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    M20K 252

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  1. This is true for factory new parts. But it isn't limited to the UK/Europe. I'm waiting for some new landing gear parts for more than a year now, but it's not serious enough to ground the plane. Mooney Service Centers have quite some inventory from cannibalizing other Mooneys.
  2. 6'7" is no problem, but moderate turbulence will bang the headset against the roof.
  3. So I'm thinking about going the opposite direction; I have the Monroy fuel tanks but I have no use for them. As soon as I would board my fully fueled Mooney, I'd be in overweight. Additionally, the LR- tanks leak quite a bit. So I was thinking that, instead of resealing the LR-tanks, I'd plug the connection between the LR-tanks and the main tanks. Is it as simple as that ?
  4. Having flown both (in Europe), I decided to go for a K because I want to punch through the clouds asap. The J took too long for my liking to do this.
  5. Short term ? No. I’m hoping that Aspen’s involvement in UAV might lead to some hardware for our dinosaurs. Avidyne could do with an increase in its portofolio too…
  6. Agreed. I couldn’t do it without removing the Nav/strobe combo.
  7. So no need to remove the strobes in order to get the recog light out ? Just the lens cover ?
  8. Got it, thanks ! Standing-by for the 28V shipment
  9. Looks very cool (wink wink), Brent ! What paperwork did you get with the lights ?
  10. Does this mean we can all expect our invoice this week ? Just so I know to watch my spamfolder…
  11. Follow-up: apparently the TAS stops working as soon as the NGT gets a GPS-fix. Strange, huh ? Shop tries to contact L3 now in order to figure out how to proceed. Looks like a software issue ?
  12. When is the next youtube episode on this project ?
  13. Is Whelen still on track for delivering these end of this year ?
  14. Nice one Philip ! I flew to Propriano last week. No hassle !
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