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    Scottsdale, AZ
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    Music, Aviation, Jeeps, Computers & Tech
  • Model
    77' M20C

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  1. Mine is in the same position as @Pasturepilot I think the placement is perfect.
  2. I have a 1977 M20C SN 20-1242. It is definitely an oddball with what seems to be a hybrid C/J of some sorts & seems to cause some confusion at times.
  3. I did pretty much all of my PPL training in my Mooney. Took me about a year in my own plane with a lot of down time fixing & upgrading just to get my PPL. You are limited to the instructor’s time too so any airplane issues that come up, you are stuck. It took me longer than had I just rented or went through a flight school, cost more than a flight school. You may be limited to which plane you buy. I had to find a plane with co-pilot brakes which at the time there was only one, the one I bought. I had to do a lot of upgrades & updates to get it where I wanted it. Going on 3 years now with my Mooney and I’m about to hit 250 hours in it but I lack the experience of flying several different airplanes which you would likely get going through a flight school. It’s doable for sure & now that I’m done I don’t regret it but just plan on everything taking longer than you think & it will be more challenging as an owner. DM me if you want more info.
  4. I have an extra rear seat if you need one. Feel free to shoot me a DM.
  5. I’m out at Deer Valley. Just finished my annual & I’m itching to fly. Shoot me a DM if you want to come check out my 77 M20C & compare the short body. - Matt
  6. For the past few weeks, I haven’t been able to fly because I’m finishing up my annual. For the past few days, there has been an airplane doing circles like I’ve never seen from my home airport. 4.5 hours today circling & this aircraft has been circling the same spot hours at a time for the past few days. It’s strange. Maybe golf related. I couldn’t imagine circling this much. Look it up: N44959 “http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N44959/history/20210525/2052Z/KDVT/KDVT”
  7. I helped with adding my AV-30C as a primary AI. I think we logged about 6 hours but only because we took our time & took care of some other wiring odds & ends. I’d say for and experienced & competent installer, 4-6 hours should cover it. You will also need to factor in another pitot/static test in there too but $8k seems ridiculous.
  8. Gotta love Mooneyspace. Between eBay, Texas Air Salvage & @Shiny moose, I should have a suitable fuel cap. Thanks!
  9. I actually bought the O rings ahead of time in anticipation of replacing them this year. Unfortunately, one of the internal springs is only half there & seems & I haven’t been able to find a replacement spring so my only option is to get a another complete assembly.
  10. I’ll take it.
  11. Found this image online but it’s the same one.
  12. Going through my annual this week & my mechanic says I need a new fuel cap. I called Lasar & they can get one for $4k ... yes - $4,000! Im assuming someone has a spare lying around? matt
  13. Boris is my CFI too. He helped me bring my plane home when I purchased it as a student pilot & Did my instruction through my PPL earlier this year. He knows his stuff.
  14. +1 for KDVT. I live in Scottsdale but I prefer DVT to SDL.
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