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Everything posted by WAFI

  1. Yes, your correct! Your more susceptible to CO at altitude because you have less O2 at altitude. CO binds to hemoglobin easier than O2, meaning that free floating O2 has nowhere to go. Side Note: Supplemental O2 is only beneficial if your in a Oxygen depleted environment. It has no benefit other than maybe a placebo effect on the ground or after a CO exposure.
  2. Yes, I'm in the same dilemma. Paint, Avionics, Interior, etc... My order of operation is not lining up with the multiple shops scheduling as well. Not to mention my work is getting done in three different states. Uhh
  3. Good read... I'm learning something everyday on this forum!
  4. This might not help you out now but I will have one for sale in mid December. 2 blade McCauley
  5. Agreed… A man can wish. My dream is to build a Kitfox and have reverse trust turbo prop. I’m a in the closet bushpilot not that I have ever built or flown a bush plane but it’s in the near future. Just trying to figure how not to work anymore.
  6. After watching one of the MojoGrip YouTube videos on this, I couldn't be more excited. I like different an innovation. Just wondering if this could really be a possibility?
  7. Nope on X51, I live on Key Biscayne and its a little far me. I’m 23mins from HWO on most days.
  8. I know what design I want, I just want to play around with different colors combinations. Ideally would like something I can print out and color in with markers or sketch I can play around with in photoshop. Not that I know how to work photoshop... LOL! I want to create something like this on my own--
  9. Scheme is around $1200 to get started with their design team. I'm pretty sure they don't let you play with the program.
  10. Ya, I'm familiar with that one. I'm looking more for a CAD drawing.
  11. It's a Reedurdler of course... LOL!
  12. Does anyone have a couple clean profiles of a M20J? Side view & Top down. I'm looking to sketch up a few paint schemes and haven't found a nice one on the internet.
  13. I wasn’t referencing my prop but just noting where most conversations go when talking about Glide Ratio / Glide Slope, etc..
  14. Thats the kind of answer my looking for, so far the quote is at 40K installed.
  15. Yes I am aware but thanks for pointing that out anyway.
  16. Well said PT20J that makes better sense. Airspeed is definitely key depending on the the planes gross weight.
  17. I’ve scoured the internet researching different opinions on Glide Slope, referring to the J models. It seems the big discussion always goes back to feathering props and or stopping your constant speed prop. Full feathering, etc… Plugging everything into Forefilght my GS is 11:1 not sure if this is correct. Referencing different sources is seems the base GS varies from 10:1 - 13:1 depending on what year the literature was printed. I have a standard two blade McCauley prop. Fellow M20J owners, what’s your GS?
  18. Screen Shot 2021-09-20 at 11.43.26 AM.pdf
  19. Well I want to upgrade the Autopilot eventually but just not at the moment. The Century II works just fine right now.
  20. Wow! This forum is a life saver. I thought this whole time Mooney just never put one in because it a 1977. Maybe they started installing Ram air in 78'. Just realized that someone just blanked it off. Nice!!
  21. I agree totally with what you're saying. I knew I might lose some people when I said, "Don't blast me with all the variables." LOL!! I should have worded it something like- 1. What does this panel look like in terms of dollar bills? A. 30K B. 50K C. 75K D. 100K Yes, I am going to fully resort this plane from the ground up. Paint, Interior, Engine, Avionics, Etc... I will post, document and share throughout the progression and not just photos. Cost break down and why I chose certain things as well. I will post quotes as soon as I sign contract with whom I going with. Thanks for the reply "carusoam"
  22. Starting to put together a plan for a new panel & new electronics... I have now quoted multi shops and was wondering what everyone would consider a fair price? **and I mean the first number that comes to your head-- Don't blast me with all the variables. Note: The Garmin 430W, Stratus, A/P, ELT, AI are all from my old panel. Yes, I'm keep the AI and vacuum system for now because of my Century II Autopilot.
  23. I might continue to do the service up in GA at Collins or North FL if I find someone up there. Any suggestions in south FL?
  24. All in process. I won't be picking up the my mooney until late November. Transition train will be done then, up in North GA.
  25. Hi guys! Just purchased my first Mooney. I live down in Key Biscayne and l'm looking for some local knowledge on the south FL areas Mooney Owners/Experts. Trusted mechanics for annuals, basic maintenance, AV Techs, etc... Any good general knowledge is welcome, as I am a Mooney novice. I haven't pick up my bird yet and haven't decided where to keep it yet. I leaning towards KHWO or KTMB.
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