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Will.iam last won the day on November 7 2024

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About Will.iam

  • Birthday October 21

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    Flying, motorcycle riding, water skiing
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    M20K 252 TSE

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  1. I have tsio-360mb and that picture is not what my engine looks like. Fyi
  2. Picked up frost on the bottom of my wing one day when the humidity was high and my fuel had soaked to sub freezing temperatures being in the FL’s for about an hour. Since i didn’t have any on the top of the wing and it was thin enough to see the paint through i didn’t have a problem with it as i knew adding fuel would melt it back off. If the frost was on the top i would have taken steps to remove it.
  3. Actually when i first put in cam guard my starter adapter started slipping could have been coincidence, but I think my adapter was already worn out and that just accelerated the problem. Since i put the overhauled starter adapter i have continued to use cam guard and the adapter has not slipped since the overhaul.
  4. Dougosh did mine the first annual i had my plane and it’s awesome. The difference in wind noise and drafts between when it’s inflated and not is amazing. If you take a piece of paper and put it on the seam of the closed door in flight and it sticks you have a draft between the door and cabin. I generally dump the air pressure on short final so that i do not forget and open the door after landing with the seal still inflated. It always amazes the passenger just how much loader the wind noise is with the seal deflated.
  5. But why are the diesels to replacement and not overhaul? Why can’t you still use the crankshaft case etc?
  6. Yea all that torque pulses doesn’t play well with propellors of today. Like a hammer, the vibrations would yet be another potential problem that needs testing to verify.
  7. That is jpi proprietary information.
  8. Caravan is boots. You wait until 10 Kias drop then activate the boots which sheds the ice but you only usually get 5 kias back so a losing battle and only buys you time to get out of it when more than trace.
  9. I don’t have a Bravo but if @Fritz1 is running 100df ROP on 30”/2300 and 18.5ff i find it hard to believe you are LOP running only 29”/2400 at 19.5 ff as your setting is more rich than Fritz1 and he is already 100df ROP. What measurement are you using to determine you are running LOP?
  10. $3.78 at KRFI just south of KGGG where Maxwell is at.
  11. When the IRAN is about the same price as the surefly and i will not have to pay for another 2000 hours for that side, it’s a killer deal. That and i have the pressurized mag that surefly doesn’t require so if I’m at altitude and the pressure fails or the mag i have the surefly to fall back on.
  12. Interesting my 252 idles at 650 RPM and smoothly at 700rpm. I have a long down grade to my hanger so i am idling at 700 or less for at least a few minutes after landing and i have not had my turbo leak after shutdown. With continental recommending running the engine at 700 for a 50 RPM rise check and not mentioning anything about idling at or above 1000 rpm before shutdown to scavenge oil out of the turbo. Just a data point that idling at less than a 1000 rpm prior to shutdown doesn’t mean the turbo will leak.
  13. That’s all great except the airport was/is paid for with federal money. Your examples are all city or state not federal. Toll roads are for the new roads they build. I have yet to see a toll applied to an already developed federally funded road. So not the same comparison. And at least with the toll roads i can choose to use that new part of the road or stay on the free federal road. For an airport to charge for their funded part of the airport fine. But for them to charge for use of the federal part of the airport is nothing short of stealing and should be prosecuted at a federal offense. Like vandalizing mail boxes is a federal offense.
  14. Fake news.
  15. Well they could use the people like me that are in the aviation field professionally and i used to use 100LL to wash parts with “gasp” no gloves on as a kid and young adult before this became a nono. Went to a holistic doctor that just knew i had lead in my body but when the lab results came back he was shocked i did not. Either the issue is overblown or my body seems to be able to remove what lead i do get into my system. My A&P routinely washes his hands with 100LL to this day. He is 78 been doing it all his life. He said if it has not killed him yet it’s not going to now.
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