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Justin Schmidt

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  1. He stated that he is working with GAMI on this issue. Is that true? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
  2. Might have seen one at BAS a bit ago
  3. Ohio said they can be legal as long as a cop is on the other end
  4. New England has landing fees . Matter of fact ma tried to increase to $1000 per landing a few years ago.
  5. Just wait when some realize how software is tested. Ha.
  6. I agree that airborne lead from GA is massively overblown. From some very biased questionable "studies". We went from lead in everything, not being able to go 10 minutes with contacting it, which did cause sever problems to very few places that use it today. I get more contact with lead from an hr at the range then I will ever in aviation. The politics remain that faa, other feds, airlines, people in general do not want GA to exist and it is an attack path, and it's here. Shits at the door , now what do we do .
  7. Can you point me to something from him regarding that?
  8. All do respect, that isn't GAMI. That is your insane mentally deranged politicians, which also exist elsewhere and federally. That is the importance of organizing and being involved in politics as well as supporting AOPA and EAA, that of which they didn't exist, neither would GA. Also, the lead issue has been massively slow walked for decades, and now rooster came home to roost
  9. Not usually an issue. I slipped and fell on mine. I can tell you how a step up the ass feels...not enjoyable. I did have my A&P look at it. No issues, just bent the sheet metal at the end a little.
  10. Well, HE isn't asking or forcing you to do anything. He offers a product through STC and you ARE free to use or not. All this conjecture, innuendo, fear mongering gets everyone nowhere and damn near libel. As an engineer jumping to conclusions, biases, not following proper engineering processes, not following hard data and numbers in a controlled manner is a fast way to end a career. If those with issues work directly with GAMI and/or an independent materials engineer to figure out exact cause and not go off on a half cocked toddler tantrum thing could resolve more smoothly. I doubt George has falsified data, lied or other wise tricked people, I'm sure he likes his freedom. Remember, in engineering or science the mere presence of an issue does not point to a cause. Free to your own opinion, not your own facts
  11. A must all year round. Even have one in my road vehicle, saved me from a bad day
  12. Did he run over your dog or something
  13. Governments in the US along with airlines have been trying for a very long time to get rid of GA short of out right banning
  14. Do you have engineering or scientific evidence that the fuel caused your issue? Are you working with GAMI to research the issue? Are you working with a lab, and material engineers with the fuel in your tanks?
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