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Greg Ellis

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Greg Ellis last won the day on December 25 2023

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About Greg Ellis

  • Birthday 07/21/1969

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    KFWS - Fort Worth Spinks
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  1. Yes it is. Contact Us - Houston Tank Specialists, LLC -
  2. Same with my 63 C model. I believe I counted 75 screws to remove the two cheeks. Then the nuts and bolts up front to actually take the top cowl off are a real pain to get anything onto them.
  3. The talk about O-rings brings up another issue at least for my C model. My fuel caps are the thermos style caps. They use either the Buna (I think that is what it is called) or nitrile rubber which is already difficult to find. I have never seen them in Viton. Could be a major issue if the G100UL doesn’t play well with the nitrile rubber.
  4. Mine are not evenly spaced. They are much like the first photo with a large jump between 6 and 8 quarts. However, I did get an answer from them. I have a narrow deck O-360-A1D. The part numbers you listed were for a wide deck. My dipstick is correct for the narrow deck O-360-A1D. I have pasted their response here. Hi Greg, The dipstick part numbers you mentioned below comes from the wide deck O-360 parts catalog (pc-306-1). The serial number you have indicates you have a narrow deck engine where you want to use parts catalog PC-106. PC-106 also has four different options for the gage assembly. LW-16783-18 superseded LW-14758 which is called out in the narrow deck IPC for the O-320-D1A. LW-16783-18 is for an 8QT system that is 19.44” long. Additionally, there is also service bulletin 612 regarding LW-16783-18 for the IO-360-M series engines. This Bulletin talks about replacing the LW-16783-18 with LW-14760 for the IO-360-M.
  5. Well, with all this talk I decided to go look at the dipstick in my O-360-A1D engine. The part number stamped on mine is LW16783-18. This is nowhere close to the 3 listed in the parts manual. A quick google search said this one is for the IO-360-M engine. So I put an email into Lycoming to see what is what.
  6. I believe that the LTSIO is a Continental Turbocharged fuel injected engine that is left turning when viewed from the back (The L in the front). They are usually used in some twin engine airplanes to eliminate the critical engine. It is a O360 but not sure what the 0KB means. This is a shot in the dark for you but I am pretty sure the L part is correct. I seem to remember that years ago from my twin training.
  7. I am late coming to this discussion but not all C models are created equal. My 63 C model has a gear speed of 120mph but the flap speed is 100 mph.
  8. Thank you for posting this. That goes such a long way to explain how this system works.
  9. Just got a call from LASAR. They are shipping out my intake duct today. So I guess everyone who ordered one can expect them soon.
  10. I found in the paperwork the part number AEL-11750-S. That is different than the Lycoming part number LW-11750. For all you smarter than me folks…would my part with that part number still fall under the AD?
  11. So, a curious question….I had to have my engine taken apart in 2013 after problems with an earlier overhaul. This work was done by a major engine shop. They mention nothing in the log entry of part numbers for connecting rod bushings or assembly. The only thing mentioned is that the engine was reassembled with new rod and main bearings, new rod bolts and nuts. No part numbers listed other than for the crankshaft, camshaft, pistons, piston pins and piston rings and other parts not related to this. To find out if I have the affected parts would I have to contact the engine shop? I’m thinking yes.
  12. Actually, I think I am in the running for that….
  13. For those with Lycoming engines that are interested in what Lycoming considers maximum oil consumption, here is a formula they put in their break in service instruction back in 2010. “The following formula is used to calculate the maximum allowable oil consumption limits for all Lycoming aircraft engines.” 0.006 x BHP x 4 ÷ 7.4 = Qt./Hr.
  14. @hammdo Quick question....what oil dye did you use for your test run? Thanks.
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