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Everything posted by GeeBee

  1. Get'em while they're hot! Because when they are gone, they are gone.
  2. I'll second that. I would buy that in a heart beat.
  3. I would agree the price point is unreasonable at present. The SMA engine however has the advantage it can be overhauled and it is air cooled.
  4. I too believe that diesel power plants running Jet A are the future. I looked into developing an STC for the Continental unit for a PA-18. The problem with the Continental diesels as now constituted is recurring and expensive gear box inspections and the fact that the engine is a "throw away". There is no overhaul allowed when it reaches TBO which is really called "end of life". For a Mooney, the SMA SR305-230 would be a much more viable option.
  5. Here is the final paperwork https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/03/25/2020-06312/oxygen-mask-requirement-supplemental-oxygen-for-emergency-descent-and-for-first-aid-turbine-engine
  6. It is very hard to blow over a hangar with a DH 104! Even with all 4 running.
  7. If SwiftAire was still in business that would not have happened.
  8. There is no need to over tighten the cap, it is a venting cap anyway. I looked both at the CAV ice systems parts list and the Mooney parts list and they only list the whole assembly p/n 4665 I would call Jason Jennings at CAV ice systems 913 738 5397, that is his direct dial and see what can be done. He is very helpful.
  9. Bingo! I've worked at both, was a fuel manager of an FBO. Your local Shell dealer not only does not own the fuel in his tank, the price on the street sign and pumps is controlled by Shell.....directly. He just collects the money. On the other hand, most FBO's pay cash on the barrelhead. You better have a check ready for the truck driver or he has "paid" on the off load bill. It used to really hurts cash flow to write a check for a load of fuel because it comes back so slowly. By the time you pay for the load, sell the load and get paid by VISA or AMEX (who take their sweet time) you can find yourself in a cash flow bind real quick. Equally so FBO's do not have milk, beer and high margin snacks to sell. I was recently informed by a RaceTrac VP that their number one profit centers is....an ATM. Their number two is lottery tickets. He says, "gas is just to get you in the door."
  10. I know because I still get the emails from Flight Ops that mask cleaning has been an issue for the past month. The change has been requested for several years and rejected. Maybe having a former airline pilot as the Administrator plus the corona virus brought the whole thing to a head.
  11. Most "soda water" is brought to the store by a "transfer truck". Now I'm "fix'n to "carry" my wife to that same store. I'm a Californian, but I married a Southern Belle 5 years ago. I've learned to speak southern out of necessity.
  12. Actually. I am told it was a response to Corona virus spread. Still looking for the FAA document to see all who it covers.
  13. For all you multi crew member guys, the FAA is only requiring remaining pilot to wear a mask above FL410 when. the other leaves the station.. I have yet to see the new rule if it is a company based waiver or nationwide rule change. Result of coronavirus
  14. KATL has mass scanning. There are cameras. in the arrivals area as you arrive. The image is computer analyzed and some one sits at a screen behind closed doors. If you are detected someone comes and gets you.
  15. Hot tub.....aka MRSA pit. Out of the fire into the frying pan.
  16. The reason why Japan, Taiwan and to a lesser extent South Korea were successful is because they were deeply scarred by SARS. They rebuilt their health systems in the expectation that China would deliver another virus. They were spot on.
  17. Hank is correct. GE for several years has been using additive process for compressor and turbine blades. GE sees it as the method in the coming years.
  18. To quote "Mayhem" in the Allstate commercials, "I'm a thousand years of tiger DNA waiting to pounce".
  19. My self quarantine was a complete and total failure. Got it!
  20. There are two pneumonia vaccines. One is for bacterial the other for viral. You need both to be protected. The viral vaccine is not for covid 19 but evidence is mounting that those who have had the vaccine have a very low incidence of covid 19 developing into pneumonia.
  21. Have you had the pneumonia vaccines?
  22. That is all very nice, but bravery and cunning of individual war fighters cannot overcome large strategic disadvantages of numbers, and range. It is why the Navy is pressing so hard on the UAT.
  23. So your response when the Falklands is attacked again, now is to nuke Buenos Aires? When Putin decides to re-aquire the Baltics is to do what? How many aircraft will you send and how will you refuel them? You see refueling gives you a huge tactical advantage and that is combat payload and stay on station. You are not going to fly from the UK to the Baltics with a full combat payload nor will you be able to loiter/engage enemy aircraft. Let me however give you a more realistic scenario. The Iranians begin attacking UK flagged ships and tankers. How many aircraft can you sortie? Sure you can send a war ship or two but where is their air cover? Or the Chinese attack a US ship in the South China sea and Article 5 is invoked. How many?
  24. Use Piddle packs! I don't know if I should laugh or cry at this line from the website. ""Voyager is the RAF’s sole air-to-air refuelling (AAR) tanker and also operates as a strategic air transport. "
  25. Yep they did, hard to see in the rain though.
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