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  1. you realize they already own a domain. aviationconsumer.com it literally costs nothing to set up another email box on the hosting plan THEY ALREADY PAY FOR. all this does is telegraph out of touch amateurs. the publication is fine. I stopped getting it some years ago
  2. Perhaps you should try flying fl180 and above.
  3. Nothing screams professional like a Hotmail account.
  4. I don't think we could get a mil smooth. I can't remember. Avemco wanted the IPC and others wanted the cirrus annual embark or whatever they call it. If I remember right the IPC had to be with a csip. The IPC was the path of least resistance as one of my partners was a csip. Mind you this is for a commercial, multi, cfi, cfii too. I are not a csip though I should become one. It pays well
  5. When I went to brand c, I had to have an IPC every year too. Never made sense
  6. At the end of the day.....I just don't care.
  7. One time I was t sure the master was off and I paid $90 to rake a car service back to the fbo to check
  8. Hope it doesn't end up in a cornfield, like raptor
  9. Our current j the seller wouldn't even let my mechanic and partner do a prebuy. He wanted us to pay his mechanic to remove panels at the direction of my mechanic looking over his shoulder not touching anything. Bizarre.
  10. Lived in Denver and flew all over Colorado. I wouldn't even consider a na airplane for that mission. Any of the turbo mooneys will be fine. Had a 231 and it was fine. Had a rocket and it was finer. Had several sr22t and they were even finer. If you want to fly that route ifr reliably you want fiki. Acclaim. Bravo. Whatever fits the budget do it. Yeah you can make it work in a j or something but it'll just suck. I will say I prefer having two turbos over one. For reasons.
  11. I hate getting in and out. Once you own something easy to get in it's really irritating to go backwards
  12. We ran ours off a USB port and kept backup batteries. You have to unplug the power cord from the o2d2 for it to switch over to battery so lithium batteries last forever basically as we just left it plugged in to USB all the time. It's not about the cost of the O2 it's about the convenience of never needing to fill on the road.
  13. Engine not supported no adsb and outdated panel? Sounds like he's on crack to me I do kinda lust for a liquid rocket though.
  14. Idk man. I was already wondering about taking the actuator motor to a non approved shop. I just do what my mechanic lets me get away with. Lol
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