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Everything posted by ZuluZulu

  1. Garmin Support has been absolutely stellar in every interaction I've had with them. One of the best in aviation in my opinion.
  2. “Alright, first question for you: any chance you might be planning on dying soon?”
  3. 3) Before you chase too many leads, I would try forgetting (deleting) the Bluetooth device from within your iPhone settings, then re-pair it like you would any new device. See if the issues continue, and if so, I might reach out to Bose at that point.
  4. https://iflyei.com/product/r-1-rpm-tachometer-instrument/
  5. If you wanted to get carpet or seal the floor, now is a great time to consider doing it. It'll never be this easy again!
  6. Any temporary premium savings would probably be eaten up by the costs associated in at least three aircraft transactions (purchase of the beater, sale of the beater, purchase of his J). It may seem attractive to lower the premium on a short-term basis, but keep in mind it's not free to buy and sell airplanes, either, so he'll be paying the piper one way or another.
  7. This makes a great stocking stuffer! ...assuming you have a really big stocking.
  8. LASAR also has a checklist. https://lasar.com/prebuy-check-list
  9. There’s no such thing as a singular “Prebuy” on the shelf and you can pay more to get a nicer one, like paying more for a Mercedes over a Chevrolet. You’re paying the mechanic for his or her time inspecting the plane, and how much time they need to spend is dependent on what you want them to look for, what hints toward possible issues you’ve gleaned from the logs, and how thorough you want them to be. Do you want them to scour every inch ($$$$) or just do a compression check and call it a day ($)? This should be a discussion with your mechanic about your priorities, a discussion informed by doing your research first as @kortopates describes above. For example, if your priorities are corrosion, engine health, and landing gear shock disks, and as an aside you want the mechanic to look for anything else significant based on an annual checklist, he or she can give you a great idea of how much time that will take, and you can budget accordingly. Prebuys are a garbage in-garbage out system: if you don’t give any guidance on what you want, you may not like the outcome. But if you first have a conversation with the mechanic about what’s important to you and what you’re hoping to learn, your odds can improve dramatically.
  10. Are you looking for someone in Indiana? If not, it’ll help to specify your location.
  11. That’s exactly what I did, but I did it intentionally rather than stumbling upon it as you did: red up front and white in back. I loved the results and hopefully so do you!
  12. I also switched every hour. I had a timer set up on the GTN that would send me a “switch tanks” message every 30 minutes. Worked like a charm.
  13. Engine isn’t new but this might be close.
  14. Bill’s Air Center at El Monte (formerly Santa Monica). Foothill at Cable is an MSC. California Aero Marketing at Fallbrook/John Wayne. (No particular order intended.)
  15. Man, what a waste.
  16. Thanks Lance, I know. It's the exception to my long body list.
  17. There used to be a Porsche Mooney parked at San Carlos (SQL) that always made me sad to see. Anyone know if it’s still there? It wasn’t far from the tower if I remember right.
  18. Ah yes, how could I forget that brilliant business gambit... which worked perfectly, obviously.
  19. @Orville_Wright @Wilbur_Wright hey guys how did it go, any luck? still trying to sell that bicycle?
  20. @Schinderhannes @MarcoT Well gentlemen, you only had to wait five years, but your ships have come in.
  21. Apologies for not foreseeing the future when I posted this two months ago. Sheesh, tough crowd! But you're right, that's far more transparent than anything Mooney has done since the takeover. A sudden flurry of hype and big promises, a new and typo-ridden website with amateur-written copy, a forum no one uses, a "Mooney of the Month" feature that was awarded once and never spoken of again, and that's about it. The carbon cowl and gross weight increase STCs must be coming any minute, but we've heard nothing more about them for years now.
  22. Embedding the video helps him get more clicks...
  23. The new owner of my plane declined the BatteryMINDer. You may need additional hardware since the connector remains attached to the airplane. Also comes with a box of accessories, as pictured. I kept this connected all the time whenever my plane was in the hangar and never had a problem. Asking $150. Available for local pickup at KSEE or I can meet you in Southern California at a mutually agreed time and location. Shipping included if meeting my asking price.
  24. The new owner of my plane didn't need a Sidewinder in a shared hangar, so here it is. Provided me with three years of very reliable service. I carried it in the plane only once (to Catalina to help with camping) and it otherwise resided in my hangar. Comes with the Sidewinder, battery, and charger. Asking $1500. I don't have a Milwaukee tool bag with mine but you can find them on Amazon or other sources for about $20. Redline also sells them on their website if you want one direct from the source. Available for local pickup at KSEE or I can meet you in Southern California at a mutually agreed time and location; otherwise, shipped at actual cost.
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