Quick thought on the wet vs. dry rate topic: A club that I used to fly with charged a wet rate, and reimbursed fuel purchases at a fixed dollar-per-gallon value that was roughly average for our area (updated once or twice a year to track the market). So if you end up going out of your way to buy fuel cheaper than the assigned rate, that actually brought your cost down for the trip; if you decide to visit the most expensive FBO at a Class B airport, you've still got skin in the game when buying their $10/gal fuel.
At the end of the day, the club is paying fair market value for fuel, and individual partners still get some autonomy in their actual fuel costs for their given trips. If a member asks the plane be left more/less full than usual, hopefully you've set the rates such that your home field's price is aligned with the assigned price, and therefore debts between parties are not worth calculating (plus everyone knows the reimbursement price ahead of time, so they can plan accordingly when deciding to tanker fuel home, asking for tanks to be left low, etc.). Seemed to work really well.