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Justin Schmidt

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Justin Schmidt last won the day on January 18

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  1. Ohh I should clarify on MY mini 6 Wi-Fi ha. There are benefits of being an electronics and software engineer
  2. My mini 6 Wi-Fi only has gps
  3. They may see more fuel than they bargained for, and at the worst time
  4. The Eaton is 40k new, so says LASAR. Eaton said to me they will not discuss with an individual.
  5. Wouldn't you be asking what's an automatic lol
  6. I'll just put on a coat take my automatic out and have fun
  7. But are they looking at what's behind those numbers
  8. I can sell you one for 150 plus shipping
  9. Fun watching at the race track too
  10. I came to the conclusion a plug of some sort could lead to forgetting...I prefer the tail cover. Just need to come up with a good way for top of vertical
  11. Not sure why everyone thinks Mike busch has anything to do with lop operations.
  12. I don't even want a vehicle anymore...seen the shit on the roads recently plus the roads themselves lol alas I must get places
  13. I have seen that code, has nothing to do with actual oil life. It's actually really laughable what they do. Same of all "oil life monitors" Gm manuals still say 6000. Hyundai up to a few years ago said 3 "rough" 6 otherwise. Ultimately, it depends on condition. How you drive, type oil, environment etc. only oil analysis and bore scope will tell. Same for our planes.
  14. Are we forgetting that auto manufacturers are still saying 6000 miles or 3 months
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