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Red Leader

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Everything posted by Red Leader

  1. I may need a VSI. Mine was reported broken by my shop today (funny, it was working when I brought it in...) but upon inspection, yep, its very broken (now). I have a 7000, Code C, TSO C8b 31 - will yours match?
  2. Noob question - I am a new Mooney owner (as of last December) and am excited that this will by my first Mooney summit. My wife and I will be flying into KPTF on Saturday and staying at the Courtyard Tampa Downtown, as suggested. Is there shuttle service between the airport and hotel? Am I reading correctly that we are meeting at different places? If so, there is transportation to those, right? What if we wanted to rent a car - I don't see a rental place at the airport. What are our options?
  3. I believe they did send a cruise missile to destroy that enrichment facility - a Tom Cruise missile!
  4. I have serial# 25-0448 - still have those? If so, what does it cover, all electrical wiring in the aircraft? Interested if so.
  5. I've seen it twice and can honestly say it is MUCH better than the original - no screeching halt in the plot during the love scenes. Lots of action and generally a feel-good film! You will leave the theater feeling extremely happy and glad you spent the money to see this new version of Top Gun.
  6. Good choice - Mooney has the best combination of speed and efficiency! I'm 5'8" with short legs and hate the seating position. I am confident that with pedal extensions my time in the 231 would be more comfortable but it is not currently unbearable. As a former Cessna owner, I can tell you the transition of one of the M20 models will be VERY different. The low wing will make it float more on landing than the 182 but it is an easy aspect of this airframe to get used to. You will find the overall handling more nimble in the Mooney but is a heavy aircraft on the controls. Good luck on your search, you won't regret purchasing a Mooney!
  7. I am familiar with this plane - tried to purchase last year but there was a communication breakdown between him and his wife and she ended giving the plane to the shop for costs and brokerage fees. I spoke with the broker (or shop manager, I don't remember which) and attempted to purchase from them but they already had an engine on order and the plane was being prepped for paint. I haven't heard anything since. The registration has been updated but I have lost the contact information. Beautiful plane with valuable updates that I am disappointed to have missed out on.
  8. There is an ad in Barnstormers - I don't know if it is a Continental but see below: X2 TSIO-360-EB NEW 0 TIME BOTH • $70,000 • ATTENTION WHOLESALE BUYERS • Seneca X2 RT & LF TSIO-360-EB, O Timed and Crated for World Wide Shipping! Both Engines Matched Pair • Contact Peter Reese , Owner - located Carson City, NV 89705 United States • Telephone: 775-546-3139 • Posted May 20, 2022 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad One thing I was wondering when looking over this advertisement was (assuming it is a Continental) whether the fact it is an EB would be an issue. Currently I have a '81 231 with the Merlin and Turbo-plus and thought about starting a new thread for converting the EB to whatever the latest that would work for my plane. I currently don't need an engine but my time will be coming. Since this ad has two available, assuming the conversion would be possible, perhaps we could purchase both and each have one. Thoughts?
  9. An interesting update: I believe this aircraft has flown previously using the EGT probe to read TIT. I stopped by the shop the other day and saw I have a single EGT probe (but I knew that already) that is installed just over an inch away from the TIT probe - both of which are mounted either on or immediately before the turbo. Given its location, I assume it would read and react the same manner as the probe feeding the actual TIT gauge. Also the CDT probe is just where the temp probe for the intercooler and because of their proximity, I believe they would've also read the same. Although my TIT/CDT gauge was out, do you agree the other systems would've shown equivalent numbers? We looked over my books and found the Turbo-Plus intercooler installed in the mid-eighties so our records are all good. Just had the oil changed and it was also clean with no contaminants found in the filter. My consumption had been just about zero for the last ten hours, or so. I would think that is good but shouldn't there be a little consumption? I had the oil changed just before the 30-hour mark, what do you 231/252 guys feel is the best change interval? Another question I have is that a couple of entries earlier in this topic refers to an "aftercooler". Is that different from an "intercooler" and if so, in what way? If it is a different item, would it benefit me to have one installed? I LOVE having a turbocharged airplane and I see why many pilots say that once you go turbo, you never go back. My next airplane will likely be an Acclaim (I am already looking).
  10. Both the CDT and TIT gauges will be repaired shortly (one broken wire, one failed probe) so I hope to be back in the air in a couple of days. Thanks again for all the helpful advice, you guys are great!
  11. I have been told it is the Turbo Plus intercooler. It does have a large scoop on the right front engine cowl to direct air over the intercooler.
  12. Hey Ian, this is Robert - I own the black/white/blue M20K at KEET (yes, the interior is not great but that will be redone this year). I would love to meet you. Message me so we can get together!
  13. My shop has the books so I don't know which Intercooler is currently installed but I do have the Merlyn wastgate. My dash has a readout to determine temperature differential so I know how much power to reduce based on the difference between the two temp readings. Is that device on any intercooled airplane or just ones with the turbo plus Intercooler?
  14. Looking for the Intercooler info - shop has the books and my TIT should be repaired shortly. Thanks for all the information, you guys are super helpful! -R
  15. Thats great advice, thanks for the information. My 231 is currently in the shop having the TIT fixed so I hope to be flying it soon. The pressures and RPMs being run by similar airplanes seem to differ between models or pilots. I will get a better idea how to dial it in once that last item is fixed. I misspoke about using my CHT gauge as a TIT gauge - I meant to say I was using my EGT gauge as a TIT gauge, thinking they would be very similar. Soon to be resolved - thanks again for your knowledge!
  16. Hello guys! Having recently purchased a Mooney, I have found lots of useful information in this forum so I am hoping I can tap some of the expert knowledge here to help me address an issue. My purchase is a 1981 M20K with an added Intercooler and Merlyn variable wastegate. The POH numbers for my plane do not reflect the MP for the upgraded engine performance. My instructor (Insurance checkout), although very helpful, had me keeping the pressure very low and expressed great concern about over-boosting the engine - I am assuming that is still possible even with these upgrades? My TIT gauge was inoperative so my field mechanic replaced it with a known good unit but it still isn't working so my questions are two-fold. 1) Where can I get an accurate MP/RPM guide so I can fly my plane with these upgrades at more mooney-like speeds? 2) Until I get the TIT repaired, I am treating my CHT gauge like a TIT gauge, so I keep the temps around 5k or less. Is that a fair use of the CHT gauge? I am currently flying just about full rich and running 2350rpm and 23". Not blistering performance but until I get the last part working properly, I am concerned about over-boosting/overheating the turbo. My hottest CHT never exceeds 380. How much manifold pressure is too much? Any advice?
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