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Everything posted by A64Pilot

  1. Bore polishing is what being worn down so the cross hatching is gone is called, it most often occurs from extended periods of sitting, the bore rusts when sitting, then the engine is run, the rust is cleaned off, aircraft sits, bore rusts, repeat. It often occurs in one cylinder if the engine stops with that cylinders valve(s) open repeatedly. Once the bore is polished it can no longer hold oil on its surface and wear proceeds rapidly, it’s not long until wear is out of limits, and vertical bore scratches are common. I’ve seen it often in aircraft, but not cars that are stored and can’t explain why, is it because cars have long intake and exhaust systems that hold considerable volume? I’ve got a couple of cars, three actually that have been stored for years at a time, infrequently run and exhibit no bore polishing, one even sat since before WWII and when I pulled the head off of it to replace its valves, the bores were seemingly perfect, not much cross hatching to be honest, but did 1923 engines have deep cross hatching? I don’t know. If it were a motorcycle or aircraft engine it would have been seized I’m sure from rust. There is a C-140 in the neighborhood that the owner has passed away, it hasn’t flown for a few years and I’ve been told that the engine is gone, all cylinders have rust, and it was hangared.
  2. I’m not assuming it, he says it has excessive oil consumption In order for a cylinder to get to excess oil consumption from wear and be saved by a light hone and new rings means almost all of the wear has to happen in the rings, which is possible but unlikely if the cylinder has enough wear for the cross hatching to be gone. ”Overhauling” anything means different things to different people. To simply put a light hone in a cylinder and fit new rings isn’t in my book an overhaul, it’s a repair. One thing we don’t know is was the exh valve and guides replaced or not? Which should be done in my opinion to call it an overhaul. As I have posted before all that’s required to overhaul is disassemble, clean inspect and reassemble if everything meets serviceable limits. Then there are quality overhauls. Cylinders aren’t black magic, they are actually simple things. I’d bet money the rings didn’t seat due to sloppy clearances and or guides worn excessively and oil is coming in through there. The fix will be a good cylinder. Many cylinders are “freshened up” from prop strike inspections etc, ones that were good when disassembled but the wise decision was made to put a few bucks into one and greatly extend its life, often insurence money. These are the cylinders that can get a light hone and new rings, but the ones that are worn down to a smooth bore it’s unlikely that’s going to save one. I understand the attempt for cylinders like our angle valve Lycoming ones that aren’t available, but the Conti ones are readily available aren’t they? I’m afraid that the money that’s been spent on this one may be wasted, unless the shop that did the work will stand behind it
  3. Please, get your PP and fly rentals, or buy a simple airplane to build some time on first. There is a logical reason why your insurance rate as a brand new private pilot in a complex airplane would be so high. I’d recommend in that year that your flying a simple airplane to get your instrument ticket too, then every flight should be on an IFR flight plan and significant IMC, then your insurance will be low enough and you will be proficient enough to step up to a complex airplane, one that you can fully use now that your IFR rated and proficient.
  4. Years ago that was true, and I’ve heard but can’t verify that’s it’s true for the electric Porsche. Oh, and there is NO gas car that can do it even once, even the multi million dollar super cars that you never see, or I don’t anyway. Just like used to be the stupid performance level the Tesla Plaid is capable of it means the battery has to be pre-heated (several minutes wait) and performance degraded significantly as State of charge decreases. Apparently both of those issue have been addressed with the Cybertruck. If you’re really interested, watch this, this guy honestly understand the Engineering or is schooled by someone that does I don’t know which. Of course for those that want to continue to deny reality, I’d suggest don’t waste your time. I can’t afford the truck myself and aren’t sure I would want to drive something that outlandish looking, but it seems it continues to evolve Tesla automobiles.
  5. I would get some numbers as in compression check and if it’s not real good I’d call whoever did the overhaul on the cylinder, ask them. I thought standard practice for a cylinder overhaul was a new piston? How can you oversize a cylinder without an oversized piston? Putting a light hone on a cylinder, fitting new rings on the old piston is I’m sorry to say a Redneck overhaul in my book. How does that restore clearances in what has to be a worn cylinder, based on honing worn off. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the scope of work that was done.
  6. I took off the other day in my C-140 and right at takeoff heard a banging, kicked it out of trim and the banging stopped, obviously something was loose, quick check verified it wasn’t the seat belt. Flew the pattern and landed. Checked everything, couldn’t find anything it could be. Eventually looked on top of the wings, and yes there was the cap hanging by its metal chain. No marks or dents, but sure sounded like something was getting torn up.
  7. I think it would work, heck a drill works and surely those chairs have more torque than a drill? I know a golf cart works, but won’t in soft ground, huge difference in soft ground vs pavement, and I’ve seen golf carts launch and retrieve boats on a boat ramp, but can’t pull my Mooney in soft ground. Ref loading the nose wheel onto a lazy susan, I was going to fab one for my golf cart, my idea was to chock the mains, then have the lazy susan have a ramp and using the golf cart simply push it under the nose wheel, then strap the nose wheel on. I know it would work, but ended up buying a Sidewinder as I’m lazy
  8. I believe the TCDS takes precedence over anything else. However I agree with if there is a disagreement using the most conservative number until you get it clarified, regardless of which one it is, because more than once I’ve seen a TCDS to be incorrect. Shouldn’t happen but has.
  9. Nothing is the panacea the loons claim. There exists no perfect airplane or car, house boat whatever, everything has drawbacks. Having said that personally I don’t care about environmental issues, Global warming or whatever. I believe the superior technology will rise to the top if we let it, and I believe since the development of Lithium Ion batteries electricity is it, it wasn’t with lead acid or NiMh though. I want an affordable, safe car for the Wife to drive and one that doesn’t break the bank to drive and own. Ideally one that’s fun to drive and to be fun for me it has to accelerate well and handle well. Ideally I want it to be US made and owned by a US company. I don’t have anything against Japan, Korea etc, but I’d prefer it if my money stayed in the US and didn’t enrich foreign Countries. Tesla fills all those wants or has so far. I still say talk to me in seven years, because I need a car to last at least ten years, twenty is better. I can no longer afford new every few years. But speaking of those Loons, I’m of the opinion that one of their agenda’s is to drive the price of fossil fuel as high as they can by whatever means they have at their disposal. In my opinion political pressure is the only reason fuel isn’t North of $6 a gallon and I don’t want to be in those fuel lines like I was in the 70’s, nor do I want to have to reset the fuel pump because it will only dispense $150 at a time like I had to not so long ago. Having an EV in the garage beside the gas car I believe covers me both ways, and the EV is far cheaper to drive than even a Prius. Let’s run the numbers on a car that gets 40 MPG. If it drives 12,000 miles a year then divide that by 40 gets you 300 gls of gas multiply that by $3 a gl gets you $900. We drove the Tesla about that milage for $600. If you use the national average of 25.7 MPG it’s $1,400 in fuel. Yet many are convinced without Government subsidies that it cost more to drive an EV, because they are told so. Where does that come from? My children may see viable electric aircraft but I don’t think I will, to be honest I think the writing is on the wall for an airplane that the common man can afford, as it is there are no Certified new aircraft that the common man can afford already. Only reason I can is I’m an IA and fly antiques that are older than my adult children, one is older than I am and I just qualified for Medicare. New is way out of my price range as I suspect it is for most of us on the forum.
  10. To continue busting the myths, this one being the EV thing has run it’s course and aren’t selling. So what was the best selling vehicle in the world in the first quarter of 2023? https://www.motor1.com/news/669135/tesla-model-y-worlds-best-selling-car-q1-2023/
  11. Carrying a heavy weight is the same as a heavy pax, but I think it might be prudent to put it on a piece of plywood to distribute the weight and protect the seat rails in the future. Pretty sure no harm was done just cheap insurence
  12. Saw this video this morning at a neighborhood get together, for those that don’t really understand EV performance this illustrates it pretty good, we all know Porsche 911’s aren’t dogs, but watch this drag race against the Cyber Truck and a 911.
  13. There is actually excellent evidence and has been for decades, this is actually Elon Musk’s first “master plan” written way back in 2006. He has published I believe three master plans It should be noted that the Model 3 even though it’s bigger than the roadster is even more efficient than the roadster that these numbers are predicated on. You say EVs are predicated on environment, maybe for most but for me not. I used to drive Diesels only based on economics, yes you paid more to purchase but as the fuel was much less than gas and they burned less of it, it was much cheaper to fuel than a gasoline vehicle. That ended of course with ULSD, and whenever possible I won’t have a Diesel now. Diesel now is on average about $1 a gallon more than gas. Anyway read this article and then tell me that there is no evidence that EV’s don’t have less impact on emissions, that no one has “run the numbers” because someone did nearly 20 years ago. https://www.tesla.com/blog/secret-tesla-motors-master-plan-just-between-you-and-me
  14. Yes, and Ed was a very experienced pilot, flying eight to ten hours pretty much every day. I guess that day he didn’t check, what added to it is you taxi a Thrush hands off of the stick, because to unlock the tailwheel requires full forward stick, so you don’t usually touch the stick until lined up for takeoff. Maule has an AD, seems someone during the Annual swapped the elevator cables, the pilot on the post Annual test flight wanted to show off the Maules short take-off, steep climb and on pulled back hard on the elevator, being backwards this put the aircraft over on its back. FAA fix was you had to paint one cable end red. Yes correct especially after maintenance is very important. I doubt you could rig a Mooney backwards though, you can’t a Thrush which is also except for rudder push pull tubes. https://generalaviationnews.com/2022/07/11/plane-crashes-after-mechanic-incorrectly-rigs-aileron-control-cables/
  15. Good friend that sadly died in an SR-22 crash showed up one day at Americus Ga airport in his Thrush with the left wingtip damaged and grass sticking out of the wheel between the tire and wheel. I asked what happened and he started cussing his loader that had left the aileron gust lock on. He took off with the ailerons locked flew a pattern turning with the rudder but ground looped it on landing, to keep wings level meant he wasn’t lined up due to a cross wind. Final test flight of the turbine Caribou, gust locks, these were internal as inside of the cockpit. Boeing actually lost the fly off for the B-17, the test pilots crashed the prototype during the fly off by not removing the gust locks (internal also I believe) but Congress apparently knew it was the superior aircraft and illegally ordered the Boeing also along with the Douglas https://mynorthwest.com/1166154/flying-fortress-forgotten-b-17-crash/
  16. The C-85 engines if you have I think the Marvel carb you can’t kill with mixture, most have had the mixture either removed or disconnected anyway. I starve mine as you say by turning off the fuel because many of the carbs leak and don’t want it leaking in the hangar. So far as switching tanks before takeoff I think that silly, if you can’t feed from one tank for some reason switch back you should still have a lot of fuel left to find somewhere to land. My only rule is don’t switch tanks unless at cruise altitude, only problem I’ve had was I had the lever come off on me, as I was up high I had plenty of time to slide my seat back so I could see and put it back on, if I had been in the pattern maybe, maybe not. I’ve always wondered why switch tanks anyway. The Thrush crop duster always feeds from both tanks, only fuel selection you have is on or off, makes sense to me.
  17. I guess but I don’t think our money should be spent that way, essentially gifts to very wealthy companies. An argument could be made for the airport saying at least the flying public will benefit from the money being spent. But I don’t see how anyone but Tesla and Pepsico could benefit from the gift of 31 Million dollars. My belief is both Tesla and Pepsi are strong financially and don’t need taxpayer money. Now if it were for city busses that were to be free rides then sure spend taxpayer money.
  18. Yeah I was just reading about it. Apparently the CARB gave Pepsi 31 million dollars in a grant to buy the 21 trucks. ‘I would have thought that Pepsi could afford them
  19. Pepsi has a Tesla Semi? I didn’t know any were on the road
  20. Oh and the other half of the charging report that shows cost per KWH to Suoercharge and at home and the estimated saving in gas cost
  21. Oh, I will admit that in my opinion the Government getting involved and throwing tax payers money away to companies building electric school busses etc is really screwed up. These companies have zero experience building anything, about as likely to be successful as the self driving cars next year or the electric flying taxis next year etc. IF, the government had stayed out of it and let consumers vote by buying vehicles, then we would have had a logical transition of quality vehicles at a sustainable rate, and maybe by 2040 or so there would be very few at least passenger fossil fueled passenger cars. ‘You see these idiots completely forget that if we really did flood the market with EV’s especially inefficient SUV’s and pickup trucks, then pretty quickly we would be sitting in the dark sweating or freezing because we couldn’t heat or cool our houses and charge our EV’s. But they didn’t and we are in the mess that we are, I think it’s likely good that many EV’s are going unsold, that will bring the prices down and hopefully slow growth to a rate that the electric grid can support.
  22. Besides Fox news where do you get your data? What makes an EV more expensive to drive? I’ve heard that mantra repeated daily on the news with zero explanation. I’d sure like to hear one, because I think it’s as silly as the old assertion that a Hummer was more environmentally friendly than a Prius, or tgat you would have to buy a new Prius battery every other year, yadda, yadda. But your right everybody except Tesla isn’t selling, I think that because they have largely made a mess of it, tried to get too much out the door too fast, Musk is no idiot and yet it took him over a decade to work out the bugs, and we expected GM and Ford with zero experience to get it right on day one? By the way, I got zero government subsidies, no tax credit, nothing and we have had it for coming two and a half years I think and other than charging it’s cost $0 money. I couldn’t drive anything for less than $600 a year, not even a Prius. I suspect in another year or so I’ll be buying tires, and maybe windshield wiper blades, but that’s it. Even the much touted due to their weight EV’s chew up tires is BS, our Model 3 actually weighs less than a BMW 3 Series or an Audi A4, the two most comparable cars size wise etc. Diesels due to the overly complex smog controls with Diesel particulate exhaust filters and excess EGR are a mess, much less reliable and way more expensive. Google Ford 6.4L Powerstroke reliability if you don’t believe me and it’s just one, nobody can make those things pass smog tests without problems. and our current Government is promising far stricter smog standards. Just announced they are going to reduce Methane emissions from the oil and natural gas industry by 80%. If they can pull that off and I don’t think that’s even close to realistic, but what do you think that’s going to do to the price of gas and Diesel? https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/biden-harris-administration-finalizes-standards-slash-methane-pollution-combat-climate
  23. Yes but Ford and I believe GM too has bought into Tesla’s Supercharging network so that’s no longer an issue. I’m sure Musk is making boat loads of money with his charging network, but look at his picture where he’s charging, see how it’s mostly empty? That’s because in truth the vast majority of drivers don’t need and or rarely charge anywhere but at home. I’ll attach my charge stats for the year, 0% Supercharger, 2% “other” 98% at home. In fact Tesla launched the network to sell cars, not make money off of it even gives away free supercharging every so often to boost car sales, but Time magazine says he’s set to make 5 Billion dollars a year off of it. https://time.com/6287589/tesla-ev-charging-business-model/ When our current President was touting Government funded charging network, Musk offered to allow his network to be included of course for a part of the Government funding, but you know who told him to pack sand because he’s not a Union shop, but faced with losing more money than even the Government is giving them Ford and GM made private deals with Musk, an EV has to have a reliable, available and functioning charging network and the Tesla one is the only one in existence. So far as your assertion that the average EV is priced higher, they aren’t selling, they are sitting on lots unsold, so if you change that to the price of the average price of EV’s that sold then I bet money the EV’s come out cheaper. Currently the Tesla market share is only 50%, so half of ALL EV’s sold are Tesla’s, not your overpriced ones. Away charging if you have access to the Tesla network just isn’t the issue the haters want it to be, in fact for the majority it’s no issue at all. You want to talk average, well average fuel economy is 25.7 and that’s a record high not 40, you may get 40, but that’s not average. Time will tell, for an automobile an EV is a superior technology, in truth they have to be much cheaper to build, you say they aren’t reliable and use the dated Consumer reports article as proof, have you read the article? I have in it they point to Tesla’s poor panel fit and paint and define that as reliability, not if and or how often the car breaks or needs service. An EV is an incredibly simple machine, no smog controls, no transmission etc. Just a small light electric motor bolted directly to the differential just like a golf cart. You want to talk off road? You off road your Altima? How deep of water can it cross before the engine is destroyed? A Tesla powertrain is literally waterproof, it will even flow if the water is deep enough, if you look on Youtube there are videos of Tesla’s crossing flood waters floating, spinning the back wheels very fast for propulsion. You try to pick odd use cases to prove an EV is inferior, but in fact an EV four wheel drive should be way superior, why? because nothing delivers power more smoothly than an electric motor, an electric motor can be on any angle of hill and the oil pump won’t cavitate etc. and as I said if needed they can apparently easily be made completely waterproof. Time will tell, but using the Model 3 as an example as it’s my only real experience, it’s drive train was designed to last 1 million miles. Why? Because it’s the drivetrain for the Tesla Semi if it ever gets built, it will use four Model 3 drivetrains. I don’t think normal mechanical wear at least on a Tesla will be the issue, I suspect battery degradation will eventually as consumers become more educated about EV’s the determine value of a used EV, not mileage so much. But we have no idea really how long these things will last. https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/fotw-1177-march-15-2021-preliminary-data-show-average-fuel-economy-new-light#:~:text=Preliminary data for EPA's 2020,miles per gallon (MPG). Oh, and on the charging report page, that $600 is for an entire year of driving and includes all the times in Summer we leave the AC on because the little dog is in the car and the times the AC runs because I have the car set to not allow interior temps to exceed 90F. ‘Even at 40 MPG how much do you spend on gas this year? I bet more than $50 a month.
  24. I can’t address your go see Mom use case as well you can’t address every case, but I’ll try to address your others. I don’t know what capability and flexibility is as those are undefined terms but suspect they address you presumption of reduced long range travel capability. But as of today the price including the tax credit of a standard range Tesla model 3 is $28K plus change, see attached pic. According to Consumer Reports two months ago the AVERAGE price of a new car is over $48,000. So that blows the “more expensive” part out of the window, a Tesla is $20,000 cheaper, not more. Even if the tax credit is ignored the Tesla is still over $12,000 LESS than the average. https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/buying-a-car/people-spending-more-on-new-cars-but-prices-not-necessarily-rising-a3134608893/#:~:text=The average cost of new,many other factors at play. Based on our 30,000 miles of driving that’s only the beginning, the cheaper to operate is massive, the Tesla returns 260 miles on 50 KWH, so a full tank on the Tesla costs only $8.50. To fill up our Miata for the same range costs over $30, and that’s at Sam’s Club the cheapest gas there is at least here. So “fuel” wise it’s less than 1/3 to power a Tesla than a Miata, you’ll have to run the numbers for your car of course but I suspect the Tesla is cheaper than even a Prius So at least a Tesla to operate is orders of magnitude less expensive to buy and operate and own than a comparable gas car. Then add in performance wise it will blow the doors off of any other than gas performance vehicle, but don’t forget that crash test wise a Model 3 is the safest vehicle on the market. So we have come to several conclusions that are easily proved. It’s much cheaper to buy. It’s much cheaper to drive. It’s the safest vehicle you can buy, I think still, but the test was about the time we bought ours which was almost three years ago. https://www.tesla.com/blog/model-3-lowest-probability-injury-any-vehicle-ever-tested-nhtsa Oh, and it’s the most American made vehicle you can buy. That’s a little tougher to prove as 90% or better of the auto mags etc simply ignore Tesla’s existence as Tesla gives them no money, doesn’t even give them vehicles to test, whereas everybody else spends large sums on advertising and free cars to test and keep as long as they want. Small wonder the Auto press isn’t Tesla fans. But Tesla builds pretty much everything in their vehicles, in the US, even the seats and no other large manufacturer build seats and most even if assembled in the US the major components are shipped in from overseas. Oh, and charge time is 15 min for 147 miles of range, so my 20 min guess was off a little, but in truth I charge a little more than the computer suggests as I like to have a little extra, if you follow the computers directions you will minimize charge time and you will make it to the next charge point, but I don’t like getting there nearly empty so I’ll charge for a few minutes extra. In all honesty I can’t come up with a logical reason for most not to buy one. There are some requirements though, the perfect car doesn’t exist anymore than the perfect airplane. A Tesla is close to a Mooney though, fast, safe and efficient. To be most useful you need a garage that you can park in every night or at least a private parking spot close enough to run a 30 amp cord to. No EV is best in super cold weather as waste heat is normally used to heat a gas car where an EV has to use power to either creat or move heat, the Tesla’s heat pump is very efficient, but you can’t beat “free” heat you get from a gas car. But for the average driver they are ideal. Best if you don’t live in the wide open spaces, example I’m sure in places like lots of Montana that you would pretty much be confined to within 100 miles of home, because I’m sure in sparsely populated areas there just aren’t any chargers, a Tesla can use anyone’s chargers, can even plug into pretty much any power outlet, a 110V plug will power it, but it’s ridiculously slow, my back up plan is an RV park, most have at least 30 amp plugs. Of course I’ve never charged at an RC park, but could if I had to. In your case for your Mothers house all you would need is a 30 amp or larger plug in her garage and plug in your travel charger into it. A standard range Tesla charger can only pull 22 amps so while it certainly can use a 5o amp plug a 30 amp is more than enough. A drier or stove plug is fine, so if your Mothers drier is near the garage you could simply plug into it’s outlet. You know I watch Fox News myself, but get tired of their honestly ignorant tirade against EV’s.
  25. At least on the standard range Tesla it’s every three hours or so and the stop is on average 20 min. Pay more money for the longer range car and maybe you can extend those stops, but I’ve noticed it seems the longer range cars stop at the same charging stations we do. Head North on I-95 or I-75 and you will se a lot of cars that are the same at the Suoerchargers as a bunch of cars are on the highway of course and we all have to refuel if you will at Superchargers. The cars computer knows the distance between chargers and adjusts the planned number of charging stops to minimize the total time spent charging, in other words you never charge to a high charge level because the more full the battery gets the slower it charges, you can charge from near zero to 85% faster than you can go from 85% to 100%. Tesla “licked” the charging problem over a decade ago, no other manufacturer has even addressed it, they ignore it based I assume on the Governments promise to pour Billions of taxpayers dollars into chargers. But that’s a Tesla only thing, nobody else has a charging network, and no one else has either as powerful a charger as Tesla’s Superchargers nor will their batteries accept a charge nearly as fast. This pic is typical, you can see the car’s rate is adding over 800 miles of range per hour, a rate that’s not sustainable of course, but also if you notice the time remaining to continue the trip is only 8 min. We rarely ever Supercharge, 99% of the time we charge at home because we never exceed the range daily unless traveling and the few times we travel we are in the Mooney usually. Plus charging at home is .17c per KWH, 34c per KWH to Supercharge. Be nice if you could refuel your gas car at home for half price wouldn’t it? Buying a vehicle because it has capabilities that you need for less than 1% of the time I’ve decided not to do anymore, reason I no longer have a truck. I’ve decided the few times a year that I really need one that I’ll just rent one. What I ought to do is what I did years ago, that is buy an eight ft tilt bed trailer, a little trailer is a whole lot easier to load and unload than a truck bed, and for things like hauling a riding mower it’s a whole lot easier. My opinion is it’s going to take a really big advance in electric storage to make an electric airplane viable, but if it ever happens an EV airplane will be much superior, quieter, smoother, more reliable and sea level power as high as it can fly. I don’t expect to ever see that though, need a Mr Fusion like in Back to the Future.
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