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Kyle Koukol

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  1. Interesting! Nope, we still have the S-TEC. Funny enough, I came across this same picture on a bulletin board at Lincoln Airport in California.
  2. Hi @spitzfyre Great question and welcome to the Mooney world! I would love to help you out in your search for your first Mooney. Just sent you a private message. Looking forward to hearing from you. Kyle Koukol
  3. Hi @ZuluZulu, good question! Neal (of Latitude) and I are still working together. He is an amazing mentor that took me under his wing to allow him the opportunity to build his business as well as help me start my own.
  4. Congratulations Bob! So excited for you and your new J. Thank you again for the opportunity to work with you in this acquisition, I look forward to following your adventures with your new machine!
  5. Hi @MooneyPoor, Do you mind adding me to the list as well? CFI based in San Francisco Bay Area. I also have a CFI, CFII, MEI brother that is based in the Sacramento area. His name is Keenan Koukol and is also happy to help anybody in need of a Mooney instructor.
  6. So this photo does not really give a good view, but the new windows are in. I went with the UV grey tint all the way around after reading some of the suggestions from this thread. It does not look too much different the clear glass, but the temperature drop is significant. I would estimate that the airplane is at least 10-15 degrees cooler in the cabin than previously. It was very well worth the investment. In addition, I also bit the bullet and bought a Redline Side Winder tug. It fits my mission perfectly and moves the airplane extremely well. I will say, it is a paint to get in and out of the nose gear though... Finally, I am excited to announce that I have joined Latitude Aviation as an aircraft broker. Many of you are familiar with Neal Schwartz at Latitude Aviation as he is well-known and highly respected in the aircraft sales/brokerage world. I have been fortunate to work with Neal in the past in several different capacities, and he recently asked me to join him at Latitude Aviation as his business is rapidly growing. As an experienced pilot and Mooney owner/operator, I look forward to providing other Mooney owners with the same high level of customer service that Latitude Aviation has been providing to the general aviation community for years. If you are interested in discussing our aircraft brokerage services please feel free to contact me anytime.
  7. Thanks Nick! It has been a ton of fun to renovate over the years. The projects continue to build, which is always fun to manage!
  8. I have had the great fortune of having quite a few memorable trips, so much so that I am struggling to decide which story to tell! I think the one that stands out the most was a trip in late May to see my college best friend up in Boise, Idaho. The 201 was certainly up for the three-hour flight from Novato, CA (DVO) to Caldwell, ID (KEUL). It was great to catch up with Dylan and he fired up his Traeger almost immediately upon my arrival, always a welcome treat. I did quite a bit of research both on MS and the Idaho Backcountry website to see if/where we could fly for some light backcountry. Garden Valley, Idaho (U88) fit the bill almost perfectly. It sits at 3,177', is 3,800' long and is very well maintained. Dylan and I packed our lunches and headed out for a long day of exploring Idaho. I did quite a few T/O and landings to get a feel for her soft-field performance. After spending a few hours exploring along the river, we took off for Cascade, ID (U70), overflew Johnson Creek (3U2), and landed McCall, ID (MYL) for a little picnic on the wing break. After a few more days of flying around, I decided to head east to meet up with an old high school buddy in Darby, Montana (6S5). I fell so in love with Idaho on that trip, that it called my girlfriend and I back up for a trip a bit later in the year, which will be another post! Little did I know, I would fly my last trip on the beloved 757 a few days later, off to a new Boeing!
  9. Kyle Koukol


    I am fortunate to have a few professional photographer friends, these are some of their air-to-air images.
  10. Hank, great point. I decided to go with the tint. I also tinted my dark grey Subaru with the ceramic tint, and it must keep the temperature in the car down at least 25 degrees in this hot Sacramento summer- so I totally relate to your experience. Thanks for the input.
  11. @gsxrpilot@tmo @Skates97 That tint looks excellent, great blog post too. That is the first I have come across that. I did decide to go with windows all the way around, as these windows have been in the airplane for a long time, it's going back to the paint shop for touch-ups, etc. However, I think I will use this technique to go darker with the rear windows, it really looks amazing. Thanks for the heads up, guys.
  12. Good to know, thanks Tom. Will advise if I decide to go with them.
  13. Tom, I am seriously considering it. Did you do the .25"? Also do you notice it being significantly cooler than the non-tint? My side windows are currently in decent shape, but the tint would be nice to have all around. It looks great on your airplane! Kyle
  14. Hi all! Just a few pictures from some recent flying with friends in the Bay Area. CT has been busy with trips to Idaho, Montana, up and down California (even Truckee, where she performed like a champion). She is in her annual inspection right now getting a few more upgrades. New windshield being the primary one (.25" UV Grey), I am excited to see it with some fresh glass. Finally, Golden Retriever puppy Charlie came along in March... maybe she needs a brother, Tango??
  15. Yep, just had this same experience yesterday. It's too bad, they really do look nice. Oh well, we are moving forward with our original plan of installing the Whelen LED lights instead.
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