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  1. go to continental's site parts larry
  2. I did call Mooney last week and after asking how things were going was told " some good things are coming" larry
  3. His blogs on MySpace note he works at Mooney
  4. There was a Mooney down in N.M. last evening. Based Texas. N3484X I can't even fathom the Myspace page entry made by the sister. Not good.
  5. Every supposed to be OK. Landing accident with crosswind was reported. Would they be on here? Larry
  6. I have a good buddy I have known 40 years and have done business with for 35 years. He owns a FAA CRS avionics shop and every time I mention updating to glass or that another buddy has the hots for a way newer plane and this will involve a glass panel, He reminds me of some of the reasons why NOT to do this. Great plane but no steam guages! I wish some of the early 2000 ish Mooney owners would talk about their WAAS updates. It should make a believer out of you as far as the old technology. larry
  7. I"ll take the elt thanks larry 432 978 0434
  8. will post pics when back in from weekend larry
  9. I am finishing up a set of molds for the interior panels like an Ovation has. I wanted mine from carbon fiber for a light weight. The panels could be wrapped in leather or cloth to finish. The parts I am molding will fit the 231 length interior. My first parts have passed burn tests and are very light weight. Any interest?
  10. Have got new ones or the ones off the U-Boat. larry 432 978 0434
  11. The elevator bungee assembly rarely gets jam. But when it binds or get jam is due to lack of lubrication or rust. I should be lubricated at every annual specially if the plane is not hangared. Typical initial symptom is occassional binding. This looks to me more of lack of proper maintenance than a part defect. There is no need to report it. José
  12. Bennet There is a guy who bought a 1978 cherokee 235 the other day and i have to say I have never seen a nicer cleaner aircraft. Paint, interior is beyond description. The panel has been redone BUT the avionics are light. I think he said he paid 160,000. HE GOT A BARGAIN! larry
  13. I had a wise old pilot convey some thoughts to me 40 years ago. One of them: "That fuselage is just there to keep the wind out of your eyes, Its not made to run into anything!" larry
  14. There is a phrase for this. " you can't fix stupid" If his wife had been with him on one of the other occasions I CAN'T IMAGINE HER GETTING IN THE PLANE AGAIN! larry
  15. There is a phrase for this. " you can't fix stupid" If his wife had been with him on one of the other occasions I CAN'T IMAGINE HER GETTING IN THE PLANE AGAIN! larry
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