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BlueDun last won the day on December 16 2020

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About BlueDun

  • Birthday 09/30/1969

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    New Jersey
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    M20R Ovation 3
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  1. Mine was already WAAS when I acquired it in 2019. I do not believe engine data logging requires WAAS. Have you checked whether logging is enabled in the MFD settings?
  2. Mine is a 2006. I can download the file Saturday for you.
  3. I assume you mean deleted from a G1000?
  4. Twin at my uncontrolled field consistently flies and enters a right base instead of overhead entry to midfield left downwind or to the 45 for left downwind.
  5. New York is outstanding. Go through regularly. They are fast but incredibly helpful.
  6. David did an outstanding pre-buy for me, my first annual, and other work. Very happy experience.
  7. Very happy with the service. Occasionally, their serving as an intermediary slows things down. That drawback is more than mitigated by knowledge, having a second ear, troubleshooting, break down service, etc. Last year, I saved so much money on a complicated problem, after their negotiation, the service easily covers itself for over the next decade.
  8. I had a similar problem with my GIA63w 1 LRU. Host of problems. We cleaned all connections and re-racked. Just picked it up and have had no problems for 10 hours.
  9. This is an original factory-installed G1000 and GFC 700 installation, I believe, so perhaps the panel was legacy just prior to that configuration. Anyway, that flap velcros down to keep things from sliding out. Inside is a small quick guide to the G1000, a book in which I record VOR checks, and lense microfiber.
  10. I don't mind, but of course I am used to it. The small section in the lower left of the PFD -- where traffic is -- can be switched to a moving map with route. Yes., that's small but it can be done. I love the huge attitude indicator, horizon, HI, etc. Safe and easy to fly.
  11. Sorry for delay responding, @T. Peterson. Attached are settings from a recent flight at 13 gph LOP, 2400 RPM at 8,000 feet. That gave me 169/170 TAS. That same day I was 165 kt at 12.5 gph. Specifically, I was wide open throttle on a high pressure day of 30.08 and it was 5 C colder than standard. At 10,000' I am at 170 TAS or so with 12.5 gph. At 13 gph I am in low 170s. Keep in mind that I have speed penalty of at least a couple knots because I have both air conditioning and FIKI. It was later not a factory option to get both. Ovation 3, IO-500-N, 3-blade Hartzell, air conditioning, FIKi, G1000 WAAS.
  12. That's right. You are lean of peak at that fuel setting and with that airflow. If your cylinder temps look good -- which you verified -- it's a good plan. It's *roughly* 70%. You then verified the setting with good engine temps. If you had stayed rich, you would have been closer to 75%, I think. It's good to have simple go-to settings. I highly recommend it. I took this course and am thoroughly comfortable setting my engine in different ways: https://www.advancedpilot.com/onlinecourse.html THAT SAID, no need to over think: 95% of the time i keep it really, really simple and fly. I climb for full power (which may mean some leaning for high altitude), stay wide open throttle and pull mixtures straight back to 13 or 13.5 gph for cruise, and then monitor CHT. (IO550 in an Ovation 3). That gives me 60- 65%, roughly. Hope this helps you as you learn.
  13. I agree. The link of modern avionics (computers) and all the innovation they bring on a continual basis makes no sense to be connected to the certification. Certification exists for safety and related purposes. The "rules", such as they are, now cut against that purpose. It seems, and I hope I am wrong, that we live in an odd world where a certificated Mooney pre-G1000 can be upgraded to the latest tech without becoming experimental, but a more modern aircraft cannot. This makes no sense.
  14. I am sorry, but it's not clear what you are asking. Clues to what? I have a 2006, G1000, WAAS, GFC700. Happy to help with more info. Open the aux page group of the MFD after power on. Highlight the LRU list with the FMS knob. Scroll down to PFD 1. The LRU software will be listed.
  15. Yes, and I suspect some owners don't know it and a fair number of mechanics don't notice the slight bend. Anyway, the factory did help us and, once contacted, after the holidays last year, I think it took 4-6 weeks. We were originally told 20, if not in stock.
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