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About airbuspilot2436

  • Birthday 11/15/2001

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    Geneva, Switzerland
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  1. Haha awesome! Yeah I'm digging around my logbooks and it looks like mine was also in June.
  2. I'd like to set a day where my 1980 M20K rolled off the factory to celebrate it, does anyone know how to find that date? My SN is: 25-0389 Thanks! -T
  3. Yeah that's correct! I decided to go remote to save panel space.
  4. Yes, there were plenty of pictures all over the airplane for reference.
  5. Thanks! I had a prop overspeed which required an engine overhaul, I decided to buy a factory remanufacture instead of keeping the engine as it was the same price.
  6. You are more than welcome! Just shoot me a PM.
  7. This panel upgrade has been a long time coming! A lot of money, and even a new engine later, my panel has finally been finished and the engine is almost done being configured! Below are a couple of pictures. The current panel, the before picture, and a couple of pictures detailing the process! I hope you all enjoy the fancy new tech The original panel, it was very nice! But I couldn't wait to get some glass in it! Here we can see the guts of the flight deck. It was really interesting to me as a pilot to see inside of the airplane, and learn how the electronics and avionics really worked. Back in the avionics shop, the avionics shown above were getting configured. -G500txi with integrated EIS (Engine instruments) -Two G5 backup units -GFC500 autopilot -GTN750 (was then replaced by the Xi version) -GTN650 (was also replaced with Xi) Voila! The panel is done, and I also got time to rewrap my yokes because my new engine took so long to arrive! (Thanks Continental for the 6 months delay!) Speaking of the engine... After an emergency, I had to replace it! Luckily I performed the emergency landing in Bern where the amazing technicians at Airmatec were able to take over the maintenance for me in cooperation with Avionitec for the avionics! And the shiny new engine arrived! Just a few more tweaks left and the airplane will be flying in no time!! I'd like to say thank you to @Rmag for answering my questions last year, I don't know if you remember but you were a great help!
  8. I'd get to keep it or even borrow one from a friend! I don't feel that comfortable doing it without ferry tanks. I know theoretically it's possible but I'd like to plan for a large margin of safety.
  9. Good afternoon from Switzerland! Do any of you guys have experience with the Turtlepac ferry tanks? Will be flying my Mooney from Geneva, Switzerland to New York in late June. Thank you! -Thomas
  10. Anyone have a center armrest on their K? I asked my mechanic and he said he wasn't able to install one due to STC... Is that true?
  11. Haha that's great! Ill check him out, and I'm going to FRG (Farmingdale).
  12. I am planning my first transatlantic crossing with my CFI from Geneva, Switzerland (homebase) to New York. My instructor really recommends visiting Kulusuk (BGKK) in Greenland. The only downside is that it is a Gravel runway. Can my M20K handle it? Would you guys recommend it? Thanks! -Thomas
  13. Hi guys! Before I get into it, it was great to meet many great Mooney owners and pilots at Oshkosh! My question is, do any of you guys know of a club or school in the New York or New Jersey area that rents Mooney's? Preferably the more modern j's, or k's. Thanks ! -Thomas
  14. Beautiful! How much weight did you lose? And how long did it take in the shop?
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