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  1. How to delete?
  2. Keep us posted getting ready to do my first Bahamas trip soon.
  3. Spreadsheet does the trick. I also use it to keep track of age and hours of components. Helps when trouble shooting too. Most likely things causing the issues.
  4. Didn’t realize that your plane didn’t have to be registered in Florida. That explains why so many shops are based in Florida.
  5. Tried to make it past weekend but ceilings did not lift till later on the west coast.
  6. End of page 2 all the pitas are described. I kept the shock mounts and the gi275 has no issues, it’s flat and has a small gap on the right, not really noticeable.
  7. Here is the completed pic and thanks. Pilot side is Hendricks MFG, happy to share the template I used. Right side local guy.
  8. It’s very frustrating, but owning an old plane does not make any sense. It’s a hobby and you either enjoy the journey or you don’t. I thought about selling the plane seriously 3 times already in 2 years of owning it. But then you go flying, everything works and I fall in love again. All industries are affected and complaining about a privileged hobby is just silly.
  9. EI product support is great, love the round form factor and easy to read. But I have to warn you the more detailed information you get the more you think will need fixing. With these old planes and exact digital instruments it will lead you into rabbit holes. If you have 4 EGTs just replace the analog tach unless it’s a forever plane. Also single 275 and 375. Like to keep the retro look.
  10. On a related note I don't think a Mooney is a good first plane to own. Everybody and they grandmother knows how to work on Cessna's, what to look out for and and how to fix them, hence IA's are more likely to catch issues during pre-buy. Over the past 2 years, not by choice but thanks to Mooneyspace, I know the more about vintage Mooney's on my field (Which is sad, by no means am I an expert). I show up at my IA's point out the issue, show him the manuals (SB, or reference docs etc), he supervises my work. Again lucked out with my IA's. This is just the beginning...either you have deep pockets and time or start learning. I purchased a perfectly good plane and things still broke shortly after. What I am trying to communicate is this all part of the experience, embrace it, learn from it and you will be much better equipped for your next plane.
  11. There are generally 2 camps, practical A&P's and the ones that have unrealistic expectations from 50 year old planes. Depending on your "hanger rash" and fuel seepage it might be acceptable to apply a practical fix or not. There are manuals that spell out what is and what isn't acceptable but a lot is up for interpretation. I ran into guys that wanted reskin because of a cosmetic dent while another shop just popped the dent out and verified integrity. Get another A&P's opinion.
  12. So are most things on the website call them. Although might have changed in the past 3 month.
  13. Just call Hendricks mfg. Very reasonable and awesome.
  14. LASAR were doing them 3 month ago, wonder what changed?
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