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    Aerostar Chaparral

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  1. No recourse with the A&P who did the pre-purchase evaluation. Two options with your current A&P IA: 1. Complete their airworthiness items as they identified and get your annual sign off. 2. Tell them to roll it out of their shop with a logbook entry along the lines of “Annual inspection not completed. List of discrepancies provided.”; or if they have completed the inspection: “Annual inspection completed. List of discrepancies provided.” If it’s the later you can hire an A&P to address the discrepancies as provided by the IA and make a separate logbook entry documenting the work done.
  2. Correct. I contacted him last month and he said he’s no longer do reseal work.
  3. If you’re going to replace leads from the mags to the plugs I can’t recommend New Horizons highly enough. I’d just get a new full set if that’s what you need. Do you have a digital engine monitor that has a read out for each EGT? A bad plug can be identified by that egt going cold instead of increasing during the run up mag check. A timing issue will present as all the egts increasing with a significant drop / roughness in rpm. I’d start there and time the mags before replacing leads. If that doesn’t resolve it then I’d go for a full set of leads.
  4. This. I had a Bendix mag slip within 65 hrs after a 500 hr service.
  5. Another vote for Maggie harnesses. Fast and great customer service. Really nice product too. I installed on my Bendix Sl4ns with no problems.
  6. Came about as a result of the COVID pause. I figured that I was going to be furloughed in spring of 2021 so I started calling in a lot of favors. There’s no feasible way to do both. I was able to get a leave approved to fight fires before there was an indication that travel was going to turn around so quickly. Under the previous CalFire schedule I couldn’t imagine doing this job with kids. The current schedule works with a family.
  7. 15 years of 121 operations with 4 different carriers, currently on long term leave from the most recent (COVID Pause) CFI since 2002, always remained actively teaching DPE since 2017, all gliders ops and limited ASEL DynCorp pilot on the CalFire contract
  8. I’d venture to guess that both (or the CHT at a minimum) are required for your TCDS. If so, I don’t think you can get away with non-certified options. Consult your IA
  9. Pacific coast flyers has a 231 in their fleet
  10. There’s a service bulletin that addresses this. Might be worth considering just getting this done instead of flushing out a new handle. https://www.donmaxwell.com/cabin-door-handle-upgrade
  11. Update: Using @Mooneymite’s suggestion we got into the belly pan and discovered the worn bushings. LASAR had them in stock; four required. Replaced them and returned to service. No idea how old the previous bushings were. The whole process took about 3 hrs from start to finish with most of the time being spent on removing and replacing the belly pan.
  12. Active glider pilot (600+ hrs), raced gliders, flown cross-country in them, and currently a Glider authorized DPE. If I were able to re-write the regulations, everyone would at least solo in a glider before getting into any powered trainer.
  13. @Mooneymite Thanks! First item I'll inspect once I drop the belly pan. DV8
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