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Piloto last won the day on December 23 2016

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  1. Yes there is a limitation, for your M-18 you will need to install a pilot relief tube to drain all the water in your bladder. Make sure your draining device is pointing down to drain the lowest point of your bladder. José
  2. It is an FAA requirement for any fuel tank. José
  3. The NACA vent in the tail fin is for cabin ventilation. After 1980 it replaces the old vent on top of the cabin. Very efficient in providing top face ventilation. José
  4. What are the limitations since there is none in the FAA approved FMS. José
  5. Any water or fuel in the long range tanks will flow into the main tanks. So draining the main tanks is most important since this were the engine feed from. The main tanks drain valve F391-53S drainage is through the adapter plate small channels that eventually get clogged by tank debris (sealant deterioration) and jam the drain valve causing it to drain from stem top. Best way to drain any water on the main tanks is to remove the drain valve and let it drain for a few seconds. After a full tank refueling I always check that the filler caps are properly set. An improperly fuel cap set will show fuel stains in flight until the fuel level comes down. José
  6. I had the long range tanks in my 1982 M20J for over 30 years and never had an issue with water with them. Just check the filler caps O-ring at every annual. On the main tanks I always remove the drain valves to drain any possible water at every annual. José
  7. 150 SMOH and new cylinders. Wonder what caused the engine failure. At least the engine was not damage by the crash. The NTSB should quickly determine the cause of engine failure. José
  8. The annunciator panel would have alerted of low fuel on either tank before takeoff. José
  9. It appears had an engine failure on the climb just after takeoff. The pilot manage it very well considering the low altitude and speed. José
  10. From where the plane take off?
  11. One issue specially in winter is ice on the LOC and the GS antennas on the ground stations. It can change the ratio of the 150/90hz antennas and cause the signal ground monitor to shutdown the transmitters momentarily. Unlike CAT II ILS (CAT III have DME), all the LPV approaches have distance to threshold and accurate altitude even if you forgot or if not available to set the baro altimeter. I found this helpful to achieve the proper speed at touchdown. José
  12. I fly both simultaneously with my KX165 tuned to the ILS and the GN S530 on the LPV. It gives me assurance that I am approaching the right runway and redundancy. Most of my approaches are autopilot coupled. When approaching a runway with no published approach I set the OBS on the GNS 530 to the runway heading for guidance. Besides lateral and distance guidance the VNAV function on the GNS 530 is very helpful on the descent profile. José
  13. One week or longer after the last shutdown I drain the oil and replace the filter to insure no old oil in the upper parts of the engine. After I drain the oil I add one gallon of AVGAS into the sump to mix with the old oil residue in the sump. After 15 minutes I drain the AVGAS which shows a mix of oil and gas initially but clear AVGAS at the end of draining. After this I add 8qts of oil. With this procedure I get clear oil on the dipstick for about 40 hrs. José
  14. You can install accessory nozzles that narrow the hot air stream. Very useful for finding thermal component failures. José
  15. is easier to remove multipin devices by applying hot air with a heat gun to avoid breaking the pads/tracks. This is what I use.
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