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Everything posted by bmcconnaha

  1. Looking for a century 2000 computer, preferably out of a J.
  2. I’m really hoping surefly and lycoming can get a solution figured out for us a3b6D drivers. The J runs cool enough it could tolerate a small bump in CHT for the efficiency gain provided by variable timing advance.
  3. ill read through that... thank you
  4. I fly to Kalispell all the time from Coeur d’Alene. Grew up in Montana, it’s home. One of my first trips the FBO at GPI was telling me about this place in whitefish that had world class pie. Lots of trips later (including one for me to bring pies home for my bday) I can agree. Best pie I have ever had. Great breakfast too. They told me of a couple who flys their citation in from Kansas for pie. Puts new meaning to the 100 dollar run http://www.whitefishrestaurant.com
  5. ive read a few. closest i can find for the starter is -18". ill reweigh after paint and interior down the road....
  6. previous owner had an A&P install a skytek starter. he didnt update the W&B, just said empty weight decreased by 9.7lbs. i want to redo the w&b and give it to my a&p to look at and sign for me. plane is 300 miles away at the moment, and i dont have access to the equipment list. could anyone share theirs? looking for the page with the starter, and if the strobe boxes are on the equipment list. all three (both wings and tail) thanks in advance! Bryan PS: plane is a 1990 J
  7. Agreed. running smooth, id land and diag. i lost mag on my sr22TN one time (turbo normalized, cruise is always done lean of peak) and it was change your underwear rough. i was over mountains, 15mins from my destination. I did diag in air. single mag ops, rich of peak smoothed it out. Let tower know i had an ignition system issue and they got me on the ground quickly,
  8. Thanks for all the scary stuff lol my guy was in a hurry to get it in, we had 50kt winds and it was about to start raining followed by snow... plus he did me a favor by getting it in on his day off... he sent me a photo of it all happy in the hangar but i noticed the aileron was still deflected...
  9. I thought about that while I was wondering lol.
  10. Shop forgot to remove the seatbelt I had around the yoke for a gust lock before they towed it in. Can that damage the interconnect for the aileron to rudder? Or, am I mistaken on how this system operates?
  11. let me know if you want one
  12. its got an old king. def needs a shop. unfortunately i have more pressing needs at the moment... No ads B, and my transponder decided to check out last week anyways. they dont have time to do it all, but can get to my Lynx NGT9000 and Avidyne IFD550 this time. next time it will be dual or triple aspens and the 450b
  13. Thanks! use discount code Mooney for an extra $10 off, or email me at bryan@avionicssouce.com. I have had two 450B and a 7000/8000 PS engineering. all great units, but the 450b takes the cake. soon as i can get to an avionics shop ill be putting a 450b in the J i just bought.
  14. Hopefully not a redundant post. I tried searching but didn’t have much success with that I’m after. Looking for some photos or Pireps of the install guide for installation of the 650s on the J with the enclosed wingtips. Did the factory wires for the new LED light prove long enough, or did you have to add some length? Also, went with a third strobe on the tail. How hard was it to add the sync wire? Thanks in advance
  15. I posted a group buy on the mooney Facebook page for JPI edm 830/900/930. Send me a message here or to my email bryan@avionicssource.com if you would like some info. Thanks, Bryan
  16. I ordered mobile 28 (landing gear, plessey actuator etc) and mobile SHC100 (wheel bearings). The MM specifically calls for aero shell 7 in a few spots such as the jack screw, so I’ll stick with that there. both 7 and 33 meet the Mil spec for the certain spots, i am still determine which one I like better. They can’t be mixed, so I will have to clean any grease off whatever I put 33 on, if I go that way
  17. Because I read zip is repackaged royco, and your paying quite a premium to get it in aerosol. I’ll use an precision oil can or needle oiler, and it will be fine
  18. I have a gallon coming from skygeek (royco 363) of course my a&p fought me on that a little with wanting to use LPS2, but I’m a pretty by the book guy and went with the oil that meets the Mil spec spelled out in the MM. now we’re on to discussing greases. Plane is new to me, and I just found the last two annual receipts. 575 dollars each, with no notes. So, I’m assuming they are worth the paper they were written on, nothing more. I’ll be lubing the entire aircraft per the MM.
  19. The problem is the R part of the IRAN. Unless you mean the whole actuator. Which isn’t cheap. Sure would be good to have a spring ready to go, instead of replacing the actuator. I plan to pull mine apart and lube it soon. I’m doubtful it was ever done. The logbook never references it, and the data plate appears undisturbed.
  20. I have read everything so far, and I’m not seeing any real viable options other than an owner produced part. If I can get my hands on the spring, I’d get working on getting it figured out. There seem to be a few outfits that can tell me what exactly it’s composed of, and I found a spring maker that specializes in aerospace. I’ll reach out to them once I know what it is exactly that I need. My plane could be down for extended period with an engine overhaul and avionics upgrade soon. That might be the right time to pull it out and have a look anyways.
  21. Do I dare ask what the cost was to replace it with the Eaton? I’ll be swinging the gear with my A&P probably every 100 hours to be on the lookout for anything odd. Strangely enough, I read an article that stated the plessey actuator was actually more robust than the Eatons internally, but obviously no support is an issue.
  22. Looking to comply with the service information letter for plessey gear actuators, that calls for replacing the torsion spring at 1000 hours. After some research, it appears there is no supply of these springs anywhere. Seems a few people have recommended trying to source an Eaton actuator, but I feel that is a little extreme. My question is this, has anyone produced an owner produced part for this application? If not, I was going to see if there was a spring at a wrecking yard I could have the metallurgy tested, and a few new ones machined. Would anyone be willing to share their findings if they went this route, or willing to participate if I go this route?
  23. I was going to use LPS2, but I’ve read it doesn’t meet the lubrication requirements. I have a bunch in my hangar too...
  24. I was actually looking at the zip chem stuff, this is the one that meets the requirements from the MX manual. https://zipchem.com/Pages/optional-backgrounds/d5261.htm
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