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About Janat83

  • Birthday 09/16/1983

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  1. I believe YES you can paint your antenna as long as the paint doesn't have any metal in it.
  2. Hello Mooniacs My airplane (68' M20C) is going for annual in June and today I was looking at my nose gear when airplane was jacked for tire repair. See the link below : https://photos.app.goo.gl/iTFAV5gGAzSPFF286 For experienced people, Is this a normal play on the nose gear? I don't have any serious shimmy issues at this time however I had very little shimmy twice in the last couple months I don't know if this is related! Thank you in Advance Moustafa Janat
  3. It's been there since few months, was able to locate other source and fixed it but now I think it's related to the breather tube position
  4. Yes left side (pilot side), I have corrected my post, my mechanic said he will look at this next annual in April but I wanted to know if someone have some thoughts that might be helpful, thanks again
  5. Hello Mooniacs I'm concerned about oil streaks on my left inner walls of my engine cowling, I see oil coming from the breather tube and probably that little hole in that tube. I have attached some pictures for you to give your opinion or to share how your breather tube is positioned. Best Regards Moustafa Janat
  6. Did you check oil level before you fly and after you land, do you know approximately how much oil you lost? I don't know if there's any gasket in that oil line elbow fitting, but you might need to check for any cracks in the case, you need to clean the engine and run it on ground then inspect, I'd ground the airplane until you find out the reason for oil leak. Not a mechanic but I had to deal with many oil leaks events in my engine.
  7. Get this TIE DOWN/JACK POINT COMBO https://lasar.com/tie-downs/tie-down-jack-point-combo-ss-tie-down-wing
  8. I had my 1968 M20C since 4 years now, flew it almost 400 hrs, no carb ice issues, it's better to have a carb temp gauge, even though I remember only twice I had the carb temperature warning when it was around icing temp, but no carb icing at all, I don't usually use the carb heat on approach unless If I was in imc and temperature around freezing, pitot heat on whenever near freezing and visible moisture.
  9. I'm glad you're OK, sad story and I'm shocked to know that it happened that fast.
  10. Dear Mooniacs I have Dual G5s hooked up to an Avidyne IFD440, during recent approaches, the G5 doesn't automatically turning the course to the ILS (Auto slew) , I had to manually turn the course to the Localizer approach course, I have included both settings pages of the ifd440 and G5s in the link below. https://photos.app.goo.gl/RdH2qUACQQgxrAVt9 Appreciating your help. Moustafa Janat
  11. I used the fitting from the other side to do it this year, but I definitely need to find a solution as the other one might get broken as well from being removed multiple times, taking the broken thread wasn't easy and took at least 2 hrs, very tight place.
  12. Thank you guys for your comments, looks like it's not direct replacement part, I'll share your comments with my mechanic and see what he want to do. Best Regards MOUSTAFA
  13. The grease fitting on my left main as shown in the picture was broken, I couldn't locate the right part number, I got 2 different parts from aircraft spruce that didn't match as shown in the pictures, your help is much appreciated. 1968 M20C manual gear
  14. I like your logic about when to do the overhaul, good luck and thanks for sharing such great information here.
  15. The service manual calls for 2 fuel Senders per tank, needs to be confirmed by your mechanic or with someone who already installed them.
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