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  1. Has anyone found a LED replacement for these? Mooney Ovation 3 M20R annunciator bulbs: AML Bulb 7327 | Aircraft Spruce
  2. I was not planning to charge the battery this way but rather just update G1000 databases and learn buttonology without depleting batteries.
  3. Thank you, Dave I will check, and report back.
  4. Correction: The cigarette lighter sock has a label 14V 3 AMPS MAX 5 A Intermittent.
  5. I connected the Battery Minder cigarette lighter adapter to the cigarette lighter plug in the cockpit and now the USB adapter (tried 3 different ones) is not working. Is there a circuit breaker that I don't see on the panel for this one?
  6. Do you guys know what size camlocs are needed for M20R by any chance? Cowling and air inlet two different sizes.
  7. Thanks this is how to do it properly with wiring: I was thinking something simple like this... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CMDH8CHY/ref=sw_img_1?smid=A1SASWNVUUP7GO&th=1
  8. I thought so too. But I tried it and it worked once. I had to turn Master On to start the trickle charger then the Battery Minder continued to charge no problem for over an hour with Master Off. I guess the solenoid remained open? When I tried the same procedure the day after no joy.
  9. Has anyone been able to use Battery Minder to trickle charge at least Battery 1 on M20R via cigarette lighter adapter?
  10. Just a quick update. I sent in both alternator and voltage regulator for iran. The alternator needed overhauled. Voltage regulator was inspected and turned out to be fine. Reinstalled both of them. Tested on the ground and in the air. Problem gone issue seems to be solved. Six weeks turnaround time the only drawback but better safe than sorry.
  11. Thanks Jeff I will definitely try. I am sure this was no fun for you in IMC!
  12. Before TO and after landing no annunciator light taxing or parked on the ground. No problem till cruise speed (24.5 square at 3k). Tested this twice max 15 miles around the patch. Then the Alternator light flashes on and off and then stops for a while, then it starts again. Master red light also does the same thing. Battery however consistently shows 27.8V charge and +2 amps even when the light is flashing. No CB is tripped. Frequency of the light flashing is somewhat inconsistent. Light flashes very dim hard to see in bright sun. Then it stops for 10 seconds or so before starting again. When I turn off/on the ALT switch the alternator is working and quickly picks up the load. Recharges the battery fast in a few seconds (+16 then lower up to 27.8V again). Anyone had this issue before? Connectors/wires to the main alternator seem secure.
  13. This would be so nice!! Master switch needs to be on to use this accessory apparently. Not a good option for long body with G1000. Am I correct?
  14. This is from the Garmin Manual: but how often does this need to be done? I found a non-Mooney specific version of this PDF that calls: grease on servos every 3 years or 1,000 hours. What do most of you guys do on Ovation 3 or other GFC700 autopilot G1000 equipped Mooney's? any other advice on maintenance of the autopilot systems? "4.6 GSA 81 Greasing Procedure Re-grease each servo output gear following the procedure below: 1. Remove each servo. 2. Remove excess grease build-up from the single servo output gear using a lint-free cloth. It is not necessary to remove all of the grease from the output gear, only the excess grease. DO NOT USE SOLVENTS TO CLEAN THE OUTPUT GEAR! 3. Using a brush or other applicator, apply a thin coat of grease to the servo output gear. Use Aeroshell 17 or equivalent (Synthetic Diester, Low Temp; Must meet MIL-G-21164D). 4. Re-install the servos. 5. Move control surfaces through their range of motion." GARMIN: https://static.garmin.com/pumac/G1000:Mooney_G1000_GFC700SystemMaintenanceManual.pdf Thanks! Healthpilot
  15. Ok reporting back after annual inspection. As expected the culprit were the two bottom sparkplugs. Engine starting smooth and temp rising evenly now.
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