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Philip France 13

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About Philip France 13

  • Birthday 01/03/1961

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    Flying, Motor Bike BMW GS1200, Ski, Boating, living south of. France, based LFMA
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  1. Hello, I am pilot SEP IR with 3000hrs, and 1700hrs on Mooney. Just relocated to Chicago from France for two years. Mooney M20J MSE OWNER FOR 22 years in France. I have a US license need to do BFR and will do soon. I like to fly (and will contribute to sharing the cost) with you if you have a Mooney and like to have somebody to fly with you. I will offer you to do the same if you visit europe. Pictures of my plane in France. I will be in Oskosh July 27-29.
  2. Hello here is my panel as benchmark
  3. Check the pitot if not clogged. Minimum air speed is needed to allow gear up to operate
  4. Hello Do you have any news regarding SB for GFC500 Autopilot problem with trim issue? Is there a SW fix from Garmin? I am still flying without AP Thanks Philip
  5. I just installed GFC500 with GTN750 G3X… no YD on my J and it works fine, both in Cruze and approaches big improvement to old KAP150 it follows the line in NAV mode
  6. You can get it. Overhauled for reasonable price by globe atlanta
  7. Hello you may just adjust the brightness level going into menu settings Philip
  8. Going with GTN750 one very good option is to install GMA35 remote panel control and use the touch screen of the GTN750 for audio control. Have installed it in my 1st upgrade and love it. Then i kept it going full digital in my secon upgrade. G3X, GTN750, GTN650, GFC500, GTX345… you will not regret Philip
  9. Good help : I will definitively try LOP at my next cross coutry trip when 80k or above. If i got it right : full throttle, 2500rpm, and mixture LOP just passing the peak. Philip
  10. Thanks you are correct. Interesting IFR approach points OMARD stands for LOBSTER, MERLU for HAKE,… all good fish you get in Calvi at the restaurants
  11. Thanks in particular the GAMI CHECK LIST. Philip
  12. Thanks : I will need to read some more. Will do a quick check at FL085 and see 1st Philip
  13. Thanks for the feedback anyway Philip
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