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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Quote: gsengle ...I could have gone 1600 theoretical miles that day...
  2. If I believed my factory oil temp gauge I would have had 100 emergency landings. Could be the sending unit, the probe, or could just need to be pulled out for a squirt of contact cleaner. JPI can be counted on!
  3. Quote: Parker_Woodruff Brian, I almost feel like I'm in the same boat as you @ 22 yrs old and single for the exacty opposite reasons... the girl I was interested in and took flying on many occasions liked planes and didn't like me! Not sure what's up with that... Her quote after a BBQ run... "I feel like people would be a lot happier if they all had planes".
  4. I'm not surprised....F owners prefer F's and J owners prefer J's.
  5. As your post proves, Neil, it's difficult to keep everyone happy, and Dave is trying to do just that for the majority of attendees. You'll miss meeting many great people and several Mooney CB's. Personally, I don't like a ramp fee at a public airport, with the suggestion that it's to support the local economy. A fair fee for actual services provided is a better idea IMHO. I'll miss the fly-in tomorrow because I hope to be flying home from KSAT (no ramp fee) with my new interior tomorrow.
  6. My '94 J tips the scale at 1940# empty...useful load 960#
  7. Quote: LFOD Looks like today may be my lucky day. Autopilot Central fixed my autopilot for about $650. 2 hours to reinstall and I am going to get this taken care of for less than 1 AMU. Drinks are on me.
  8. As I mentioned to you, David....Phil has a complete factory set of them.
  9. BTW, this plane was the 4th Ovation produced in 1994.
  10. They are lucky to be alive....the Mooney has an amazingly stout airframe. One heck of a picture. I wonder if the cockpit top was cut off to get at the passengers.
  11. Quote: TLSDriver
  12. Quote: TLSDriver When in straight and level flight and the ball in the center the plane wants to turn to the right. Do I need to take this to a specialized shop or can a local A+P to work on this? You must have a conservative plane While your friendly Cezzzna A&P can work on it, you'll get better results from a Mooney guru.
  13. We have a pretty VFR day for our April lunch in Bartow. There were 13 Mooney on the ramp, and 28 people at the restaurant for good visiting and eating. Our next event will be this Saturday, May 14, at the restaurant in the terminal building at Winter Haven's Gilbert Airport. They're not normally open on Saturday, but will be just for us. http://www.airnav.com/airport/KGIF Carol Ann Garratt, who attended our April luncheon, has left on another trip around the world in her 1992 M20J. This will be her third around the world trip to raise money for ALS research. As I understand it, she is planning on spending about a year on this trip, and hopes to be back for Sun N Fun 2012. We all wish her a safe, enjoyable, and successful trip. If you want to follow her adventure, she has asked me to pass on the following websites: www.alsworldflight.com http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dash-for-a-Cure/148572991861368 Please remember that I feel very strongly that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU EVER DEAL WITH JB ENGINE COMPANY, AND, OR USE ECI CYLINDERS. If you feel tempted to use either company, please contact me directly for my experience with them. Future Events are all on the second Saturday of the month: May 14, Winter Haven (GIF) Richards Cafe & Deli PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS A CHANGE FROM ALBERT WHITTED, THE PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED MAY DESTINATION. WE HAD TO CHANGE TO AVOID A $16 PER AIRPLANE RAMP FEE. June 11, Ormond Beach (OMN) River Bend Golf Cafe July 9, Flagler (XFL) Hi Jackers August 13, Lakeland (LAL), Air Harts Runway Cafe September, 10, New Symrna Beach, EVB, McCharacters Bar & Grill October 8, Spruce Creek, 7FL6 All events start at 11:30. I really appreciate it if you can E-mail me (daveanruth@aol.com) by Thursday night of the week of the event and let me know if you are going to try to make it, so I can call the restaurant on Friday with a head count. No one is obligated to come if they told me they are coming and can't make it for any reason. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth
  14. Quote: magnets Just doing survey work for the Aviongoo website. Is that a problem in this forum?
  15. Quote: Ashe .....He even had O&N bladders in it.
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