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Will.iam last won the day on November 7

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About Will.iam

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    Flying, motorcycle riding, water skiing
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    M20K 252 TSE

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  1. Neighbor has a gx non waas. So no way to get engine data logging?
  2. We did not have ipads at that company. The flight plan did have lat / longs printed by each way point and mag heading so you verified the fms heading and distance match the flight plan. This was especially important as we crossed the prime meridian as 10e could easily be put in as 10w and be in a different country. We also didn’t have gps only IRU’s so had to monitor the drift of each one to vor’s for correct position. I think we were one step up from having to use a sextant and star navigation.
  3. Flew 767 for a company that the fms only had 256k memory. To upgrade to 2mb it was over 100k company would not do it. They would load the fms with a region like the middle east but when we got a trip to england we had to input every point via lat/long. And that was legal. Now if the controller in say france or germany wanted to send us to a point not on our flight plan typically we said unable. And they would either send us to a further point on our flight plan or if they required us to goto that point we would request a heading while we looked up on our charts, find the point and put in the lat long then nav to the point. This was in 2014 in Europe. Same thing in the states. Had the fms loaded for east coast but if we got a charter to west coast about half way we were on lat longs only as we did not have the points in the data base. Could not fly RNAV but 99% was ILS or LOC occasionally a VOR. And NDB into Laredo, Texas.
  4. My ads-b through the gtx345 will call out traffic that is the same altitude and close (i think about 2 miles out) so in reality in the pattern i have my eye out side as i will get an auditable alert. Great for in the pattern, but formation flying not so much.
  5. Well for one thing ADS-B at close range can and does produce skating which is to say the target is not where it actually is in relationship to you. Just yesterday we were at an uncontrolled field with 4 other airplanes in the pattern. The aircraft that was in front of us turning base to final as we were on downwind about to turn base when we decided to extend our base turn because he was at our 10 o’clock but the ads-b did not show any traffic in front of us. Once we heard his call sign again i found his ads-b target and it was behind us! off our 8 o’clock. Had i looked at my ipad first and tried to find the traffic it would have suggested for me to look in the wrong direction.
  6. I run 25” 2500rpm and 10gph and that puts me at 1550 tit. Running a gallon less and 4” more you are more LOP than me. My CHT’s are 370 in the summer and cooler in the winter. Your CHT’s at 340 is quite cool that maybe because some of your combustion is still going on when the exhaust valve starts opening. If i was running that far LOP i would be slowing down the RPM’s to like 2300 giving more time for the combustion to finish. Or if you want to stay 2500 go closer to peak egt i. E. Less deep lop to speed up the combustion process.
  7. I have own fluke and used oscilloscopes. This hits the right cost vs value for me. Being 24bit dac it’s as accurate as my fluke but with ability to chart data you can even hold both leads and measure your heart beat like the ekg that is now in most smart watches. Just the other day needed to find out which circuit breaker to flip to turn off a wall plug. No problem just stick the leads in the wall plug and take the phone with me to the breaker box. Start flipping till the volts go away.
  8. With the weight of the original 3 blade would a MT composite 3 blade be faster as you get 28 lbs off the nose thus less up trim of the horizontal stab which would be less drag?
  9. Ok first off you finding peak egt and then enriching to 100ROP means you are going throught the most harsh area (50 degrees ROP) twice!!! Once going to peak and again going back to 100ROP. Only by staying 65% or less contintal or 70% lycoming is it ok because your power setting is low enough to not damage the engine even if you left it at 50ROP. So don’t be afraid to go into LOP as you already past the worse area getting there. The least damaging would be to set your power below 65% then pull mixture until engine runs rough then enrichen just until the roughness smoothes out. That is the deepest LOP you can run until you balance out your injectors better. That might be peak, just a little lean of peak or if you are lucky with your injectors being closely matched deep lean of peak. Yes any time you move the throttle it changes the mixture as well. Just readjust the mixture after your new throttle setting back to the fuel flow you had. If you increase throttle with same ff as before you will be more deep lop and vice versa if you pull back on the throttle and readjust the ff back to what it was before the throttle (MP) change.
  10. No the inventor couldn’t scale up the production and still goto college was just spread too thin i think and got burn out to boot. Maybe now that he got his degree and a job he picked back up the hobby and/or found a company willing to scale his product. If it’s the former, that’s why i ordered 2 of them so i will have a spare in case i ever break or lose one of my other 2. The capabilities this thing has equals other devices costing in the thousands and some of those still do not have an SD card you can record hours of data on or are so big and bulky you can not fit it into an engine compartment like you can this thing it’s truly a great value for your money. I will never go back to a limiting fluke meter again.
  11. The mooshimeter is back in stock on amazon!!! I just ordered 2 more of them and the capt has his son going through EE degree in college and he just ordered 2 for himself and his son. It’s an awesome multimeter so glad they are making them again. https://a.co/d/gcu0W7a
  12. What MP are you running at 57%? what is your CHT’s? Because that is 8.8 gal/hr which is low power. To get tit that high you would have to be shoving alot of air slowing down the wave front or 1 or 2 cylinders are not matched close enough in your gami spread and are dumping the exhaust when the combustion is still going on into the exhaust manifold. If your cht’s are low try going more toward peak egt (less lop) and you should see egt’s go down as cht’s rise.
  13. That chart for the 231/252/encore is actually just the 231 with its fixed waste gate. 252 or encore should not be included on the same line. Their line would continue paralleling the bravo like it does in the teens and keep going up to 24k then slightly increasing after 24k as that is critical ceiling on the 252 encore is at 21k but has more speed in the high teens compared to the 252 (guess that 10 extra hp helped) from another chart i saw of just the differences between the 252 and encore.
  14. Ok first off get that extended tank full fuel load out of your mind. Just because you can carry full fuel doesn’t mean you have to. Besides your girlfriend unless she likes peeing in a coffee can , is not going to last much longer than 4 hours before she or you are going to need a restroom break so just get gas at the same time. I have extended tanks and can fly for 10 hours. Yet the longest i have flown at one time is 5 hours. Point being extended tanks would not be the deciding factor. There is a speed chart on mooneyspace that shows the different models all shown together so you can compare. Short summary ovation faster than all but the acclaim S up to 8k then the turbo charged models start beating the ovation. If you are not going above 8k stay with the ovation as you go higher the acclaim will be faster the higher you go. Everything is a compromise so you need to choose whats most important to you. Speed, range, or price.
  15. Ha that lack of easy access is way understated. Damn knuckle biting curing vocabulary expansion nightmare i tell you and make damn sure you have a new crush washer to go on there or the used one that’s on there now will leak and you get to clean that mess up until next oil change as there is no way you are going to swap that old crush washer for new before all the oil runs out.
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