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M Terry

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  1. Andy Wright at Watts-Woodland airport. https://www.airframe.com
  2. I have a complete King HSI system, working when removed to put in a G5 KI 525A indicator KG 102A directional gyro the vibration dampening mount for the gyro KMT112 Magnetic azimuth transmitter the one part I don't have to sell is the slaving accessory $2900, Ill cover the shipping
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  3. Don't Get the electric ones from precise flight. They are good for about 12 minutes of use before you have to pull them and send them back for a 3000 dollar repair, or more likely, just be told they need to be replaced. if you have something that works with a cable and a lever, stick with it.
  4. There is a F model with the J bar for sale at KEDU: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/avo/d/davis-mooney-m20f/7781591294.html
  5. Airframe company at Watts-Woodland Airport. They do my annuals and repairs. Andy is a Mooney expert and enthusiast. https://www.airframe.company/services
  6. I have an 8 inch android tablet with Avare for charts and plates, mounted on a suction cup ram mount on the left side window just in front of my left shoulder.
  7. Has anyone converted their bird with electric gear to a Johnson Bar?
  8. I had a similar occurrence, landing at sea level, full rich, cool day. Engine cut out just as I let the nose wheel down on the pavement. Started right up when I bumped the starter. Had the Idle and idle mixture adjusted and it didn't happen again until one day when I did a power off 180, saw I was coming up short so I pulled the prop lever all the way back to extend the glide. I easily made the runway but the prop stopped before I touched down the idle seems correct when warmed up on the ramp, although I find that the fully retarded throttle stop is a little soft. If I just pull it gently back I idle around 650. If I pull it firmly against the stop it goes down to 500-550. Now when I land I slightly back off the throttle from the idle position
  9. Airframe company in Woodland O41 https://www.airframe.company/
  10. I have the STL file, get it here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4340751 a 3d printing shop in Irvine made one for me, the avionics shop painted it and put the letters on,
  11. I was a bit bulky and more resistant to flexing than the pre-repair duct. But it was completely cured the same day and I was able to squish it into place. The permatex never cured. Weeks later the smudges of the excess on the bench of my room temperature workspace are still tackey
  12. I tried this but the RTV was still tacky a week later, and I found a new hole in the duct. Another thread suggested using a composite tank sealant instead so I re-did it with 2 layers of fiberglass and the tank sealant above and below each layer of cloth. I used cotton thread wrapping to keep the gooey fabric tucked into each of the corrugations. Seems pretty bombproof now. I also added myself to the Lasar wait-list. I spoke to a A&P at one of the MSCs, He said they wrap them with the self-bonding silicone tape from Spruce
  13. Indeed, the RTV remained tacky and a week later i found another hole in the duct. I re-did it with 2 layers of fiberglass and the tank sealant above and below each layer of cloth. I used cotton thread wrapping to keep the gooey fabric tucked into each of the corrugations. Seems pretty bombproof now. I also added myself to the Lasar wait-list. I spoke to a A&P at one of the MSCs, He said they wrap them with the self-bonding silicone tape from Spruce
  14. there is an earlier thread about repairing this duct rather than replacing it. I Recently use the method of painting on RTV then two layers of fiberglass cloth. I'm going to inspect it frequently to see how it holds up
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