco Flying Service could probably help you. 254-752-4100
  23. Something is not making sense. Even at 36" manifold pressure, you should be getting max RPM. I assume that is 2700 RPM for your engine model. You said it is a "TB", but I'll assume it's an LB. So I would check the prop governor. Also, what's the max manifold pressure for your engine? Do you have the Merlyn wastegate?
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