Personally, I find the vernier controls to be cumbersome, especially the throttle. My old E Model had levers, like a throttle quadrant. I loved it. My Ovation has the verniers. The nice thing about them is that you can really dial in precisely the controls. I could do so just as well with the levers on my E Model.
As for touch & go's in a Mooney - no thank you. it may take a little more effort, but taxi back and make each landing full stop. T & G's are horribly tough on an engine, and you need to reconfigure for departure. I know some people will say just do the T & G without reconfiguring, as the down flaps will offset the nose up trim. I've done that, don't like it.
My first Mooney flight was in an E model while I was in flight training. It had the johnson bar gear and flaps. The flight school made it very clear - no T & G's were permitted in the Mooney.