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Mcstealth last won the day on May 24 2014

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About Mcstealth

  • Birthday 01/06/1965

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    Kerrville, Tx
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  • Model
    Aero Commander Darter 100
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  1. We want to get the bird flying.
  2. I have a scenario to pass by you engine building types. Imagine an IO-360 fully disassembled. New or remaned cases and accessory case. Three new cylinders and one with 150hrs on it. New cam and yellow tagged crank. All parts are NOT individually marked which pushrods to which lifter. Which tappets to which...... you get the drift. Nothing is in order. My question is, how big a deal is it that the disassembly was sloppy? I've read a litte bit that the "lash" is set by the length of the rods but I've no way of knowing what part came from where. My friend has a Stinger tail F-model that I'm trying save from purgatory. Any advice? Thanks, David.
  3. Enough to make you go grrrrrrr!
  4. This scenario is F-model to F-model. It would need recertification?
  5. Hey folks. Question please. My friend has a used Stech 30 he wants to install in his F Model that has the original wing leveler. What instruments are needed to drive a 30? Here is a picture of his existing panel. Thanks in advance.
  6. It is about double of a 915 Rotax is what I read, so, $105,000 or so? Enough to say, Hmmmmmm!!
  7. I have very softly worked on a club at my home field. I have gotten some calls with the AOPA listing and a Facebook page. I know establishing a club will only progress as far as the amount of effort I apply to it. Seems that you will eventually make it. Good luck.
  8. I will be doing an owner assisted annual on my Darter. Thru bad planning. crappy weather, vacations and birthday, I am now 1.5 months out of annual. Do I need a ferry permit to get my plane to the AP?
  9. Merry Christmas ya'll
  10. Well, well, well. Look who the Mooney flew in!!!
  11. Hey there. Question please. O-320 on a Glasair 1. Extended prop hub, with the governor at the rear of the engine. I had the prop overhauled at San Antonio Propeller. (Good folks there, with about a one month turn around for my project) The test pilot stated the prop over sped to 2800 RPM when everything was full forward. It took a full turn of the knob to lower RPM to 2700. He also stated that this was already an existing condition before overhaul. To remedy this, is it a cable adjustment, or a governor adjustment? I'm not an A/P, barely consider myself a mechanic. thanks in advance. David
  12. If all Mooney avenues fail, you could also search Viking and Suoer Viking resources. The wood wing obviously being the connection.
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