Howdy folks! I am a low time pilot who took a long hiatus from flying but I am now actively working towards my instrument and planning to get my tail wheel endorsement and take a back country course following that. I have always admired the M20 line ever since I first laid eyes upon a M20J some 20 years ago. I actually flew to the plant in Kerrville when I was working on my private along with my CFI at the time and checked out some new Mooney M20R's in person. As an engineer myself I have always admired Al Mooney and appreciated his oddball story in the industry and I recently acquired and read "The Al Mooney Story" and "Those Remarkable Mooney's" thanks in part to the suggestion(s) in threads on this very forum which I have been reading quietly in the wings as a non-user for years. Now I have an even better appreciation for the man and the aircraft he brought about which is strengthening my desire to own one.
I am finally to a point in life where I am getting serious about considering a plane of my own and I have it narrowed down to either a M20 (not sure on which sub model) or a Cessna 180 Skywagon. I have long been enamored with back country flying, tail draggers in general but very specifically the Skywagon and Stinson's. I see the tail wheel as the 4x4 of the flying world with it's off field capabilities. Unfortunately I live in Texas where there's very little opportunity to do such flying or at least in comparison to those out west short of the grass fields, random buddies ranch's, islands at a few lakes, occasionally river sandbars or possibly a trip up to Arkansas. The value per dollar for a solid 180 is low especially when compared to that of a Mooney, they simply command a large price tag for what they are in my honest opinion. I day dream about flying out and camping under the wing of a Skywagon on a random weekend just for fun and still being able to use it for extended get aways in the region. Then there's the Mooney....
We spend time in Florida a few times each year as well as annual trips to Colorado and Georgia. I can see the Mooney being beneficial for that kind of travel with it's speed and decent range. I love the idea of getting to the panhandle of Florida in under three hours instead of the 11+ it takes us to drive there. There are definitely more M20's on the market than 180's at any given time and there's quite the variance in age, condition, total time, avionics, sub model, price etc. You definitely get more bang for your buck with a Mooney IMHO than you ever will with a Skywagon.
I guess what I am pondering is do I buy the passion purchase plane that doesn't really fit the profile of what I have regular access to or do I buy the more sensible plane that fills the travel role nicely but won't fit the bill in terms of having the option of going off field when the oddball opportunity arises? I am still trying to decide between a M20C/E vs. a mid body should I lean towards the Mooney. Neither plane is still in production but the Mooney's were still produced up until very recently and they are more plentiful on the open market. I feel like parts availability is a wash but I have no idea if Mooney parts are as expensive as anything Cessna?! What's the going rate for a MOH on a IO-60 vs. a turbo model? Any insight or words of advice here would be much appreciated.