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Bob Weber

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  1. Regretfully Eric, I hear that story all too often. I wish I could have met you when you started down that road, I have assisted many with the same issues to success. Troubleshooting is an art in its self, troubleshooting autopilots is a challenge without a lot of experience and training on them
  2. Warren emailed me, I will return with a call. Eric I can help you get yours back up and running if you would like, contact me at 616 822 1999 9am-5pm Eastern.
  3. NAV and APR modes use Course Datum and CDI to navigate the " Raw Data" like we were taught in training. The course select is like a heading bug to set the intercept of a course. Once established on course with centered CDI, the course is allowed to drift slowly for wind correction. I like the GI 275's and your KAP 150 will love them when correctly installed and set up.
  4. Thanks for the response, we found one. The servo will be shipped half way around the world to a guy in the middle of circumnavigating it!
  5. Anyone removing a Century 2000 autopilot from an M20K? We're looking for a pitch servo to replace a bad one.
  6. That could be a slipping clutch.
  7. I have a fresh tagged by Bevan Aviation KC 192 -03 with rack.
  8. The GI 275 most certainly was designed specifically for interface with many legacy Autopilots, when properly aligned they shine! I can assist your shop in troubleshooting this, Have them give me a call and I can point them in the right direction. 616 822 1999 mon-fri 9am-5pm Eastern. This should be simple to correct, the GI 275 is a wonderful upgrade from the KI 256 and this is certainly not the first attempt at interfacing one to a KC 19(x) computer..
  9. I've got you covered, just sent you an email.
  10. The biggest killer of breakers is a loose connection in my experience. I recommend checking all the screws for tight, anytime you find yourself in that area. My all time winner so far, a breaker switch feeding an avionics master buss in a 340A. The "Australian Hall of Flame", a foot of the 10 gauge wire feeding it needed replaced as well. His trim system worked better than he ever remembered after the repairs.
  11. I would be very interested in what "other stuff" was pulled. That is a rather complicated installation and should have been 2 bolts on the mount and a Winchester connector. I would be happy to give advice to make sure that thing goes back in just right, I have the installation manual that will be needed, especially if the cable and mount are loose. webairconsulting.com
  12. Jake will treat you fair and very thorough, I was going to recommend him.
  13. I can assist here, it isn't too difficult. where are you sending it and what is the failure? Bob Weber webairconsulting.com
  14. https://webairconsulting.com/ You are welcome I assist folks all over the planet troubleshooting the old systems I spent 40+ years installing and repairing. Quite often my guidance can navigate you thru the diagnostics without swinging a prop! My record time was 15 minutes, a guy with a Cessna 340A, flying in the soup routinely, in Queensland Australia with his family aboard. We spoke for 5 minutes ground checking the system looking for a trim issue in his 400B IFCS system. He hesitated after I had him turn on the Avionics Master, saying "it does this sometimes". I could hear him flipping the switch several times before he said OK what's next? When I asked him about what just happened, he said the radios won't come on without flipping the switch like I heard. I answered his question by requesting he put an out of service tag on the aircraft and send me a picture of it. in minutes I got the pics from 9,000 miles away. Where's waldo? He said it was doing this for years and getting worse...
  15. Jake is the best for the repairs, I work with him regularly while guiding fully capable shops navigating thru issues with systems unfamiliar to them, some times even requiring an interpreter. Once we diagnose the issue, I have the suspect component/s sent to Jake often discussing the project with him before he receives it. For far less than the cost of the trip, I can guide your local shop thru the tasks needed, once diagnosed, you will be well on your way to the resolve. Let me know if I can help. Bob Weber Autopilot Consultant https://webairconsulting.com/
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