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Mcstealth last won the day on May 24 2014

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About Mcstealth

  • Birthday 01/06/1965

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    Kerrville, Tx
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  1. I will be doing an owner assisted annual on my Darter. Thru bad planning. crappy weather, vacations and birthday, I am now 1.5 months out of annual. Do I need a ferry permit to get my plane to the AP?
  2. Merry Christmas ya'll
  3. Well, well, well. Look who the Mooney flew in!!!
  4. Hey there. Question please. O-320 on a Glasair 1. Extended prop hub, with the governor at the rear of the engine. I had the prop overhauled at San Antonio Propeller. (Good folks there, with about a one month turn around for my project) The test pilot stated the prop over sped to 2800 RPM when everything was full forward. It took a full turn of the knob to lower RPM to 2700. He also stated that this was already an existing condition before overhaul. To remedy this, is it a cable adjustment, or a governor adjustment? I'm not an A/P, barely consider myself a mechanic. thanks in advance. David
  5. If all Mooney avenues fail, you could also search Viking and Suoer Viking resources. The wood wing obviously being the connection.
  6. On a slightly Mooney related note, Schreiner University here in Kerrville started up a four year aviation degree. I'm sure it's no Embry Riddle, but hey, their big hangar is the closest to the Mooney factory. https://schreiner.edu/academics/aviation-studies/ The University obviously takes care of all the academic studies, but a different company is contracted to handle the flying part.
  7. Okay. I can't help myself. Mr Don, please edit the title. You can "Show Me the Money" at a later date.
  8. "we have access to, a public golf course (not for me but for friends maybe), etc. " Didn't know you had friends!
  9. "Comfort" is such a subjective conversation. One man's apple is another man's orange. I would not go as far to say that the Mooney is the most uncomfortable. I know I love long distance driving in my low slung, legs forward seated sports car. I know I loath driving the same long distances in a Surburban. There are a multitude of articles about the long distance prowess of different Mooney models and nary a mention about the "uncomfortableness" of their respective cockpits. Again, apples to oranges, and, to each their own.
  10. Be honest with yourself about your mission. What is the mission? What outside factors(spouse) have influence over the purchase decision? All of the planes you mentioned will cover the "traveller" category. What attributes do you value most in a traveller? Those attributes will/should lead your decision making. As for Mooney Acclaims: Best in class efficiency, speed, and range. And doing all of this using less stock horsepower than all of its competitors. If those are qualities are high on your list, then???? The added bonus is that the Acclaim is so much better looking.
  11. What? No picture of the smart wife?
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