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Everything posted by bmcconnaha

  1. updated original post to reflect what is sold/pending
  2. Hello, I was going some research on adding a 406 ELT to my 1990 J. I saw there was a service bulletin for this. My antenna is internal, and I’d like to keep it that way. When I asked about the availability from a service center of the SB, i was told it was no longer available. My question is, have you added a 406 ELT to your plan e, and kept the antenna internal WITHOUT using the kit called out for in the service bulletin? im at a loss at what to do ELT wise. thank you
  3. We sent someone a quote on the IFD. I’ll know more Monday. 4k on the NGT.
  4. changed up some stuff in my panel, and have the following for sale out of my J Avidyne IFD550. 6 months old, over 3 years warranty remaining. could possibly take a 530w in on trade sold Lynx NGT9000 15mo old $4000 sold JPI830 (4cyl with fuel flow) pending KX155 Century 2000 (all parts available, computer had an overhaul about 18mo ago. servos etc all available. AI and HSI are both inop) PS eng 450B is sold all the rest of the oem stuff is available. open to reasonable offers on everything. thank you
  5. Dynon doesn’t have a certified waas navigation unit. So, I’m glad they look better and better to you everyday, but they don’t do the same things. If they could get their autopilot for Mooney’s done, they would look better to me too.
  6. I have it on my J. It was one of two props approved for the the 390. Mine did require a governor change, but I didn’t have the a3b6. I had the a3b6d. I like the prop so far, but I wish the MT was approved. I do like the fact there is no RPM restriction anymore, but I find it’s smoothest at 2500-2600rpm. It’s dynamic balanced there.
  7. Do you have an plessey springs? Could you take me on for an annual this year, in sept?
  8. Kind of pathetic to be left hanging from a company still technically in business. I’d like a spring for my plessey actuator, but can’t find one. Sure would be nice to get my hands on one of these used, so I can have it duplicated.
  9. Did you ever get your hands on a used plessey spring? If you don’t want to advance the project and have the spring, I’d be willing to have it analyzed by a spring company and get the specifics at my own expense. Then those could be passed on to other owners that need it and they could have their own made. Lasar has no reconditioned units. They are quoting new units for 27k. This would greatly help the people left with the plessey units. Crazy how our birds still have a manufacturer that hasn’t completely shut down, and if you compare stuff like this to a Piper Comanche, that’s been out of production for fifty years, lots of Comanche stuff is easier to come by.
  10. I don’t have a second system, I think my pals @Baker Avionics might have one.
  11. @Dick Denenny I’m based at KCOE also. Hangared close to where you tie down. Sorry about your bad luck with your wing.
  12. Yeah, I understand that. I had to really bug to get a ferry permit in a timely fashion last year. being that the plessey is no longer supported, wouldnt this qualify as an owner produced part?
  13. New models changed how they deal with a pitot failure. You no longer lose everything. It keeps it all functional, just in a reduced accuracy
  14. Dual G3x going in mine at the moment. Not a fan of the 275. Too small. If I was concerned of the budget and wasn’t planning a full overhaul of the panel, I might have considered a 275. But, at this point I just decided to do it all and be done with it.
  15. Absolutely. I can post some photos as I receive them. Also, if Instagram is your thing, they said they will share progress there.
  16. well, made the trek to the avionics shop a few days ago to drop the J off. @Baker Avionics is installing a whole slew of goodies for me. Dual G3X, 750, GFC500 with Yaw damper, remote 345, remote 35c audio panel, remote com unit and a Garmin EIS Also decided to go with a landing height system unit. Really looking forward to it. My old six pack knew it was on it way out. the AI failed about 45 days ago, and the day i took it to Grants Pass to drop it off, the HSI failed. looking forward to no more analog instruments.
  17. Here, since I was asked not to delete the thread. i didn’t end up putting it on the market officially. I never found a plane I was in love with to replace it. this Tuesday it heads to the avionics shop for about 85k worth of work. So, at this point I’ll hold on to it. I’ve put too much into it to turn back at this point. thanks for all the interest and PMs.
  18. Bump.... $125 off a 450B upgrade. Use code Mooneyspace @ checkout. https://avionicssource.com/ Thanks! Bryan@ Avionics Source.
  19. Can you tell me more about the Casio?
  20. Right, I’m sure the startle effect didn’t help things. Not sure why it was climbing slow before the door was open. This could be one of those accidents where there is a few layers.
  21. Good reminder to check that it’s locked every time you enter the airplane. I brief my passengers to double check that as well.
  22. Yeah, I should probably just delete this thread, lol. I’ve had some interest In it, but things got crazy at work lately, and I haven’t had time to do anything with it. I had pretty much decided to finish the panel in a few weeks and fly it. I’ve already paid for the equipment, and some was specific to the mid body I believe (GFC500 stuff), so might as well get it done and not ruffle the avionics shops feathers this close to my install date.
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