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Caesar 15

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Everything posted by Caesar 15

  1. M20TN_Driver, Email me at tbraddavis@gmail.com
  2. Dan, do you still need?
  3. Beautiful panel. A lot of thought and work went into this one!
  4. Thank you everyone for your interest. The Mooney is currently sale pending and about to go to a prebuy. I’ll post here if the deal falls through. Thank you, -B
  5. Thanks guys. This is what I was looking for.
  6. My local mechanic fixed my loose nose gear….the steering was a little squirrelly on landing. He said two rod ends were worn out and rigged incorrectly. He charged me for 32 hrs of labor. What is a reasonable amount of labor to fix this problem? Also, he replaced the seal around the ram air intake door. What’s a reasonable cost and/or labor time to fix this? 7.2 hrs of labor seems excessive to me. Thanks for any input you can offer. -Brad
  7. Just curious ballpark what reasonable price means? I'm trying to roughly estimate what it will cost to overhaul vs replace the engine mount on my 67F. Thanks.
  8. Great looking airplane!!! Should sell fast!
  10. 1967 Mooney M20F Exec 21 This has been a great 150KTAS cross-country airplane that I've used to commute between Greensboro, NC and Columbus, MS for USAF Reserve duty. I simply want to upgrade and mamma bear wants air conditioning. The engine compressions are all 75+ and it has served me well - lots of IFR, ILS & GPS approaches to near minimums, etc. The panel is updated with an Aspen 1000Pro, Garmin 430w, Garmin 796 (yoke mounted), and Century III A/P that all work together. The color JPI EDM730 helps to maximize fuel efficiency and keep close tabs on the engine. It just came back from Wet Wingologists in May 2022 with a COMPLETE FUEL TANKS RESEAL. The tanks are under warranty for 7 years! Log Books are available upon request. Email: tbraddavis@gmail.com IO-360-A1A (2000hr TBO) Hartzel Prop with “B” hub no AD Times will change as it flies regularly TTAF – 4680 Tach Times Last 7 Annuals SMOH – 1650 2022 – 4682 SPOH – 1119 2021 – 4541 Useful Load – 1032 2020 – 4376 Annual – due June 2023 2019 – 4212 IFR Cert – due June 2024 2018 – 4090 Compressions 75/80, 75/80, 75/80, 75/80 2017 – 3927 Location – Rockingham/Shiloh, NC KSIF 2016 – 3789 -and Golden Triangle, Columbus, MS KGTR Paint - some chips on the belly, but nice shine on top. Interior - seats and seat-belts are in good shape. Paneling is original. Carpet is in good shape. Performance: 155kts TAS ROP 10.5gph +/- 5kts depending on GW and atmospheric conditions 145kts TAS LOP 9gph +/- 5kts depending on GW and atmospheric conditions ASPEN EFD1000pro Aspen EA100 Autopilot Converter Garmin GTX330ES ADS-B out Garmin GDL39-3D ADS-B in Garmin GNS430WAAS Garmin GMA340 audio panel Garmin GPS796 hardwired to G430w (wx, traffic, flight plans) JPI EDM730 color engine monitor w/ fuel flow Narco mk12d nav/comm w/ glideslope, OH’d 2020 Century III autopilot w/ Altitude Hold LED Lights all around Pilot & Co-pilot push to talk Electric Gear 4-place intercom Speed mods for 201: Aileron and flap seals Wing root and dorsal fairings Oil cooler relocation Wheel well seals Recent Maintenance: 8/2022 - New prop cable and lever 5/2022 – Complete fuel tank reseal & fuel sump system, Wet Wingoligists 12/2020 – Overhauled entire exhaust system 3/2019 – Top overhaul Aero Engines of Winchester 1/2018 – All new engine hoses 11/2017 – New airspeed indicator & new alternator & starter 2/2017 – autopilot overhaul ($5k AP Central Tulsa, OK) & new fuel pump 11/2017 – New camshaft and lifters 4/2015 – Paint 3/2013 – All new landing gear bisquits 2013: Deer strike 1985: gear up landing
  11. Decades in the making...I'm finally an aircraft owner after flying for 30 years. Proud to enter the Mooney family with my new-to-me 1967 M20F Exec 21. I look forward to learning from the old-timers on here and hopefully can add some value as well. Many thanks to Mike Schmuff for a seamless aircraft transfer and checkout. A very good dude! -Brad "Spud" Davis
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