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Joseph Long

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    Columbus, OH
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  1. Plus one on the powered tug. I remember how excited I was the first time I brought my C to its new home. Then I realized the sloping entrance to the hanger. I was able to get it pushed in solo, but tanks were only half full. Oil, paper towels, trash can then add what you need as it comes up.
  2. I'm signed up for Kentucky.
  3. Same here. I took a nap on it in the hanger one day waiting for weather to clear.
  4. My 1967 M20C is currently in annual. I'll follow up in a week or two and give detailed results. I'm in Central Ohio.
  5. If you happen to scrap this unit for any reason I would like to buy the "Pull 25k" knob. Mine broke off and it's driving my OCD crazy I apologize for the odd request, but I'm struggling to find a replacement knob. Thanks, Joe Long
  6. Search is over. I've found one. For anyone interested the part number is 950027-501.
  7. 1967 M20C. The snap on the right end has come through the material.
  8. I'm going to replace the glareshield in my M20C. Is the removal as simple as popping the snaps off or is there more to it? Based on many of the replies to this topic I'm planning on removing and shipping it AeroComfort to have them revitalize it.
  9. Purchased my C from a fellow MSer. In my opinion the C is the best bang for the buck on the market. I too came over with 300+ hours on a shared 182. Insurance required 10 hours transition. I think your budget may need to be flipped....60-80 vs 40-60. Factor in about 1500-2k for a pre-buy. Insurance for my first 60 hrs is $2,400/yr. I added on an annual to the pre-buy and a Reiff heater another 2k. But the C is in great shape and fully IFR ready. Great cross country plane if it's just you and the wife. If you want the full specs I can send you the pdf.
  10. I couldn't agree more. Although 2 hours away the airport where I'm currently hangered has several Mooney's, a very knowledgeable A/P, fuel and dual runways. I think it will be easier once the weather is more consistent. Then I can fly it over here to a nearby airport and leave it on the ramp for short periods.
  11. I have given this much thought. Plenty of options near by when needed. No fuel on site. I think I'll do as @Andy95W suggests....try out a few landings and see how it feels. There is a class C and 3 Deltas in the vicinity and many 5000 footers near by.
  12. https://www.google.com/maps/@39.962463,-82.5476598,1580m/data=!3m1!1e3?authuser=0 The drag strip to the west is longer
  13. My CFI is the one that pointed out the dimensions as a consideration. He is an ATP and a long time C owner. Nice days wouldn't be a concern....it's more the "various conditions". I also didn't think about the wife factor that @toto mentions.
  14. It's no secret that hanger space is at a premium. I'm currently hangered two hours away from home. I'm in the top 5 on the waiting lists for two hangers within 30 minutes. All other lists are 20+ deep. I have an opportunity at a private airport. The catch is the hard surface runway dimensions are 2764 x 25. My mind is 99% made up, but I'm curious what others would do. One note...I'm a new Mooney M20C owner with 20 landings under my belt
  15. 1967 M20C. Brake is not set.
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